Craig, Kelley & Faultless
Success Story

Craig, Kelley & Faultless

  • 93%

    Increase in Revenue

Project Overview

If you were given the opportunity to change or impact someone’s life in a major way, would you do whatever it was necessary to make that happen? While many people might respond positively but fail to take action, the team over at Craig, Kelley & Faultless are doing so every day — in a big way.

David Craig, William Kelley II, and Scott Faultless founded their firm in 1999 and haven’t looked back. With offices located all throughout Indiana, their personal injury law practice is dedicated to representing people involved in a number of different accidents and injuries, ranging from semi and large truck wrecks to wrongful deaths and everything in between.

The team at Craig, Kelley & Faultless recognizes that the aftermath of a traumatic event is often more than the victim can bear alone, let alone their family members. The first and most urgent question is, “Why did this happen?”

While the answer isn’t always black and white, it’s important to handle every case with a unique approach. Since no two cases are the same, by reassuring every individual client that they will obtain justice, Craig, Kelley & Faultless have been able to create a legacy of strengthening the community through legal action and civic involvement.

Managing Partner David Craig has always believed in the vision of his law firm. He has been fighting to obtain justice for ordinary people against insurance companies, trucking companies, large corporations, and others for over 26 years. The three main pillars of David’s approach to serving his clients are honesty, professionalism, and direct personal attention. Without them, he knows the firm could not have carried on the success as it has for so many years.

This team of superheroes has made a commitment to serve their community through some of the hardest life events they’ve ever endured. Since the law firm’s genesis in 1999, it has continued to grow in number of team members, clients, and cases, and doesn’t show signs of slowing down any time soon.

They realized, however, that there’s always room for improvement, and that everyone can help, do, and be more — that’s when these game changers made the decision to join forces with Crisp Coach.


Despite an ever-growing number of injured people and accidents, it’s not always easy landing the highest quality clients or cases — nor is serving them well a simple matter for human resources. David realized that his firm was facing these challenges and decided to make a change.

Thus began his journey as a member of Crisp Coach, a program designed to accelerate growth, strengthen leadership, and cultivate a culture of success in every law firm. Crisp Coach strives to drive in higher volumes of traffic, improve team communication and delegation, and help law firms develop strategies and procedures to operate at a higher level.

David knew he wanted to focus on aspects of his business from the inside. From being stuck in the mundane day-to-day, managing team members effectively, improving their firm culture, and deciphering ways to differentiate their firm from all of the others, Craig, Kelley & Faultless knew where their challenges stood.

Before becoming a member of Crisp Coach, David Craig had never heard of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Before he knew that his firm needed to implement them, he realized his team members were struggling to meet their goals and operate consistently. Without structure in place, it forced David to take a deeper look at what the problem could be.

While every business owner hopes they’ve built their dream team from the beginning, this often isn’t the case. There’s typically a period of trial and error where every business leader learns what does and doesn’t work. Even in today’s job market, David had trouble finding the perfect candidates — and he wasn’t sure how to hold the ones he had accountable for the highest quality work.

Despite the number of challenges that lay before them, Craig, Kelley & Faultless were determined to make life better for their team members, their firm, and themselves all at once. Beyond the office’s headquarters, however, they realized that changes in their personal lives needed to happen too. Growth doesn’t only occur at work — so why should they believe that’s the case?

I mistakenly thought that I was too busy to get to key things that I wanted to do. For example, I wanted to write a book for years and had started and stopped more times than I would care to admit. Now, I have not only written a book, but I also have a podcast and a blog that expands on the book.

David Craig


Craig, Kelley & Faultless has been a prominent name in the legal industry since 1999, and though they already had success, they knew they wanted more.

Not only did they hope to bring in even more revenue, but they also wanted to improve relationships within their company and find solutions to recurring problems.

The road ahead of them may have seemed daunting, but this law firm was up to the challenge. Joining the Crisp Coach program helped David take the first steps to solving the problems he’d identified. In addition, he received the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded law firm owners and seek life-changing advice every step of the way.

This is because Crisp Coach is dedicated to helping law firm owners:

  • Push past limitations and do what you may have once deemed impossible
  • Provide the tools needed to see exponential growth
  • Plan strategies and procedure in order to run a smooth and successful operation
  • Get to the root of the problem — and solve it

David stepped into a completely customized program, working closely with his Program Advisor (PA) to craft his firm’s path to success based on his unique goals, challenges, and strengths. His growth was supported by a strategically scheduled calendar of workshops, accountability calls, and checkpoints. His PA became his go-to partner, keeping his firm on track to meet his goals.

Alongside leadership growth, team development, and coaching, David worked closely with Crisp’s world-class production team to craft a library of strategically produced videos. Studies prove that, in today’s world, if you aren’t putting out content in video form, then you aren’t doing social media right.

David and his team began by bringing to life all things Craig, Kelley & Faultless in a premium legal brand video.

David chose to not only highlight key differentiators in the firm’s approach and outlook, but also to feature a powerful client testimonial to provide social proof and connect emotionally with potential clients who are going through similar challenging experiences.

To highlight what a typical day at the office looks like, communicate the firm’s core values, and humanize the firm in the eyes of potential clients and prospective new hires alike, David and his team also produced a one-of-a-kind team culture video.

Among many other specialty videos in the Craig, Kelley & Faultless arsenal, David also opted for a selection of helpful and researched FAQ videos to answer the common questions his potential clients have — often before ever needing Craig, Kelley & Faultless. David knew that these videos would be perfect for establishing thought leadership, providing valuable information, and building trust with viewers.

David even wrote a book — at the encouragement of his PA and fellow Crisp Coach members — and leveraged the powerful video medium to announce it and bolster his book launch.

A custom curated collection of videos is great — but what happens once you have them?

That’s where relentless, tenacious Crisp marketing comes in through Social Stack.

The Social Stack program’s main goals are to:

  • Expand a law firm’s messaging to multiple social media channels
  • Reach, connect, and engage with potential clients specific to a particular practice area
  • Stand out in an overly competitive market, especially against larger law practices

If it sounds essential, that’s because it is. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube are the platforms with the largest audiences, highest traffic, and most powerful targeting capabilities. The Craig, Kelley & Faultless message began spreading strategically on these platforms, all managed by a veteran team of Client Success specialists. David’s dedicated Client Success Manager also began connecting with him on a regular basis to report on the status of his firm’s videos, how they’re performing, and what can be done to improve them.

This took the guesswork out of marketing for David and left him to focus on what really matters: improving his firm.

Craig, Kelley, & Faultless

A combination of onsite training sessions (in which Crisp’s certified trainers came to David’s firm to work directly with his team) and hands-on workshops exclusively for firm owners at Crisp’s state-of-the-art Training Center, David equipped himself and his team with numerous strategies to get his organization on the right track.

One of the most impactful new initiatives David implemented in his firm: KPIs. By outlining measurable key performance indicators for each member of his team and building a strategic incentive structure around them, everyone received clarity on what was expected of them and how they could contribute to the firm’s overall success.

The team began working harder to row in the same direction, and the team-building activities and strategies that David learned through Crisp Coach further strengthened the culture at Craig, Kelley & Faultless.

Beyond just improving the communication and collaboration within his own team, David found a new team for himself — the community of like-minded law firm owners in his Crisp Coach group. As part of this group, law firm owners from all over the country come together to talk with, learn from, and grow with each other.

This network allows for meaningful conversations to be had and long-lasting relationships to be made. Leaders learn from one another, support each others’ goals, and hold each other accountable for their commitments. Leaders like David.

This group meets regularly for in-person workshops where they learn new strategies, trade experiences and advice, and enjoy luxury bonuses only available to Crisp Coach members. These are hands-on, roll-up-your-sleeves, working sessions where David filled his toolbox with ideas and solutions that transformed his law firm.

With an online community to fill in the gaps between workshops, David’s Crisp Coach cohort stayed in touch, built referral partnerships, and continued to learn from each other every step of the way.

Every piece of David’s Crisp Coach membership culminated to create an unstoppable force at Craig, Kelley & Faultless. But just how much did it end up impacting their firm?

Craig, Kelley, & Faultless

Crisp holds me accountable. I see other successful law firm owners who are just as busy or busier than me finding time to improve their firms which motivates me to push harder.

David Craig


The results speak for themselves. David Craig wholeheartedly believes in what Crisp Coach has helped him create, from the small scale tips to the huge game changing strategies that are sure to keep improving year after year.

Before joining Crisp Coach, the firm signed cases with a total annual value of $60M. Two years in, their annual case value is well over $116M. That’s a 93 percent increase in revenue — and for the most part, David didn’t have to figure out the ropes on his own. He had a strong support network, a plan to make it happen, and the structure to hold himself accountable.

In addition to larger figures, David realized that he and his team weren’t spending enough time on the things that mattered: their collective well-being. Changing this has had a truly life-changing impact.

“I am working more on my health,” explains David. “As with many things, I justified not doing that because I was too busy. Now, I see Michael and other Crisp Coach members, who are as busy or busier, working to stay in shape and stay healthy. That has changed my perspective and I am getting healthier as a result.”

With a healthier team and a healthier set of results for his law firm, David knew the changes he made through Crisp couldn’t be compared to anything else. He knows that Craig, Kelley & Faultless wouldn’t have generated anywhere near the growth if they had tried to do it on their own. This is why he believes that those in a similar position shouldn’t wait a second longer to join the program.

“The sooner, the better,” urges David. “You probably invested in being a great lawyer — even when it may have hurt. The practice of law is a business. If you don’t invest in your firm and run it like a business, then you may not have one to worry about in the future.”

Though David understands that there are likely even more big changes coming to the legal industry and the workforce in general, his hopes for his firm and determination to succeed are higher than ever.

“[I believe that there will be] more remote workers, more specialization, more money invested in larger firms, and more competition from outside your state,” predicts David.

The name of the game is more; David was able to do more in every aspect of his law firm after partnering with Crisp. By meeting other growth-oriented law firm owners and learning from one another, he was able to implement ideas and tactics he’d never thought of before. Being around a group of people much like himself significantly changed David, and he believes it’s one of the most powerful differentiators for Crisp Coach.

“You are only as good as the people you hang around,” David reminds himself. “I have learned so much from the other members [in Crisp Coach]. I am a work in progress and have always read and learned a lot from reading — but there is nothing better than actually interacting with ambitious and successful law firm owners.”

Craig, Kelley & Faultless is one of many law firms that have generated results that they once deemed unachievable, and yet there’s still more work to be done. Thanks to the dedication they’ve put into the program, they have gotten so much out of it.

With each passing year, new opportunities, goals, and aspirations arise — and Crisp Coach will stand next to them every step of the way.

  • 93%

    Increase in Revenue

"Don’t try to do it all yourself — you have spent years learning how to be a great lawyer. Surround yourself with people who have spent as much time learning to grow and make your law firm more profitable."

David Craig


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