Laborde Earles
Success Story

Laborde Earles

  • 34%

    Increase in Signed Leads

  • 47%

    Increase in Monthly Leads

Project Overview

David Laborde and Digger Earles are the one-of-a-kind, Louisiana-native personal injury attorneys behind Laborde Earles.

David and Digger’s firm has offices located throughout the state, and they specialize in single event torts as well as mass torts. “Our mission is to stand up for our clients, stand with our community, stand by our work and stand beside each other,” they say.

The people of Louisiana choose Laborde Earles because of that meaningful mission and the way the firm demonstrates it each day.

“We are local,” the attorneys emphasize. “Our clients are our top priority, and we’re on their side throughout their entire case.”


With a strong local presence and a passion for serving their friends and neighbors, Laborde Earles had a compelling story to tell.

However, with the highly saturated legal scene, it wasn’t enough. Despite ranking among the top few injury firms in their area in terms of size, market share, and resources, Laborde Earles was searching for a way to become the truly dominant market leaders they knew themselves to be.

The firm had to find a way to stand out. They had to do something different.

“The personal injury law practice is one of the most competitive industries. We were looking for ways to set ourselves apart from quick-response branding,” explain David and Digger. “We are authentic and down-to-earth. We wanted to use a medium that was readily and widely accessible and that allowed us to truly convey who we are. Often, 30-second commercials do not provide that opportunity.”

Thinking outside the box led Laborde Earles to Crisp, who they felt had a great solution to their challenge.

We use historical data and word-of-mouth recommendations before making any decisions on marketing investments; we don’t take these investments lightly. In fact we considered making videos locally. But we came to recognize that Crisp is much more than a 'video company.' There were no similar alternatives to Crisp. It has proven to be the right choice.

David Laborde & Digger Earles


Seeing the value of a robust library of video content to tell the stories of the firm, their clients, and their impact on the community — as well as a comprehensive digital marketing campaign behind that content and a framework of accountability to ensure the firm could deliver on the promises they advertised — Laborde Earles joined the inaugural CrispX group.

The CrispX Game Changer Program was just what this firm was looking for.

David and Digger identified the top three challenges they face on a day-to-day basis:

1. Maintaining the great culture that we created within our company, as we grow.

2. Finding and recruiting the best talent available.

3. Setting ourselves apart from the competition, through our authentic and unique brand.

CrispX gave Laborde Earles the tools they needed to tackle each of these strategically. By combining world-class video production and video marketing with the top workshop and private mastermind program in the legal industry, David and Digger were able to set themselves apart from their competition both internally and externally.

Creating Compelling Legal Video

Setting out to create the most impactful video library possible, Laborde Earles worked closely with the Crisp team to identify the stories that would resonate most with their audience.

The result was a set of videos that ranged from the central Brand Video to more in-depth Attorney Profiles for each lawyer on the Laborde Earles team, Client Testimonials to spotlight the Louisiana people they had helped, and even Community and Culture Videos to showcase the way the firm contributes to various causes and interacts with their friends and neighbors.

Attorney Profiles

An Attorney Profile puts a face to a name and helps to humanize each attorney. The goal of this type of video is to make a personal connection with prospects and clients, instilling trust between attorney and injured person.

Check out Digger’s Attorney Profile to see how this works:

Client Testimonials

Reviews and testimonials are a huge part of consumer decision-making. We all know the value of a glowing 5-star review or client quote on a law firm’s website. However, by harnessing the persuasive power of social proof in the emotionally compelling medium of video is infinitely more powerful. Laborde Earles incorporated several captivating Client Testimonial videos into their marketing strategy, which they distributed across their website, social profiles, and other digital channels for maximum reach.

Here’s just one of the Client Testimonials that Laborde Earles leverages to connect with prospects who find themselves in similar situations:

Community & Culture Videos

As a prominent law firm touches lives outside the walls of their office, so should a firm’s messaging include examples of how its attorneys impact the community they serve. Laborde Earles strategized the development of Community and Culture Videos to continue building on the brand they established and highlight their firm’s sense of service and community involvement.

Check it out:

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a truly comprehensive video library.

Leveraging Relentless Video Marketing

Not only did Laborde Earles build out an impressive set of videos to utilize at every stage of their ideal clients’ decision-making journeys (and on every major platform where they spend their time online), but CrispX went a step further by launching and optimizing an ongoing brand awareness campaign with strategic targeting, ongoing reporting, and big results.

Crisp Social Stack, a relentless digital marketing campaign included with the CrispX program, involves creating new 6-, 15-, and 30-second cuts of Laborde Earles’ main brand video, all optimized for peak performance on social media. Once we have the social video cuts in the formats that perform best in ads on the main social platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube), our digital marketing experts create targeted advertising campaigns to ensure the right people see the firm’s messaging constantly.

Complete with ongoing reporting, split testing, and optimization, this campaign is designed to saturate these social networks at the right frequency to establish significant brand awareness over time. This top-of-funnel awareness is a critical foundation upon which Laborde Earles has built significant brand equity — and significant uplift in overall conversions.

Investing in Leadership Coaching, Training, and Workshops

Beyond this robust video library and the strategic implementation of social media marketing campaigns, Laborde Earles experienced a variety of benefits from the CrispX program.

Bringing in experts to provide on-site training for their team, regularly workshopping new ideas with other ambitious law firm owners from around the country, and investing in business coaching that is effectively integrated with their marketing strategy has made all the difference for David, Digger, and their team.

“Working with CrispX has not only allowed us to brand ourselves, but has also given us a huge network of other personal injury law firms to share ideas, recommendations, and experiences with,” they say. “Our CrispX meetings are probably the most beneficial and informational events that we attend. We have also developed terrific friendships through CrispX.”

Don’t be left behind. Only those who innovate will survive. Unfortunately, the days of sitting in your office and waiting for a personal injury client to walk in or call are gone. Those who market, define their brand, and set themselves apart are going to succeed.

David Laborde & Digger Earles


The friendships and partnerships cultivated through their CrispX experience is just the beginning for Laborde Earles.

As a result of their elevated branding efforts and the relentless nature of their targeted Social Stack campaign, the firm’s online prominence increased dramatically.

Social Following

In the first year of their CrispX program, their social media audience more than doubled.

This is a strong indication that the users targeted by Laborde Earles’ ads felt a connection to the content and indicated that they wanted to see more from the firm. In an age when organic reach on Facebook Business Pages is practically at zero, having an engaged group of followers that has demonstrated interest in a law firm’s content has massive impact on the performance of future social media activity — both organic and paid.

Increased Website Traffic

Additionally, Laborde Earles experienced a 30.65% increase in website visitors, when comparing the first 14 months of their awareness campaign to the previous 14 month period.

This means that more engaged, interested, and qualified traffic went to their website and stayed there to explore beyond the homepage. More people spent more time on Laborde Earles’ website and interacted with more pages per session as a result of increased brand awareness and elevated interest in learning more about the firm.

Branded Search

In addition to an overall uplift in traffic and increase in website engagement, Laborde Earles saw a dramatic lift in branded search traffic once they launched a multi-channel campaign intended to raise brand awareness. With the foundation of awareness ads constantly running to an audience of Laborde Earles’ ideal clients (including strategic retargeting of those that interacted with their content and visited their website), they received 232.84% more traffic from branded search.

This indicates that more than four times more people were searching specifically for Laborde Earles, rather than general terms such as “injury attorney.” We like to say that branded search is the online equivalent of a referral, as individuals seeking out a specific law firm by name are already familiar with the firm and have already established a level of trust that colder traffic simply cannot match.

And where does a law firm’s best clients come from? Referral.

Bottom Line Results

A natural consequence: All this compelling brand messaging, high-quality content, a relentless social media advertising campaign, and the business strategy and coaching to back it up has led to meaningful bottom-line results for this Louisiana firm after just their first year in the program.

“We saw a 33.9% increase in signed leads from 2018 to 2019,” David and Digger report. “We saw a 47.37% increase in average leads per month.”

As a result of the relentless brand awareness campaign that comes with the CrispX program, Laborde Earles saw this notable lift in conversions from all marketing sources as their brand equity increased and they became even better known in their market.

“We do believe our Crisp videos and Social Stack have played an integral part in branding ourselves,” they say. “Crisp has created a strong brand for our firm, which sets us apart from the rest.”

Their best advice for up-and-coming firms looking to take their organizations to the next level?

Be yourselves. Stick to whoever YOU are. Don’t try to mimic others. Be yourself and present yourself to the public and clients. The public and clients relate to authenticity.

Word of mouth marketing will always be the best form of marketing. Create a good experience for your clients and establish relationships with them, and they will play a key part in your firm’s growth by recommending you to others.

Lastly, invest in your team. A strong team of good people who genuinely want to help others is very important.

  • 34%

    Increase in Signed Leads

  • 47%

    Increase in Monthly Leads

“Staying on top of technology and information are key to sustainable growth. We are constantly building relationships with vendors, with clients, within our community, and with other injury attorneys around the nation. Our team has quickly grown to handle our growth in cases over the years. We are proud of what we have accomplished thus far and plan to keep growing steadily.”

David Laborde & Digger Earles


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect