Success Story


  • 50+

    New Accounts

Project Overview

ApexChat provides live chat software and services to law firms with the goal of converting website visitors into qualified leads. To do this, Apex utilizes state-of-the-art live chat technology, SMS text-to-chat features, and Facebook Messenger integrations to ensure their clients are leveraging conversational marketing on every available channel.

Law firms that have tested ApexChat’s service against competitors choose ApexChat over everyone else because they convert leads better. These results have earned them a reputation as the leading provider of live chat in the legal industry.

The challenge for ApexChat is not the quality of service they provide. Instead, business challenges are related to communicating their message to prospects and ensuring that their methods are actively producing big returns on investment.

After identifying these challenges, ApexChat chose Crisp to produce a set of testimonial videos to help provide social proof that their live chat service is the best value in the legal industry.


While ApexChat’s service is superior in many ways to direct competitors in the live chat space, the question of how to capture that advantage and position it in a way that would connect with prospects posed a challenge. Apex has always been confident in the quality of the service they deliver, but they struggled to find the most cost-effective and powerful method to convince prospects that they were the right choice.

That’s where Crisp came in.

ApexChat identified their own happy clients as the best source of communication. Who better to reinforce your decision to choose ApexChat as your live chat provider than someone in your very position, someone who made the decision before you?

As Co-Founder and VP of Business Development Jim Bert put it:

We decided to produce videos to help position ApexChat as a leading provider of chat in the legal industry. Our video has helped communicate the value we offer our clients through peer-to-peer testimonial.


The Crisp team worked with ApexChat to produce a series of client testimonials that demonstrate firsthand the difference between working with Apex and any other chat service. We identified the strongest strategy for communicating what sets ApexChat apart as showcasing the results that real clients have seen from implementing their services and utilizing their specialized set of features.

Hearing true stories of client success and measurable return on investment helps prospects make informed decisions, and helps reinforce confidence that they are making the right choice. Using video to amplify the voices of those successful clients provides a medium that is personal, powerful, and effortless to consume.

Investing in video marketing has definitely improved our business. It has made it easier for us to get the right message to the right people in a convenient and digestible format.

We test and measure like nobody [else]. We have tons of key performance indicators in all parts of our business that tell us how we're doing. If there was another vendor that did a better job for us and gave us a better ROI, we'd be with them. We've tested the other vendors, and we know that Apex is the right one for our bottom line.

Mischelle Davis (Davis Law Group)


Since making the decision to incorporate video content into their marketing strategy, ApexChat has seen a variety of impacts on various stages of their funnel.

Adding video to their website has helped online visitors learn about Apex software and service. This is a valuable way to move leads along smoothly, as frequently asked questions can be easily addressed with video. Additionally, proactively providing answers and resources in this format ensures the information is conveyed in an engaging and easily digestible way.

ApexChat also utilizes videos in sales emails to show more details about service features to prospects further along the sales pipeline. By hitting all their bases in this way, Apex is able to streamline their processes and keep their prospects immersed in their service every step of the way.

Incorporating video in competitive mailings have yielded some of the most measurable results for ApexChat. Through that process Apex has generated over 50 new accounts.

Communicating the value of their services with engaging video content has clearly resonated with Apex prospects in a meaningful way. This factor assisted in converting a sizable number into new, happy clients.

  • 50+

    New Accounts

We are growing. We are getting more inbound traffic and leads than we were a year ago. Additionally we are traveling to more trade shows and expanding our sales team. Ultimately, all of this is tied to our growth as a company and continued expansion in the legal industry.

Jim Bert (Co-Founder & VP of Business Development)

Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect