Obagi Law Group
Success Story


Obagi Law Group

Project Overview

96% of people seeking legal advice use a search engine. With 1.3 million attorneys to choose from at the click of a mouse, if you don’t separate yourself from the masses you’ll easily be passed over for the competition.

As online competition grows, you have to stand out to potential clients in order to win their business. You have to find a way to quickly connect with online visitors and ultimately get them to contact and hire your law firm.

For Beverly Hills, California firm, Obagi Law Group, their differentiator became video. Obagi Law Group is a business and real estate litigation firm with other practice areas including veterans rights.

Recently, we spoke with firm owner and lead counsel, Zein Obagi, Jr., to discuss his law firm’s biggest legal marketing challenges, successes, insights, and results after implementing their legal video strategy.

Here’s what Zein had to say.


Zein’s biggest marketing challenge was getting in front of clients who need his firm at the time they need his firm.

This challenge isn’t isolated to Obagi Law Group. In fact, taking advantage of these “micro-moments” as they’re known in the marketing space can be a frustrating challenge for many business owners. While identifying your target audience isn’t always challenging, identifying how to get in front of your target audience at the exact moment that they’re in need of your services can prove to be frustrating.

So, how do you ensure that you’re sending the right message at the right time to the right people?

That’s the problem Zein was trying to solve. He decided to invest in a Crisp legal brand video to humanize his firm, get in front of his target audience, and increase conversions.

Zein first interacted with Crisp at the Avvo Lawyernomics conference:

At Lawyernomics, I saw the videos that Crisp had produced and thought to myself, “You know, we have definitely achieved some great results for our clients and would like to convey that.”

It seemed obvious to me that the clearest way to convey big wins you’ve attained for your clients is to do legal video.

Zein Obagi, Obagi Law Group

We like to think Zein made the right choice.


Crisp Video Group produced a legal brand video for Obagi Law Group that introduced the firm and highlighted the positive results they’ve achieved for their clients. In addition, we created a client testimonial video that offered a first-person account of the client’s experience working with Obagi Law Group. These videos established Zein as an industry expert, enhanced social proof, and humanized his law firm.

This dedication to seeking justice is one of the main reasons why Zein believes his clients choose him over his competitors:

[Clients] choose us over our competitors because they know we are dedicated masters of our practice, we will fight hard until the end, and there is no institution/entity/person that we will not take on to adjudicate the wrong that has occurred to them.

It can be hard at times to communicate why your law firm is different than the hundreds of other law firms in your market. Zein was no stranger to this difficulty. In fact, one of the main reasons he chose to work with Crisp is because he felt legal video was a smart vehicle through which to communicate his firm’s unique value proposition:

I think [the main challenge I face] is standing out. There are so many attorneys, especially in the state of California, that it’s easy to get blended in with everybody else.

It’s difficult to communicate the message that you have a strong, special practice and you feel you can help folks out better than anybody else unless you take it to a new medium, which I believe legal video is.

So, how did Zein’s decision to invest in legal video pay off?

I would like to thank Crisp Legal Video for their dedicated work. The entire process was flawless, professional, and expedient. I greatly appreciate it.

Zein Obagi (Owner, Obagi Law Group)


We asked Zein Obagi if he felt his decision to invest in Crisp positively influenced his firm. Here’s what he had to say:

Creating the video helped me articulate to myself why I’m doing what I’m doing, what my purpose is, and what I feel my calling is.

It has made me focus every day. The simple question, “What do I look forward to every morning when I wake up?” was articulated in the video and now it’s something I think of every day when I wake up.

I think about what wins I’m going to get for my clients, and how it’s going to impact their lives. It’s helped me articulate my goals and my purpose and live up to them.

In addition, Zein’s Crisp videos helped him obtain a positive ROI and some major cases for his law firm:

There’s no doubt the ROI of the video has been positive. We’re taking on some major institutions right now – a foreign country, an international jewelry company, a billionaire who retaliated against an employee by firing her when she didn’t accept his sexual advances – and I have no doubt that both our clients and our adversaries are aware that we will persevere with our cases to the end, in part because of the legal video, where we express that.

I can say two things about the monetary value: it exceeds the price paid and the investment made in the video, and the legal video costs less than the average client value for the firm.

Now, attorneys from across the country look to us if they have a client in our area that’s in need of civil litigation services.

For those attorneys who may be hesitant to invest in legal video, Zein thinks it’s a no-brainer:

If you’re looking for a different result, then you have to do something different. Legal video is one thing that is not fully saturated yet, and you might as well take the opportunity sooner rather than later to get out there with it.

If it’s too big of an investment, then that attorney isn’t looking to grow their firm or take it to the next level. You can’t attain new results by doing the same things you’ve been doing.

Overall, Zein Obagi was pleased with the results obtained from his investment in legal video:

I would like to thank Crisp Legal Video for their dedicated work. The entire process was flawless, professional, and expedient. I greatly appreciate it.

I enjoyed working with the folks over there; everybody from the cinematographers to the editors and more.




  • Obagi Law Group
  • Obagi Law Group
  • Obagi Law Group

If you’re looking for a different result, then you have to do something different. Legal video is one thing that is not fully saturated yet, and you might as well take the opportunity sooner rather than later to get out there with it.

Zein Obagi (Owner, Obagi Law Group)


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