McCraw Law Group
Success Story

McCraw Law Group

  • 100%

    Case Volume Increase

Project Overview

The McCraw Law Group is a personal injury firm based in McKinney, Texas. Owner Lin McCraw has dedicated his practice to helping those seriously injured or defrauded to make financial, physical, and emotional recoveries. From moderate to severe injuries resulting from auto or truck wrecks to product liability cases, McCraw Law Group’s goal is to improve the lives of their McKinney friends and neighbors in need.

After noticing friends and colleagues see impressive conversions and returns by incorporating Crisp brand videos into their marketing strategies, Lin decided to reach out to Crisp to determine if legal video would be a good fit for his objectives.

I viewed several of [Crisp’s] videos and was impressed with their quality.  I then spoke with several people who had Crisp Videos to talk through everything from timeliness, their vision for their videos, limitations and expectations for the videos and then I made the call….I figured that all of the PPC or geofencing in the world does not matter much unless the phone rings.  I was aiming to take warm PNCs and use the video as a conversion tool….To get them to make the call.

Lin McCraw

Lin outlined his goals and expectations, assessed the return he would need to justify the investment, and then pulled the trigger. Read on to discover the strategy behind McCraw Law Group’s video marketing efforts, and the impressive results they experienced almost immediately.


McCraw Law Group is known for being a reliable and supportive presence in the community. As Lin explains:

Our clients choose us because we get better results faster by design.  We systemize the delivery of top-notch personal injury prosecution and execute with integrity.  We do what we say and say what we do. We also look for ways to really be compassionate and help deliver more than just a check to our clients.  We want to improve their lives and their futures. Our clients really are our friends and neighbors. Once they are a potential client/existing client or past client, we nurture the relationship leading to many client-to-client referrals.

Lin identified his main pain point in increasing the number of cases he took on. While plenty of people knew they needed personal injury representation, and they knew of the McCraw Law Group, Lin hoped the video his firm produced with Crisp would convert those warm prospects into paying clients.

With a video that clearly and emotively expressed who Lin was and why he does what he does, he was confident the McCraw Law Group would be the obvious choice from there.

To justify the investment, Lin looked at his firm’s metrics and determined the return he would need to see. He elaborates:

I fortunately was already following my conversions/calls for my existing marketing efforts so I could rely on numbers and not just my gut.  I wanted to see 2 additional cases a month for a year for the investment which would be solidly profitable with the costs of the video spread over a year.

Confident that a thoughtful, high-quality video could provide this return, Lin moved forward with Crisp Video.


Tangible goals identified and clear expectations laid out, we set to work creating a legal video that would provide Lin the results he was looking for.

“The quality of the video had to be second to none,” he named as his first requirement.

If I am going to say that I competently handle the best personal injury cases, I had better be able to invest what I would spend on a trucking case video to tell my own story. Anything less would create a disconnect with the customer.

Lin McCraw

With a legal brand video that presented McCraw in a professional and empathetic way, he would be able to connect emotionally with his warm prospects. With a conversion tool that is both informational and engaging, and above all communicates the admirable “why” behind Lin’s practice, McCraw Law Group would be able to reinforce all the reasons potential new clients were considering choosing them for legal representation.

This type of long storytelling video works best with customers who are already warm to your brand and need a lawyer now.

Lin McCraw (Owner, McCraw Law Group)


McCraw’s brand video went live on their website and various social channels in late December of 2018. Up to that point in the year, they had been converting about 10 new personal injury cases a month.

In January of 2019, McCraw Law Group generated 24 accepted cases.

The only change we made was the introduction of the brand video.

Lin McCraw

In the last three months, Lin estimates an increase of at least 22 additional new case conversions, compared to his firm’s historic average. At this rate, he foresees approximately $352,000 in additional revenue being generated as a result of video conversions this year. Subtracting costs to process those cases, McCraw should still return an estimated $158,400 to more than cover the cost of producing the video and return sizable profits to the firm. This, notes Lin, would come “just from the cases generated this year we would not have gotten but for the brand video.”

Stated another way, the brand video gave us more than a 100 percent increase in cases signed the first month it was on the website.

Lin McCraw

Noting that while the increased case volume in the months since launching the video hasn’t been quite as steep as the initial impact, Lin reports seeing a positive sustained difference month over month.

Remember that Lin determined that 2 additional cases per month for the whole year would provide the return on investment he needed to see from the video. “Because of the initial bump being so great,” he says, “we are already there.

He goes on to share his continuing strategy for the coming months:

I suspect that when we periodically boost the video going forward we will see added results for those months as well.  That is the next test. Interestingly, while internet traffic volume has bounced around some, it has not been appreciably higher than before.  We are getting more conversions with the same internet volume.>

As McCraw Law Group continues to convert at a higher rate than ever before, they expect to only grow from here. And Lin is confident the direction of his marketing and messaging is on the right track.

  • 100%

    Case Volume Increase

  • 1000%

    Projected ROI

Video is here to stay. Do it right and the return should be even greater as the public more and more makes credibility decisions about you based on your video presence, while those who refuse to adjust will continue to split up an increasingly small number to non-tech savvy consumers.

Lin McCraw (Owner, McCraw Law Group)


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