The Watson Firm
Success Story


The Watson Firm

  • 100,000

    Online Views

Project Overview

In this installment of our legal video marketing success stories, we sat down with Pensacola Personal Injury Attorney Aaron Watson, owner of The Watson Firm, to discuss the growth of his law firm, his decision to invest in videos with Crisp, and the results he’s seen after implementing his videos.

Attorney Aaron Watson recently started his own firm and has since made a massive impact in the local community through his law practice. A Florida native, Aaron prides himself on his ability to make a positive impact in the lives of the clients he represents while also donating ample time to serving his community.

Aaron Watson credits his award-winning style of advocacy to his church background and his experience listening to his father’s impassioned sermons. Locally, he has served on the board of directors for the YMCA of Northwest Florida, and as choir director for the Englewood Missionary Baptist Church. When he’s not in the courtroom, he enjoys mentoring and public speaking at local colleges, high schools, and churches.

When Aaron approached Crisp, he wanted to create a product that would set himself apart from the larger firms in his market while generating new business for his young firm. In fact, Aaron produced a video with Crisp before he even opened the doors of the new firm.

Here’s what Aaron has to say about his experience with Crisp.


Aaron Watson left a large law firm to start his own firm. At the previous firm, he was in charge of handling all marketing. This gave him insight into the importance of branding and leaving a strong impression. Aaron believes that if the quality of your video advertising is not as good as or better than your competitors, you are not leaving your best impression on potential clients.

When asked why Aaron believed video to be an effective marketing solution for his new firm, he said:

I believe that I have a unique story that sets me apart from other lawyers, and I found that video was the best way to tell that story on both TV and the internet.

He found Crisp Video Group through Facebook. Aaron distinctly remembers seeing one of Crisp’s videos and thinking,

That was a damn good video.

I had never seen a legal video company focus on the individual lawyer’s story. The video was, for lack of a better word, Crisp. It was high-quality, compelling, and it made the lawyer look good.

Aaron Watson, The Watson Firm

As a solo attorney in a market with much larger firms (20+ attorneys), Aaron Watson needed a video that would set him apart from his competition and make him the go-to choice in Pensacola. Here’s what we did.


Aaron Watson made the decision to create a legal brand video with Crisp before he even opened the doors of the new firm.

He wanted a legal brand video that would introduce potential clients to his background, his family, and his success in the courtroom. His goal was to have a video that would allow clients to feel like they knew him before they even entered his office. For Aaron, video helps to cut through the legal jargon on your website and allows visitors to get to know you as a human being, not just as an attorney that provides legal services.



In personal injury practice, one case can change your entire year. My videos have brought in cases that have proven to be very lucrative for my firm, and have resulted in a significant ROI.

Aaron Watson (Owner, The Watson Firm)


We asked Aaron where he was at with his law firm one year ago vs. one year later after the launch of his Crisp campaign.

Within two weeks of putting our video online, we had collected more than 100,000 views.

More than 100,000 people watched that video. I then asked Crisp to produce a 30-second version of my legal brand video as well, which we now use on TV as a commercial for my law firm.

It goes without saying that our clientele increased substantially. We had a healthy volume of cases before the video, and we have an even larger caseload now. I attribute that growth to my Crisp video.

We’ve established a solid reputation in our community. All of our advertisements look, in my opinion, better than even our larger competitors – and they allow us to stand apart from the larger firms in my market. As they say, your first impression is your only impression.

Aaron Watson, The Watson Firm

Because of the success of his Crisp campaign, Aaron can focus on growing his law firm. He will continue to invest in marketing, which he believes is crucial if you want to run a successful law firm. Here’s Aaron’s advice for any attorney who might be struggling with their marketing efforts:

Do something different. Nowadays with technology, you can compete with your competitors for a relatively low cost. Videos ads, Google ads, and social media ads allow firms to reach consumers without the expense of paying for a TV commercial or radio spot.

[To attorneys who believe video is too expensive] If your video brings one good case in the door, that case will pay for the expense of the video. It’s really a no-brainer.

If you want to compete for the big cases, you must stand out and stay relevant. If the potential client cannot remember your name when an incident occurs, you lose cases to the attorney whose name they can remember.

It goes without saying that our clientele increased substantially. We had a healthy volume of cases before the video, and we have an even larger caseload now. I attribute that growth to my Crisp video.

Aaron Watson (Owner, The Watson Firm)


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