Scott Law Firm
Success Story

Scott Law Firm

  • 35%

    Case Volume Increase

Project Overview

Scott Law Firm is a personal injury firm in Conroe, TX.  Scott Law Firm represents people who have been injured in motor vehicle collisions, truck wrecks, work injuries, dog bites, and wrongful death cases.

Located about 40 miles north of Houston, Scott Law is ideally situated for serving the people of southeast Texas in a convenient and easily navigable position. With a local affinity for the Conroe community and an exclusive focus on personal injury, Scott Law has developed a reliable and trustworthy reputation in the area.

However, this location can be viewed both as a blessing and a curse. With the looming giants so nearby in Houston, Managing Attorney Patrick Scott knew he needed a daring and unique marketing strategy to compete and stand out despite his firm’s smaller size.


The main marketing challenge Scott Law faced was the direct competition in which they often found themselves with the mammoth firms in Houston. “Although we are located in the county north of Houston, these firms frequently advertise in our market. We are a small firm with a lean advertising budget,” he explains.

While the Goliaths in Houston have multi-million dollar budgets for billboards and TV commercials, Scott Law has had to be more agile and strategic with their marketing dollars.

“Nearly 100% of our ad spend is online, and we do very little traditional advertising (eg. print, television, radio),” continues Scott.

As it turns out, online is where the marketing dollars are most effectively spent in today’s legal landscape, and Scott Law was one step ahead of the big guys with their focus turned exclusively to digital marketing.

“Investing in video is always something we wanted to do,” says Scott. “We just wanted to make sure we did it right.”

After being exposed to Crisp Video at a legal conference, Scott knew they were the ideal partners to produce the online content that would make the biggest impact on his law firm. “The quality of the videos was like none we had ever seen before,” he says.

And so Scott Law Firm made another decision that put them one step ahead of their competition.

People watch videos online. They don’t go to the phonebook or run out and look at a billboard when they need to find a lawyer. They pull out their phone and search for what they need.

Patrick Scott


With a truly one-of-a-kind story and value proposition that stood out from the rest, Scott Law had plenty of material for a set of legal videos to incorporate into their marketing.

“Everyone says they want to help people,” says Scott. “We felt our story was very unique in that we could really empathize with those that we represent.”

The Crisp team worked closely with Scott Law on a number of video projects, each of which was designed to communicate the special characteristics and features of the law firm to an audience of ideal clients ready to get to know them. The community was a constant focus, as was the firm’s dedication to getting results for their clients, the deep empathy any client could expect when they choose this firm, and the personal stories of the people that made up Scott Law Firm.

Combining these thoughtful and high quality videos with a strategic distribution plan ensured that the people who watched them got to know the firm — and also that search engines knew them as well.

Everyone says they want to help people. We felt our story was very unique in that we could really empathize with those that we represent.

Patrick Scott


From prospects already knowing Scott Law Firm before they call them up to successfully climbing the search engine rankings, incorporating legal video and the Crisp Social Stack into their marketing plan has yielded great results for the firm.

“Since adding Crisp videos to our website, our organic ranking has definitely increased,” shares the Scott Law team. “We do a number of different things to help our site rank organically, but adding videos has been one of the most effective things we have done.”

The videos continue to gather views and engagement, and the team is confident that people are seeing them and they are resonating.

“Many potential clients will watch the videos before meeting with us,” says Scott. “It helps to ‘pre-sale’ the client before the sign-up meeting.”

This pre-introduction effect has helped increase Scott Law Firm’s case volume by 35%.

Scott Law’s legal videos have also made a positive impression on their local referring attorneys, who have mentioned to the staff that they have seen their videos and have been impressed with the quality, both of production and storytelling.

As visibility increases across their network, Scott Law Firm’s reputation, name recognition, and local esteem have all increased along with it. The firm has experienced a substantial call volume increase, which allows them to be more selective with the cases they take on.

Scott’s experience with online marketing and legal video in particular gives him confidence that his firm is moving in the right direction.

“The future of legal marketing is not cable TV,” he says resolutely. “Attorneys that want to remain relevant have to be able to reach clients where they are searching for professional services — on their phones. Investing in a good website with high quality video will set your firm apart from the competition.”

It has certainly been working for Scott Law Firm.

  • 35%

    Case Volume Increase

Attorneys that want to remain relevant have to be able to reach clients where they are searching for professional services — on their phones.

Patrick Scott


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect