Fox & Farley
Success Story

Fox & Farley

  • 20%

    20% Increase in Case Volume

Project Overview

Fox & Farley is a personal injury firm in Knoxville, Tennessee. The team at Fox & Farley is devoted exclusively to representing injured people, primarily in auto wrecks, product liability cases, slip and falls, and pharmaceutical and orthopedic appliance mass tort claims. At the helm of the firm is Attorney Bruce Fox, whose experience working with local production companies left him wanting more from his video marketing.

Through a strategic SEO and web strategy and the addition of Crisp videos to their marketing, Fox & Farley saw a 20% increase in case volume along with an exponential increase in site traffic – including a significant improvement in Google rankings. Find out how they did it below.


Fox & Farley was in the middle of a complete website redesign with MileMark Media and hadn’t seen success from the television ads they produced with a local production company. Bruce Fox was looking for a quality product that would take their firm to the next level and complement the brand new site.

In addition, he wanted a product that would set them apart from two of the other major advertisers in the Knoxville market. There were a few things Bruce knew he wanted: quality, consistency, and results. There were also a few things he knew he didn’t want: an over the top commercial, a cheesy catchphrase, and a lack of authenticity in his messaging.

Plus, they had a TV marketing budget that was only ⅕ of what their major competitors were spending.

I've been running TV ads for a long time. Before working with Crisp, never in my time practicing law have I had people come up to me and say, "I saw your ad on TV, and that is really, really good." Now, I have three people a day tell me that.

Bruce Fox (Partner, Fox & Farley)


Fox & Farley decided to work with Crisp to produce a legal brand video unlike anything that was running on TV in their market.

Bruce’s goal in producing a video with Crisp was to create a video that met these criteria:

  • It catches people’s attention and keeps them there as soon as they get to the website
  • It sends a clear message that Fox & Farley is a “class act”
  • The quality is heads above everyone else in their market
  • It sends the right message about their law firm and communicates that message with class

When asked whether he had any hesitation about investing in additional video content for his law firm after his initial lack of success, here’s what Bruce had to say:

The initial investment in a Crisp video sounds like a lot, but you can make that investment back with just one case.

In order for your video to be successful, you’ve got to have some vision or dream about who you are and who you want to portray yourself in the market. I knew I wanted to portray myself as a lawyer with class, not portray myself as the typical TV lawyer riding around on bikes, jet skis, or trucks and yelling at the TV trying to sign on car accident cases.

Those TV ads are awful. Now, granted, those attorneys do generate business with those ads, but that’s not who I am. It’s not the image I want to portray. It’s not my public image or my private. It’s not me.

Bruce Fox, Fox & Farley

After working with Crisp to produce his legal brand video, Bruce Fox had a finished product that clearly communicated his firm’s value proposition and his ability to represent clients with compassion and class. It further establishes his firm as an expert in their market, as well as enhance social proof through the use of client testimonials.

We chose Crisp because they were hands down the best audiovisual company in the legal industry. Nobody comes close to matching the quality, emotion, or preparation you get when working with Crisp.

Bruce Fox (Partner, Fox & Farley)


After implementing their Crisp video on their website as well as utilizing it in a variety of TV advertising campaigns, Fox & Farley saw a 20% increase in case volume. Additionally, because of the joint efforts of video advertising and SEO implementation, Fox & Farley saw a significant increase in site traffic and improved Google placements in their local search listings.

Of course, there are also the intangible benefits of a successful video marketing strategy:

[Our Crisp video] has increased our market share. It has given us a better image of who we are. All the lawyers in this firm would agree with that. It’s a statement of what we stand for and made my life as a lawyer better because of the quality of the video we’ve put out.

Bruce Fox, Fox & Farley

Bruce ranks Crisp Video in the top 3 investments he’s made in his law firm, alongside working with MileMark Media and expanding his practice to involve mass torts.

And for the future of legal marketing? Bruce believes social media (and video) will continue to grow more prevalent, so he doesn’t plan on slowing down with video anytime soon.

  • 20%

    20% Increase in Case Volume

  • Fox & Farley
  • Fox & Farley
  • Fox & Farley

We looked at a number of other video companies. Nobody comes close to Crisp. The quality, the help, the preparation, the team - it's unparalleled. It's unmatched.

Bruce Fox (Partner, Fox & Farley)


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect