Haeggquist & Eck, LLP
Success Story

Haeggquist & Eck, LLP

  • 51%

    Increase in Leads

  • 45%

    Increase in Clients

Project Overview

Fifteen years ago, Alreen Haeggquist, the founder of Haeggquist & Eck, LLP, began her journey to establish her law firm. Fueled by a passion for justice and a commitment to support those who have been victimized, she started this journey with little money and a makeshift office in a spare room at her home.

“15 years ago, I quit my job at a big law firm, gave up a paycheck, and decided to start my own firm — one with a culture of family, community, and belonging while also doing important legal work for those who have been abused and victimized by those who held positions of power over them,” shared Alreen. “I only had $5,000, a makeshift office in the backroom of my house, no clients, and no idea how to run a business.”

In the early days as a firm owner, she faced numerous challenges, but she had something more valuable than monetary resources: a strong network of support. Her husband stood by her side, offering unwavering encouragement, while colleagues entrusted her with referrals and friends cheered her on.

In addition to being able to give unrelenting support to her clients, Alreen values the team she has assembled and their fierce dedication. “The best part of owning my law firm is leading a team to impact individual lives in our community,” she said.

The work that Alreen does for clients is deeply personal. With experiences of abuse as a child, Alreen never takes for granted that she is making an impact on those she represents. With unwavering dedication and a commitment to excellence, Alreen has always done whatever it takes to make Haeggquist & Eck, LLP the preeminent law firm representing employee rights, focusing on women’s rights in the workplace since day one.

For her, it was vital that she continued this level of excellence and reinforced the sustainable growth of her firm, allowing her to help others who were being abused or victimized.


Alreen is dedicated to her clients and sets high standards for herself and her team. However, she realized that a few areas of her firm were not quite meeting her standard of excellence — the client experience and personnel.

Attending the Game Changers Summit, Alreen realized she could improve how her firm made clients feel. In truth, her mind never realized how important it was to set a strategy around how she treated those who trusted Haeggquist & Eck, LLP.

“Before Crisp, I never thought about the client experience. I thought we just had to provide them with legal services, and they would be happy if we got them a good result. I didn’t think about how we made them feel or consider improving the ways we communicated with them and what needs they had that weren’t being met in the process,” observed Alreen.

People management and firm culture were two areas that Alreen knew she needed to focus on. In the past, she “looked at leadership as a noun and not a verb,” meaning she was not intentional about her leadership effort in building a dynamic firm culture.

Building a cohesive team aligned with the firm’s values and mission was crucial to her, but it comes with its own challenges. Fostering a positive work environment, addressing team dynamics, and ensuring continuous professional development are all critical components of influential people management.

For Alreen, the well-being and productivity of her team were paramount, but maintaining this balance amidst the pressures of running a growing firm is a constant challenge.

Alreen needed to find solutions to the challenges she experienced regarding cash flow. For any law firm owner, ensuring that the firm has enough capital to cover operational costs is a balancing act and a constant source of stress as it impacts not only the firm’s stability but also its ability to provide consistent, high-quality service to clients.

Overall, Alreen decided to partner with Crisp because she wanted to be a better leader, business owner, and advocate.

Before Crisp, I never considered the client experience. I thought we just had to provide them with legal services, and they would be happy if we got them a good result. I didn’t think about how we made them feel or consider improving the ways we communicated with them and what needs they had that weren’t being met in the process.

Alreen Haeggquist


With a vision to enhance her firm’s online presence and operational efficiency, Alreen saw Crisp as the perfect partner to help her achieve these ambitious goals. She recognized the need for strategic growth and improved business practices and aimed to leverage Crisp Social Stack, a powerful tool for brand development, to help boost her firm’s visibility with her ideal clients.

Alreen admired the exceptional quality Crisp delivered for other law firms. Crisp’s emphasis on compelling storytelling aligned seamlessly with her vision. She saw firsthand how Crisp videos helped attract the best cases and build strong brands, starkly contrasting the generic lawyer ads she had previously encountered.

Videos have become essential in the legal marketing landscape, where visual content is a critical driver of engagement and connection. A well-crafted story does more than just showcase a firm’s services — it tells a story, evokes emotions, and builds trust. For Alreen, her Brand Video was a dynamic introduction to potential clients, establishing a connection with her target audience.

Alreen also leveraged Crisp’s expertise to help her create the team culture she knew would take her firm to the next level. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure where to begin but trusted that Crisp would guide her well. During her Crisp Culture Day, an Onsite Training exclusively available for Crisp Coach members, she and her team walked away with a clear firm vision and values, which they review with each new hire during HAE 101, the firm’s onboarding training.

Partnering with Crisp also enabled Alreen to improve her firm’s client experience, an area that she previously overlooked as being a crucial component of client satisfaction. “I chose to invest in improving the client experience because of what I learned at the Crisp Game Changers Summit — how we make clients feel is more important than how much money we got them,” reflected Alreen.

But, more importantly, she wanted her clients to feel the same way about working with her firm as she felt about the experiences she had with Crisp, “I also became a Crisp superfan because of the client experience I received from Crisp and wanted to emulate that at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP.”

Alreen knew that due to the insights she gleaned from Crisp, the firm’s accomplishments hinged mainly on her strengthening her leadership skills. The tactics and strategies she implemented at the firm would have little effect if she could not guide the team effectively. The resources and guidance shared through Crisp Coach and her one-on-one meetings with her coach were crucial to her development as a leader.

“I am a very intentional leader now and understand my role in the company’s growth,” Alreen acknowledged. “I make decisions because they are the best for Haeggquist & Eck, LLP, not because of how they make me feel (or not feel). Our meetings are productive, and each moves the needle with everyone engaged.”

Through quarterly workshops, monthly coaching sessions, networking with other growth-minded law firm owners, strategic digital marketing, and high-quality videos, Alreen has created an efficient business where clients feel supported, and team members feel valued.

I chose to invest in improving the client experience because of what I learned at the Crisp Game Changers Summit — how we make clients feel is more important than how much money we got them.

Alreen Haeggquist


Since partnering with Crisp, Haeggquist & Eck, LLP has experienced a remarkable transformation. The firm has seen a 51% increase in leads and a 45% increase in clients, highlighting the effectiveness of Crisp’s programs.

Haeggquist & Eck, LLP has transformed into not only better lawyers but also the best-marketed one, attracting top-tier cases as a result. This significant growth in leads and clients has not only boosted the firm’s revenue but also broadened its reach, enabling it to help more individuals fight for their rights in the workplace.

One of the most valuable lessons Alreen Haeggquist has learned from her partnership with Crisp is that the journey of growth and improvement never ends, and the mindset of continuous improvement has become a cornerstone of the firm’s culture, driving its ongoing success and innovation. “There is always more to learn, new ways to grow, and greater efficiencies to achieve,” she expressed.

Alreen’s intentionality in developing her leadership skills and choosing to invest in her team members’ professional development has cultivated a strong, positive firm culture centered around shared goals and values. “The response from the team and potential team members is very positive, and people are excited to work at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP, which, in turn, has attracted top talent,” Alreen says enthusiastically.

The firm was selected as San Diego Business Journal’s Best Place to Work. Creating a great workplace where employees are eager to give their best every day is challenging, and being named to the list demonstrates that the firm has what it takes to recruit and retain a highly engaged workforce.

The partnership with Crisp has catalyzed positive change at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP. The firm’s culture has been enriched, its client experience has improved, and its capacity for growth has been significantly enhanced.

  • 51%

    Increase in Leads

  • 45%

    Increase in Clients

The impact Crisp has had on my firm is difficult to quantify because the results have been more than just financial. It has had an overall effect on every aspect of the firm.

Alreen Haeggquist


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