Amina Rashad & Associates, P.C.
Success Story

Amina Rashad & Associates, P.C.

  • 60%

    Increase in Revenue

Project Overview

Lawyers get stereotyped more than they should. Many people picture attorneys in power suits who just want to get through a case — but what about those who care personally about the well-being of their clients? What about the lawyers who choose empathy when working with people in a dark place?

Those are the ones who have the biggest impact on the clients they serve.

Amina Rashad of Amina Rashad & Associates, P.C. seeks to change the way cases are handled and viewed, both internally and externally.

Located in Uniondale, New York, Amina Rashad & Associates is a firm dedicated to matrimonial and family law, specializing in annulments, divorce, and fathers’ rights. Amina is proud to represent men and women in compromising situations — not just because she feels for them, but because she’s been in their shoes before.

Born into a religious family and forced into an arranged marriage, Amina feared she had to accept her fate. While she hoped she could wait it out and hope for the best, it became clear that her marriage was not a safe future for her.

Amina gathered up the courage to file for annulment, but she quickly discovered that even though she had plenty of evidence, no one would help her. Though everyone has rights, there’s a difference between having them and having the ability to exercise them. Frustrated, Amina searched tirelessly for a lawyer who would actually look into her case and annul her marriage. After what seemed like an eternity, she found one in California who helped her achieve her goal.

Amina was free at last — and more than ever, she was motivated.

The whole fiasco drove Amina to become the lawyer for others that she knew she needed at the time. She would never forget her own emotional experience, and she knew that no other person should ever have to go through the same stress.

After applying to Brooklyn Law School, she graduated in 2013 and began her career as a solo practitioner until she eventually grew her firm into Amina Rashad & Associates.

Though her legal journey has been anything but linear, she knew she was up to the challenge to grow and transform like she never had before.


Though she was excited for her journey and passionate about her mission, Amina wasn’t sure how she was going to succeed.

A rookie to the legal profession, Amina started off as a disorganized but passionate solo practitioner. She didn’t see an essential need to put systems, processes, and protocols in place — because she knew where everything was in her own mind.

While this way of doing things worked in the beginning, Amina quickly realized that that wasn’t a sustainable way of running a business, especially when other people’s futures were on the line. As she established a foundation and reached a certain level of success, the cracks began to emerge.

“The biggest challenge of owning my own law firm is scaling,” says Amina. “Maintaining client satisfaction is easy when there are 10 clients. It’s not so easy when there are 200.”

Her operation expanded, she began assembling a team, and her client roster kept growing. But so did the responsibility.

She reflects: “If I fail, or make a bad business decision and I can’t pay my employees, they will lose income and it will impact their families. If I don’t do a good job for my clients, who are often fighting for precious time with their children or the ability to actually financially survive following a divorce, then that too will be on my shoulders. The weight of the number of people counting on you is crushing.”

Because her law firm was growing rapidly without a stable support system in place, Amina wasn’t building relationships, generating referrals at a sustainable rate, or investing in her own learning and development. She wished for a way to lean on like-minded law firm owners that had been in her shoes before. Without trusted colleagues to give her advice, encouragement, and words of wisdom, she wasn’t sure if she was doing anything right — and she yearned for that sense of belonging and support.

Amina was spreading herself too thin. She didn’t see how she could possibly afford to hire anyone to help her when she didn’t know how to help herself. The only thing that was on her mind was bringing in revenue, despite knowing the root problem was much deeper.

Unsure of herself and firm, Amina felt lost. She worried about the investment in a strategic growth partner, especially when she had kids at home relying on her. But that didn’t stop her. She knew that being brave meant taking risks, and after taking one of the biggest risks of her life, she knew she had found the perfect place for her.

Taking big risks leads to big rewards. My leadership skills and my ability to make decisions and move forward have all improved in big ways I didn’t see coming.

Amina Rashad


Amina joined Crisp Coach, an application-only program designed to help law firm owners work on their firms instead of in them, make strategic decisions with confidence and clarity, and expand their capacity and their firm’s capabilities.

It’s for law firms looking to grow, change, and transform — which is exactly what Amina wanted to do.

“I was looking to grow my business,” explains Amina. “At the time, I don’t think I even knew what that looked like beyond revenue. But since partnering with Crisp, I have learned what that actually means in ways I did not even know existed.”

Crisp Coach equipped Amina with:

  • The tools to set her firm apart from all the rest
  • The power to relentlessly market her brand on multiple platforms
  • A professional network of like-minded law firm owners
  • Guidance to develop and implement streamlined processes and protocols
  • Strategies to attract and retain a team of A-players
  • And so much more

With so much to do, Amina was eager to get started right away.

She began her transformation journey by getting paired up with her own Program Advisor (PA) who would help her get on track and stay there. Together, they were able to pinpoint the exact pain points and challenges that Amina’s law firm experienced — and develop a plan and strategy to get it heading in the right direction.

“Having systems in place, hiring, employee retention and a good culture, client satisfaction, accountability” — these were the areas of her business Amina learned she needed to focus on. “Revenue is not at the top of my list with respect to business growth anymore,” she says.

Amina’s PA became her resource for everything: advice for becoming a stronger firm, answers for attracting more clients, strategies to get ahead of the competition, and so much more.

Amina quickly learned that one of the key factors to building brand awareness is having a compelling Unique Value Proposition, or UVP. This is what sets a law firm apart from its competition — and it’s not created out of thin air. Instead, the strategy behind a firm’s UVP comes from within. Amina reflected on what makes her different from other lawyers in her industry and what would make people want to come to her over another option.

Having been in the shoes of the very people she’s committed to helping, Amina instantly knew her personal story was her UVP. She could relate to her clients because of their shared experiences, and she could show them the empathy that so many others wouldn’t be able to.

When she had her UVP clearly defined, it was time to convey it in a one-of-a-kind legal brand video.

The next step was to develop a larger arsenal of videos to differentiate her firm, clearly showcasing what was unique about Amina’s practice in a powerful, emotionally compelling medium.

Having a strategic library of videos was one thing. Leveraging them to their full potential was another.

That’s where Amina’s Client Success Manager came in. Along with her PA, Amina’s CSM manages relentless digital marketing campaigns to promote her videos on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Amina’s CSM provides metrics updates and optimization strategies periodically to ensure her firm’s message is always top-of-mind for her ideal clients.

Amina Rashad & Associates

The Crisp Coach program is much more than powerful video and relentless marketing and advertising campaigns, however — and Amina reaps the benefits in so many different ways.

For starters, Crisp Coach has taught her strategies and tactics to become a more organized, well-oiled machine. Since joining the program, Amina has hired more people to help her stay on track. With the help of her PA, she has reassessed her methods for filing and storing information, as well as putting strategic processes in place to scale with ease.

Through one of the most central aspects of her membership, Amina also has the opportunity to come to the Crisp headquarters on a quarterly basis for hands-on workshops with fellow law firm owners from all over the country. She’s been able to increase her network size tenfold and learn from others who have gone through the same challenges she is.

Each law firm owner can cultivate relationships, learn from experts, and bring home tools and resources to put into action in their businesses. This is information they won’t find anywhere else — becoming a member of Crisp Coach is one of the most exclusive things a law firm owner can do.

From her first kickoff call with her PA, to the first time she stepped foot at a Crisp Coach workshop, Amina knew she had found her people. She couldn’t wait to see where her partnership with Crisp would take her.

So where is she now?

I signed up for Crisp Coach in 2020, just six months from the start of the pandemic — and I was terrified. But it turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made for my business, second only to the beautiful brand video Crisp helped me create.

Amina Rashad


Since joining the Crisp Coach program, Amina has experienced unprecedented growth and transformation — growth beyond what she ever thought possible. Her law firm sees more monthly revenue, higher quality cases, and a larger referral network than ever before, and Amina knows it’s only up from here.

Before partnering with Crisp, Amina’s law firm brought in about half the revenue she currently brings in. She’s represented more clients in higher quality cases with a dedicated team of individuals supporting her every step of the way — both in her office and within the Crisp Coach program.

“Without a doubt, Crisp has made me top of mind within our targeted audience in the geographical area,” says Amina. “But the biggest impact by far is how I make decisions for my business. My willingness to take a risk and invest in the business has increased exponentially — so much that sometimes, I don’t even recognize myself.”

Referrals are one of the most powerful sources of new business for law firms across practice areas, but without strategic connections in the legal industry and powerful brand recognition in your community, you can’t realistically bring in new referrals. This is the cycle Amina found herself in when she first started her law firm.

All that changed when she joined the Crisp Coach program, however. Since she knows more colleagues in her industry across the country — and her brand continues to earn recognition thanks to superior brand differentiation and world-class video marketing — her firm generates more monthly referrals and better cases because of them.

“There is really no way to quantify it,” states Amina. “People refer to me that I don’t even know, and it’s because they’ve seen my brand video. I even have judges and court officers who tell me they’ve seen my videos on Facebook. I just didn’t think that was possible for me.”

Amina continues to experience more benefits from her Crisp Coach membership every day. Her firm is full of positivity and a dedication to helping their clients find peace and solace, and she’s proud to be leading a team that cares so deeply.

With a more organized practice, Amina is able to focus on what matters most. Her team is always on the same page, and Amina has a pulse on the health of her business at all times.

“These days, I think much bigger and have set goals much higher than I ever would have before,” insists Amina. “I know what I am capable of because of the people standing behind me both in my office and the Crisp headquarters.”

While she once considered herself a rookie, Amina is now a confident veteran ready to take on whatever else her life as a law firm owner decides to throw at her. With Crisp Coach ready to help, she’s prepared and doesn’t plan on looking back anytime soon.

  • 60%

    Increase in Revenue

  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates
  • Amina Rashad & Associates

When I signed up for my brand video, I rented one desk in a shared space, and shared an office with a friend. Two and a half years later, I am in a 2,500 square foot office with employees, working on a book, and setting my sights on hitting 7 figures in revenue within the next two years. I never could have imagined such rapid growth, and it most certainly is not a coincidence.”

Amina Rashad

Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect