Amaro Law Firm
Success Story

Amaro Law Firm

  • 3X

    Growth in Revenue

Project Overview

James Amaro established the Amaro Law Firm, a leading injury and wrongful death law firm in Texas, almost twenty years ago in the spare bedroom of his townhouse.

Now, the firm has an impressive 80+ member team in various cities in Texas, with its headquarters in Houston. The firm’s results include landmark decisions at the Texas Supreme Court, record settlements and verdicts, high-stakes complex litigation, and groundbreaking work in personal injury and wrongful death cases.

While the firm’s growth over the past 20 years has been gratifying, James’s most rewarding part has been “winning cases for our clients.”

Serving clients has always been important to James, so when he decided to follow his entrepreneurial dreams of opening a law firm, he wanted to ensure that he created a place where clients could receive compassionate service.

At the Amaro Law Firm, James has successfully created the firm he always wanted — purpose-driven to serve others and known for delivering exceptional results for their clients.

He is strongly committed to how his staff and attorneys should handle their relationships with their clients because he knows how important peace and hope are during tough times.

“I think that a lot of our clients have lost faith in the judicial process because they’re being treated unfairly,” said James. “I want the Amaro Law Firm team to work zealously to protect our clients’ interests.”

Creating a law firm team where each member values the same things can be challenging, but with the help of Crisp, James has managed to instill a culture that focuses on delivering exceptional client service day in and day out.

Trusting his gut instinct to collaborate with Crisp proved to be the turning point in the success of the Amaro Law firm.

I absolutely believe that investing in my firm by partnering with Crisp was the right thing for me to do.

James Amaro


When James initially collaborated with Crisp, his challenges were related to culture, team development, leadership development, and the client experience.

He wanted to create a law firm optimized for the client at every step — from their initial intake to their case’s outcome — alongside a group of talented people who would do their best work and support one another.

However, to reach his goals, James had to step back and consider his role in his firm’s future.

He didn’t feel clear about how his visionary leadership could help the Amaro Law Firm achieve excellence, and he felt like his mindset wasn’t where it needed to be to reach his ambitious goals.

Reflecting on his approach to running his law firm before his partnership with Crisp, James said, “Going 100 miles per hour alone can give you tunnel vision, and you may fly by problems or opportunities without noticing.”

All in all, James felt he needed someone to hold him accountable for being committed to doing whatever it took to achieve personal and professional success.

Going 100 miles per hour alone can give you tunnel vision, and you may fly by problems or opportunities without noticing.

James Amaro


James entered the partnership with Crisp with an open mind and eye toward establishing a solid culture and further developing as a leader.

Joining the CrispX community gave James the insights necessary to gain the ultimate competitive advantage in his market with a dedicated executive coach and quarterly workshops, unparalleled networking, transformative workshops, exclusive content from Crisp Founder and CEO Michael Mogill, world-class videos, relentless digital marketing, professional development for his team, and training sessions.

When James attended quarterly workshops, he was prompted to investigate the issues he was experiencing in various areas of his practice: operations, hiring, finance, brand awareness, team dynamics, and firm culture. Through a tailormade Circulus for law firm owners, James has learned how to attract and retain A-players, own his marketing by attracting the highest-valued cases, and craft a bulletproof culture to help him achieve explosive growth for the Amaro Law Firm.

His executive coach was his dedicated accountability partner and helped him break down his goals into manageable milestones and helped him discover ways to cultivate the culture he always wanted. Monthly meetings and onsite trainings have provided the clarity he needed to find solutions to his firm’s long-standing problems.

Without a doubt, a lucrative aspect of Crisp Coach for James has been “exposure and proximity to growth-minded firm owners.” Unlimited access to a network of the top law firm owners across the US who were facing similar challenges allowed James to apply lessons learned from other firm owners to the difficulties he was facing in his practice.

It wasn’t only the resources, networking, and support James valued in his Crisp Coach program. He has shifted his mindset toward looking at issues as opportunities for becoming a top law firm with a reputation for excellence.

Crisp has impacted him the most in the area of his personal and professional growth, giving him the perspective he needed to be honest about where his firm stands and his influence as its leader. James remarked, “Facing the truth, owning it, and moving forward has been one of the most important lessons I’ve learned from my time working with Crisp.”

Since joining the Crisp Coach program in 2021, the Amaro Law firm has greatly benefited from all that James has learned from his fellow program members.

Exposure and proximity to growth-minded firm owners has made a significant impact on my law firm.

James Amaro


Through its partnership with Crisp, The Amaro Law Firm has seen remarkable growth.

By the end of this year alone, James anticipates their processes will be firmly established, and their team development to have evolved to levels he once thought unimaginable.

Crisp has been instrumental in providing strategic insights, leadership development, and an unwavering support system that has allowed the Amaro Law Firm to flourish.

Over the last two years, their case inventory has doubled and the firm’s revenue is on track to triple from three years ago, prior to Crisp’s involvement. “We are a results-oriented law firm and we believe that extraordinary effort leads to extraordinary results,” James explains.

As the pipeline of their case growth matures, James and his team will continue to be unwaveringly dedicated to their clients. The firm’s daily focus continues to revolve around tackling challenging cases and emphasizing its core value of being used and useful to others.

“It’s our mission to be used and useful to our clients, to protect them, to serve them, and get them the justice that they deserve,” James emphasizes.

Crisp continues to find ways to wow James and his team through immensely beneficial program enhancements that add value where it’s most needed. Working with Crisp has positioned the Amaro Law Firm to face future challenges head-on, with the confidence that every problem has a solution.

Moving forward, the Amaro Law Firm remains dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation, knowing that their journey is far from over.

  • 3X

    Growth in Revenue

Since partnering with Crisp, our revenue has tripled, our processes have been cemented, and our training and team development have evolved into a state that was once unimaginable.

James Amaro


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