Nelson Elder Care Law
Success Story

Nelson Elder Care Law

  • $1 Million

    in Revenue

Project Overview

Why do lawyers choose to do what they do? What’s the point of going through years of schooling, spending grueling hours over writing papers and studying for tests? There’s got to be a reason, and while some might lose sight of what that reason is, Josh Nelson of Nelson Elder Care Law, LLC never has. He’s in it to help as many people as possible — 10,000 families, to be exact.

Josh understands that navigating one’s “golden years” can be challenging — and the solutions can even be unknown to the people who need help the most. With two locations in Marietta and Woodstock, Georgia, Josh and the Nelson Elder Care Law team want to be a beacon and the number one choice for those unsure of what to do next.

One of the reasons Josh decided to become a lawyer is because he was tired of convenient answers. There’s a difference between doing what’s easy and doing what’s right, and he saw too many people in his life do things the easy way because that’s what they were told to do. Now that he has the opportunity to advise clients individually, Josh always gives them the tools to create a lasting solution instead of a quick fix.

After putting in the hard work to become a lawyer, Josh was hesitant about working for anyone because he found that other law firm owners thought too small. Josh is a dreamer — always has been — and he wasn’t ready to settle for making a tiny impact when the potential was so great.

Josh founded Nelson Elder Care Law with his mother and fellow attorney Cindy Nelson. Focusing on many different practice areas such as asset protection, power of attorney, trusts, wills, and more, Josh’s law firm is committed to providing compassionate legal guidance to help their clients avoid some of the curveballs that life loves to throw at them.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and while Josh was determined to cast as wide a net as he could, it didn’t come easy. He found that being your own leader is an incredibly difficult task, no matter how rewarding it feels. He wanted to ensure that his team had everything they needed to reach their goals and be successful, but he often found himself lost for what to do next.

Josh knew he couldn’t do it alone. He was lucky enough to have a team full of knowledgeable and capable people, but he wanted to be the best version of himself for them too.

What could he do to help himself to help his team?


Josh was up to the challenge. He refused to let his team down, and he certainly didn’t plan on letting his clients and potential clients down either.

To make matters even more challenging, the year 2020 posed challenges to Nelson Elder Care Law as it did so many other firms and businesses. Josh and his team did their best to get ahead of the curve, but it was clear that he was ready for some guidance to help him reach his ambitious goals.

This is when Josh decided to partner with the leading law firm growth experts in the world. He applied to join Crisp Coach, an application-only program for law firm owners who are ready to take their firms to the next level. Immediately upon acceptance, Josh knew he had made the right decision.

The three areas that Josh and Nelson Elder Care Law needed the most help in were:

  • Creating a better, healthier office culture
  • Building stronger brand awareness
  • Finding more clarity in strategies

Josh was fortunate to have some star players on his legal team already, but there was serious room for improvement across the board. Whether it was relieving workplace drama, improving accountability, or meeting goals, the team had a ways to go. Josh hoped for a more cohesive team that communicated better and more often, whether it was strictly about work tasks or speaking up about ways to improve the office.

It’s not easy to push people in another direction, as many are content with where they are — but Josh had no doubts that it could be done with a little help.

When it came to building stronger brand awareness, he knew he was going to require assistance from the experts. His goal was quite ambitious: 10,000 families. Those kinds of numbers don’t just appear overnight. The firm’s social media presence needed a complete overhaul, and the firm’s brand needed a fresher look.

Another lofty task, but Josh was ready to make the changes necessary in order to stay on track toward reaching his ultimate goal.

Finally, his growth strategies weren’t clear; Josh often found even himself unsure of what to do next after certain tasks. He knew that if was having issues clarifying processes and protocols, his team had no hope. Nelson Elder Care Law needed a revamp of the way they do things, and Josh needed to make sure that his team all completed tasks in the same way in order to be more consistent and efficient as a whole.

Though he was unsure of what to expect from Crisp Coach or if the program was even going to be able to help him solve his seemingly never-ending list of problems, he was excited to get going. His firm needed a change, and he believed that Crisp Coach was exactly the right team to get the job done.

So, what happened next?

I believe partnering with Crisp was absolutely the right thing to do. I’ve surrounded myself with people all going on an upward trajectory, and it's one of the best things I have ever done.

Josh Nelson


Josh knew what needed to be done and he had the partner of a lifetime in Crisp to make it all happen. 

Next stop: success.

Understanding that reaching his goals would take some work, Josh was eager and ready to get started right away.

Crisp Coach promised to help Josh:

  • Become a true competitor in his market
  • Run his law firm like a CEO, not just a lawyer
  • Achieve transformational growth
  • Create scalable processes
  • Make strategic decisions
  • Curate a world-class client experience
  • And so much more

Before he could do any of that, he needed someone to hold him accountable and keep him on track.

Josh was immediately paired up with a dedicated Program Advisor (PA) who acted as his very own accountability partner. Together, they discussed what the current situation at Nelson Elder Care Law looked like, what changes needed to be made, and the steps that would have to be taken in order to make those happen.

“The biggest challenge of owning a law firm is a mix of finding the right things to focus on to achieve the goals and making sure the team has the right support and leadership to get those goals accomplished,” explains Josh. “It’s ever-evolving since the team needs different roles and support at different levels of growth, so I as a leader have to continuously evolve — and I was ready to make that happen when I partnered with Crisp.”

Josh and his PA became almost like business partners. He was able to go to them for anything, whether it was advice for internal communication, resources for attracting more clients, strategies for becoming a more organized firm, and so much more. If Josh had a question, his PA was there and able to answer it, day or night.

Josh quickly learned that one of the most important factors of building brand awareness was having a strong Unique Value Proposition, or UVP. This essentially means the reason why potential clients should work with Josh’s firm instead of another one. With a solid UVP, Nelson Elder Care Law would be able to get ahead of the competition and stand out from the crowd.

Once Josh was able to pinpoint his story, he could begin the process of producing a video library to continue attracting more potential clients on strategic online channels. He learned that Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube were the sites where his ideal clients spent most of their time, and if we wanted to get closer to his goal of helping 10,000 families, he would need to make his presence known on all of them.

Josh started off with a legal brand video, one that would communicate to potential clients exactly what kind of lawyer he is, how he could help them, and why they could trust him.

Once potential clients got a better understanding of what Nelson Elder Care Law could do for them, Josh and the Crisp team continued to expand his video repertoire. The goal was to help potential clients come to know, like, and trust the firm to guide them through challenging legal processes.

But it’s not enough to have world-class videos — you’ve got to put them out there for all of the world to see. How else can you expect to create massive brand awareness?

Luckily for Josh, his Crisp Coach program includes all of that for him. In addition to his very own PA, he partnered with a dedicated Client Success Manager, or CSM, who would both produce his one-of-a-kind videos and promote them on the four social media platforms where he needed them most. His CSM would provide Josh with updates, metrics, and optimization in order to ensure that Nelson Elder Care Law was getting as much attention as possible in all of the right areas.


Social Stack pics

Beyond videos and social media, however, Crisp Coach was able to to impact Josh’s firm in many deeper ways as well.

One of the aspects that he felt needed the most attention was his team’s culture, and Crisp Coach provided tailored solutions for that. By working closely with his PA, attending workshops at the Crisp Training Center, and forging relationships with his new network of peers in the program, Josh learned better strategies and practices to get his team on the right track and working as a unit. From team-building exercises to better communications skills, Josh felt as though he had all the tools he needed to turn his already-A-players into star students.

Increasing his network size and quality has greatly improved Josh’s protocols and procedures at his office. Thanks to quarterly workshops at Crisp headquarters, Josh has the opportunity to learn from experts and connect with other growth-minded lawyers who are ready and willing to learn from one another. In addition to his regular calls with his PA, he’s been able to discover new ways to become a more organized, better prepared, and more well-rounded leader for his team.

Does it sound too good to be true? Let Josh’s results speak for themselves.

One of the greatest parts of coaching is working with other attorneys all in growth mode. Things like a lunch meeting and one idea from even a different practice area can easily be worth thousands of dollars in value, and I grow as a leader every time I have the opportunity to meet with them.

Josh Nelson


Since joining the Crisp Coach program, not only has Nelson Elder Care Law transformed as a professional organization, but the same can be said for Josh as both a leader and a person.

“It’s hard to quantify just how much Crisp has helped me and the practice,” states Josh. “Yes, Crisp has been a great asset for growing my law firm, but it’s been invaluable in growing myself too. I am a different person now than who I was before joining the program. I don’t see how you could possibly put a price on that.” 

Since becoming a member of the Crisp Coach program, Nelson Elder Care Law has generated a $1 million increase in revenue in just a year. They managed to thrive in 2020 even when it seemed like all hope was lost. Josh saw an increase in higher quality cases and continues to attract great clients.

Josh’s team now operates like a well oiled machine as well. With all new systems and processes in place, they are able to lead themselves when Josh isn’t there to do it for them. They were able to start fresh and learn together in order to get back on the same page and align with the same goals.

As simple as it might seem, Josh was able to find his passion for the law once again. Though he never truly lost sight of it, he was able to be reinvigorated with the help of Crisp.

“I not only like my job — I love it,” says Josh. “In the beginning, you’re only focused on helping families, and though that’s a strong passion, you’re not seeing the full picture. Crisp helped me work on great ways to keep that feeling without being the one doing all of the work each day.”

Becoming a successful law firm was no easy feat by any means, but Josh as some advice for those looking to improve their own:

“Always think bigger. Until people tell you that your goals are unrealistic, you probably aren’t thinking big enough — then get with a coach to make the impossible happen,” insists Josh.

The future is bright for Josh, and Crisp is excited to see all of the other amazing things he will accomplish.

  • $1 Million

    in Revenue

  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson
  • Josh Nelson

Crisp Coach sets itself from other ‘legal coaches’ I have worked with in the results they provide. In past coaching programs you would have quarterly, monthly, or even in some weekly calls, but it felt like the ball still wasn’t always moving forward because the coaches always had to be reminded of the nuances that make my firm special and different. At Crisp, my coaching team feels like my partner. They know what’s going on in my firm without having to waste my time reminding them on our calls, because they do the prep work for our scheduled meetings and know those things in advance.

Josh Nelson

Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect