You Must Take Care of Yourself

2 minutes to read

M. Scott Peck says, “Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do any of it.”

Many of us have let ourselves go in the midst of this crisis. Whether you’re not getting enough sleep, not getting enough fresh air, not eating right, or not exercising, it is taking a toll on your ability to be the leader you are called to be.

As a business leader, you should always be taking care of yourself in a way that will allow you to operate in peak state consistently. This breaks down to how you are spending your time and your ability to prioritize properly.

To put it simply, you need to make sure that you put on your own oxygen mask first so that you can then help and support those around you.

There is no denying that we are a stressed-out nation — especially now. The company Whoop did a study of people who wore Whoop bands and found that across the board, people’s strain and heart rate scores were abnormally high right now due to the uncertainty surrounding the current circumstances.

While you cannot control what is happening during this time, you can control the way in which you manage and take care of yourself.

If you are able to manage yourself in terms of your health, fitness, diet, and sleep, not only will you be doing a service to yourself and your family, but you will also be setting a great example for your organization. Conversely, if you are demanding results and encouraging your team to have a high output, but you are not holding yourself to that same standard in the way that you care for yourself, you are being an irresponsible leader.

Remember: the only way you can consistently operate at peak performance is if you look inward and lead by example.

If you agree or disagree with anything Michael said here, he wants to know about it. Text him at 404-531-7691 to share your thoughts.