Warnken, LLC
Success Story

Warnken, LLC

  • 35%

    Case Volume Increase

  • $295,000

    Revenue Increase

Project Overview

Warnken, LLC is a Baltimore-based law firm that handles workers’ compensation cases, personal injury cases, and law enforcement matters in their community.

Managing attorney Byron Warnken works to ensure the high quality of client relationships and consistent, indisputable excellence of results they get for their clients.

“We develop relationships with our clients such that, at the end of the case, they know we’ve done our best for them,” he explains.

Understanding the changing legal landscape and the importance of keeping up, Warnken determined that the next important step for his firm would be communicating who they are, what they stand for, and how they help the people of Maryland.

“I felt it important to produce a cohesive message about who we are and what what we do,” he says, “and get that online.”


After identifying the need to express the values and mission of Warnken, LLC in a way that would reach and resonate with the highest quality audience, the only question was how.

In November 2018, Byron Warnken attended the inaugural Crisp Game Changers Summit in Atlanta, drawn in by a friend and mentor who was speaking at the Summit. Despite knowing nothing about Crisp before going to the conference, what he saw there impressed him — both the event itself and the samples of Crisp’s work he saw there.

With an overall marketing budget that is only 4% of revenue, any investment Warnken makes should always have a sizable return.

His experience at the Game Changers Summit gave Warnken confidence in Crisp’s ability to tell his firm’s story with the determination and decisiveness they required. So with clarity over what makes his firm stand out and the unique value they have to offer prospective clients, the partnership began.

My hesitation with video marketing, like any other marketing, was what the return on investment was going to be. I have no regrets.

Byron Warnken


Positioning his firm as the aggressive, confident, committed advocates was done perfectly with video. A medium that is so visceral, powerful, and compelling allowed Warnken to shine on screen and begin forming meaningful relationships with prospects before they ever pick up the phone or walk into his office.

Warnken’s brand video was created with conversion in mind. Situating the video in a prominent place on the firm’s website helped move visitors down the conversion funnel more quickly, bridging gaps in information and trust that helped seal many deals much more quickly and easily than before.

The next complementary step, then, was ensuring Warnken was able to connect with his community effectively on other channels. With the Crisp Social Stack Program, they have been able to do just that.

Paring down the bold brand video into cuts intended for quicker consumption on today’s top social media platforms and bolstering the content with a strategic paid ads campaign bolstered Warnken, LLC’s reputation in their community. Now a recognizable presence online, every prospective client who is exposed to their videos on social media are further primed to turn to Warnken when legal needs arise.

Several months after pulling the trigger with Crisp, Warnken can confidently say, “I have no regrets.”

I felt it important to produce a cohesive message about who we are and what we do and get that online.

Byron Warnken


As their knownness has increased, case volume and revenue have also increased accordingly for Warnken, LLC.

“Last year, we opened 689 cases. This year, to date, we have opened 549 cases, which projects to 932 cases opened for the year,” Byron explains. “About 17% of that growth is attributable to absorbing one lawyer’s small practice. The rest appears simply to be more effective marketing. The only substantial difference is Crisp Video and the Social Stack.”

In addition to the noticeable uptick in cases, it’s remarkable that Warnken’s web traffic is generally on par with last year. How, then, are they able to turn a higher percentage of that traffic into paying clients?

“Video helps us convert,” says Warnken. “Video increases our web conversion rates.”

Of course, with more cases comes more money. If Warnken’s projections hold, his growth is on track to equal about $589,000 in increased revenue. “If even just half of that is attributable to my increased conversion rates coming from video, Crisp added just shy of $295,000 to my revenue,” he says.

Not a bad ROI at all.

As he’s kept up with the changing advertising landscape, Warnken has an idea or two about the future of legal marketing. While he still sees word of mouth as the #1 factor in growing a law firm and attracting more clients and cases, the methods are what are changing.

“Only now [word of mouth] comes in the form of online reviews,” he says. “Also, attention span is decreasing. Grab the potential client quick, or watch them come to me.”

  • 35%

    Case Volume Increase

  • $295,000

    Revenue Increase

Figure out who the f**k you are. Now. Then get Crisp Video to promote that sh**!

Byron Warnken


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect