Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt
Success Story


Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt

Project Overview

For 15 years, the attorneys at Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt brought in cases from other law firms. However, they had no idea how to attract cases online.

Sure, plenty of web vendors were hired during this time.

Yet none delivered consistent results, especially when it came to attracting high-value cases.

Once Crisp Video came along, things changed.


Jeff Eisenberg found himself in a marketing rut he wasn’t able to find a way out of:

When I found injury law, I was able to feel like I was doing something important for people – you are really trying to take people through a really hard time, and on to something better.

But we were sort of stuck: we were in a cycling series of figuring out how do we capture the market for the specific things that we do well for the biggest cases. We spent 15 years attracting cases from other lawyers, and not figuring out how we were going to attract cases through the web or through video.

After a certain period of time, relying on drawing cases from other attorneys isn’t always sustainable – especially if you want to grow your law firm. Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt needed to find a new way to attract cases, and their previous efforts to attract clients through web marketing were not providing returns.

Like a lot of law firms, we’ve had experiences where vendors approach us, it sounds great, then the execution just doesn’t happen. We were cycling through web vendors, and in some cases other kinds of video marketing vendors, without finding the right fit – until Crisp came along.

Jeff Eisenberg, Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt



Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt ultimately decided that investing in video marketing would allow them to expand their online presence and drive new cases to their firm.

Though they’d had poor results from previous legal vendors, the team at Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt believed that Crisp would show a positive ROI.

Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt wanted a brand video that would:

  1. Brand the firm as the go-to law firm,
  2. Increase visibility and conversions, and
  3. Allow them to expand their online presence

Brand videos drive conversion by communicating the why behind a firm’s story, helping potential clients connect with an attorney and/or practice by communicating a unique value proposition.

Crisp's video really made us proud of what we’ve accomplished in this law firm – it was encapsulated in a special way.

Jeff Eisenberg (Partner, Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt)


Crisp Video Group produced a legal brand video for Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt that did more than just tell their firm’s story.

As Jeff aptly quotes,

We’ve learned – and Crisp has helped teach us – how to define ourselves, and then how to sell that proposition on video. That video really made us proud of what we’ve accomplished in this law firm – it was encapsulated in a special way, when you made our firm’s video.

Ultimately, their brand video was a powerful tool that allowed them to break into a new marketing space and further expand their efforts in a niche practice area.

We asked Jeff what advice he had for attorneys struggling to define themselves and their practice:

What I would encourage you to do is, do a lot of thinking about what is going to define you and your firm from the pack. That’s what I would suggest for someone whose marketing is still evolving, who’s struggling to find a niche – go through that process.

Jeff Eisenberg, Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt

It’s a process that Eisenberg suggests all firms go through. He says, besides bringing in cases, the brand video that followed made the firm’s attorneys proud of what they’ve accomplished.

  • Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt
  • Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt

Crisp has helped teach us how to define ourselves, and then how to sell that proposition on video.

Jeff Eisenberg (Partner, Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt)


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  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect