KJC Law Firm
Success Story

KJC Law Firm

  • 300%

    Annual Intake Increase

  • 24%

    Annual Revenue Increase

  • 700%

    Increase in Website Traffic

Project Overview

KJC Law Firm is a multi-practice law firm in Boston, Massachusetts. Led by highly-regarded and accomplished trial attorney Kathy Jo Cook, the firm is composed of experienced trial attorneys with glowing track records of success in the courtroom handling complex personal injury, criminal defense, and business litigation cases.

In the saturated legal industry, the attorneys at KJC Law Firm knew they had their work cut out for them if they wanted to continue bringing in new, high-value clients to the firm.

Although they had the freedom to choose which cases they take on, they often found themselves faced with the challenge of competing with the larger firms in their area that had seemingly unlimited resources such as smart technologies and advanced systems to continue their market domination.

With a goal to no longer be seen as “Boston’s Best-Kept Secret,” KJC began their journey to seek out a partnership with a company that would help them build their brand and exposure and give them the tools and guidance they needed to go up against their biggest adversaries.

Then, they found Crisp.

“We decided to partner with Crisp in late 2019. Up until then, we avoided marketing consultants and ad agencies because we did not like how they portrayed attorneys or the field of law in general,” says KJC partner John Martin. “With Crisp, we hoped to grow with help from a company that matched our values and appreciated the importance of the work we do.”


The four main problems KJC Law Firm faced as they struggled to sustain continuous growth were clear:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Balancing legal work with business development
  • Integrating teams and departments
  • Collecting and managing data

While the trial attorneys at the firm were talented and more than capable of holding their own in the courtroom, it was the devil in the details that kept KJC Law Firm stagnant and unable to keep up with their competitors.

In order to take the challenges head-on, KJC Law Firm joined Crisp Coach, a comprehensive coaching program designed to foster the growth and development of the nation’s most ambitious and committed law firm owners through radical accountability and a results-driven mentality.

Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, Crisp Coach focuses on each individual firm, getting to the root of their unique roadblocks and implementing strategies that will lead to unattainable growth.

For KJC Law Firm, that meant diving into all aspects of the firm, from culture and leadership to internal systems and marketing.

We decided to partner with Crisp in late 2019. Up until then, we avoided marketing consultants and ad agencies because we did not like how they portrayed attorneys or the field of law in general. With Crisp, we hoped to grow with help from a company that matched our values and appreciated the importance of the work we do.

John Martin


Crisp Coach takes a holistic approach to growth, offering law firms an experience unlike any other.

The first pillar of the program provides coaching clients with world-class video assets and an aggressive digital marketing campaign to help them build their brand and reach potential clients where they spend their time online.

With this being one of KJC Law Firm’s main goals upon joining the program, we got to work creating an extensive library of high-quality videos with the goal of educating, informing, and resonating with their ideal clients on an emotional level to position them as the clear choice in their market.

Along with their premium brand video (above), this collection of videos focuses on showcasing client testimonials, attorney profiles, FAQs, and the firm’s practice areas — all aspects that help to differentiate KJC Law Firm from its competitors and tell the firm’s unique story in the digital sphere.

By then strategically weaving these video assets into a multi-platform social media marketing campaign known as Social Stack (which is included with each Crisp Coach membership), the firm’s ideal clients are relentlessly targeted with their content. This in turn leads to increased brand awareness and exposure for the firm.

While marketing is an extremely important piece of KJC Law Firm’s journey to success, Crisp Coach doesn’t stop there.

Another issue the firm hoped to address and improve was the disconnect between employees and reaching their full potential within the firm. Without a well-defined team culture, they struggled to find a common thread that kept business streamlined and important processes in place.

Through Crisp Coach, KJC partner John Martin was given the resources and guidance needed to revolutionize the business from within.

Each Crisp Coach firm also gets access to Crisp Academy, a cutting-edge online platform filled with strategic marketing and business development trainings and modules created to help team members within the firm develop their understanding and execution of marketing concepts. Through the completion of the courses, members of the team are able to hone their skills and increase the impact of their role within the organization.

Not only that, but Crisp Coach also offers in-depth onsite trainings where team members have the opportunity to take the Kolbe Index and PRINT assessments, which bring next-level development to a law firm’s human capital by answering the “how” and “why” behind their actions, reactions, and decisions.

By having a better understanding of these factors, KJC’s team is able to enhance their communication and maximize their ability to achieve game-changing results every single day.

“Our business systems and law firm culture have been the most impacted areas since joining Crisp Coach,” John Martin elaborates. “Your culture is so incredibly important to your firm’s success.”

Don't underestimate the difference between being an excellent lawyer and an excellent business owner. We provide a specialized service to our clients, and we should be open to getting expert coaching and mentorship in our own practices.

John Martin


The impact the Crisp Coach program has had on John Martin and the KJC Law Firm is indisputable.

Comparing this past year to the previous, the firm has seen enormous growth in their business. Before joining Crisp Coach, Martin estimates that on average, they only brought in one to four high value cases annually.

Within their first year of the program — and in the midst of a pandemic — they brought in 10 cases valuing 7-figures each.

With the help of the Social Stack program, the firm’s website traffic increased by a whopping 700%. Not only that, but their consistent brand messaging established with the help of our creative team also is playing a massively beneficial role in building their referral network.

“Crisp has already doubled the size of our firm, and we project a 400% revenue increase over the next two years,” Martin shares.

Going beyond the bottom line, partnering with Crisp Coach is more than just videos and marketing resources. It is a program tailored to shift your mindset towards growth, making all glass ceilings breakable with the help of actionable solutions aimed at tackling the root of each problem within your law firm — not just their symptoms.

“The explosive growth of the firm has been exciting, but more importantly we have been able to do so in an authentic way that matches our core values and our concern for the prestige and image of the seriousness of our practice and our profession,” Martin says. “Crisp has not been an advertising or marketing agency. They have been a trusted advisor and partner that has elevated every aspect of our practice and performance.”

In John Martin’s own words: “It’s the best money we’ve ever spent.”

  • 300%

    Annual Intake Increase

  • 24%

    Annual Revenue Increase

  • 700%

    Increase in Web Traffic

Crisp has not been an advertising or marketing agency. They have been a trusted advisor and partner that has elevated every aspect of our practice and performance.

John Martin


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect