How to Use Law Firm Video Marketing to Multiply Your Marketing ROI and Bring in Quality Cases

6 minutes to read

law firm marketing

If you were looking for top performance, would you get behind the wheel of a Ford or a Ferrari?

Sure, each car has four tires, a steering wheel, and an engine. Yet the look and feel of these machines couldn’t be more different. A Ford is a car; a Ferrari is an experience.

Think of video marketing in the same way.

You see, many video production companies create legal marketing videos. Few, though, have the skill to craft a meaningful story and create an experience that sticks with viewers long after they’ve finished watching.

As an attorney, you use video for one reason: to generate cases.

Our clients have seen case values increase 10x, 80% revenue growth year over year, and conversion rates increase by 300%.



Well, we don’t just point, shoot, and produce videos — we’re a legal video marketing company. So we help you generate traffic and convert those prospects into leads while also positioning you as a trusted authority in the market.

“I would tell anyone that’s considering using Crisp that they should go forward with it. They guide you through the whole process — from the beginning, to the production, to the posting of the videos… It’s a great company to work with.”

James Payer, Payer & Associates

“Before hiring Crisp I did exhaustive research into all of the companies out there. I found that they were the company most compatible with a firm like mine who is a boutique firm that is committed to my clients… they share the same level of commitment with me as I share with my clients.”

Jim Holliday, Holliday Karatinos Law Firm

Every aspect of our process focuses on:

  • Driving engagement with your ideal target audience
  • Highlighting what makes your firm unique
  • Bringing you new, high-value cases

Here’s what our client, Travis Jacobs of The Jacobs Law, has to say about the value of our work:

“Our videos launched in October. Within 2 months (by December) we were getting about two to three times the calls we were getting before we posted them, and the calls were for more value-added work and fewer one-offs.

By January we had to hire an answering service because we were getting so many calls during the day that we couldn’t get existing work done fast enough.”

Travis Jacobs, The Jacobs Law

We Handle the Creative Process for You

We film directly at your firm (weekdays or weekends, whatever works best for you), and take care of the entire creative process.

Our process:

  • Needs and Concept: We sit down with you to learn more about your firm and discuss your marketing and growth goals. We work closely with you to develop your video concept, creating a storyboard and script that you’ll love. We will explain law firm marketing strategies. We never move forward with a video until we feel you get the most value for your investment.
  • Preparation and Production: Our production team then starts the preparation for your shoot. We determine what equipment is needed, travel to your location, and begin filming! Our crew is professional and courteous, and we work hand-in-hand with you on filming day to make sure you have the best experience possible.
  • Review and Delivery: Editing begins as soon as filming ends. We meticulously go through your footage, adding audio and motion graphics, making sure each frame is perfect. We stay in close communication with you during this time, sending you edits of your video for your critique and approval. Although a lot of action happens in this step, it’s our goal to deliver your video to you in about 7 business days!
  • Analytics and Results: Our relationship does not end once we deliver your video to you. We help you get the maximum return on your new video by providing you with video SEO tips which will expand your online reach, helping you gain more fans, followers, and customers. We only succeed when you do, and we’re committed to helping you reach your goals.

Each video is designed to elicit emotion, establish a connection, and influence video viewers to hire your firm.

We Don’t Create One-Size-Fits-All Scripts

“I chose Crisp because I was impressed by their professional products but small and intimate boutique feel. I align myself with small businesses who represent what I strive for: individual attention by true professionals.

Other companies felt more like a mill to me, where their goals were making money instead of collaborating on a project and valuing the product along with me like Crisp.”

Jocelyn Stewart, Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart

Many legal video firms reuse the same scripts and the same questions with each client.

We craft questions based on in-depth discussions with you to elicit genuine responses about what you know best – your practice.

Some past examples are:

  • These cases are often very tough; how do you help your clients through a difficult time?
  • Tell me about your strategy in the client’s case.
  • When you started to put together the evidence you collected to win the client’s case, what were your thoughts?

Crisp Videos Convert Higher

Here’s what one client, Jocelyn Stewart, experienced after just the first five months of her video marketing campaign:

How Our Video Converts

YouTube ranks video by likes, shares, and how long people watch it, not by views. Here’s why quality converts:

  • 76% of users say they would share a branded video with their friends if it was entertaining.
  • 55% of users say they’d share a video if it was inspirational.
  • 61% of users surveyed postponed buying a product after watching a bad explainer video.
  • 25% said the video’s low quality was discouraging.

Videos are not a “one-size-fits-all solution” – as each client comes to you with different problems, concerns, and desires. So we create each video based on a data-driven approach proven to drive traffic and conversions. We will explain core techniques on how to market a law firm.

And once we know the best fit for each video, we match these prospects with the best long-tail keywords for boosting your traffic and conversions.

We’re Invested in Your Growth

A Ferrari is useless with an empty fuel tank. So, in addition to delivering a finished product, we help you implement a complete marketing plan.

Whether it’s providing a step-by-step plan to increase your video’s ranking, optimizing/auditing your YouTube channel, or blog posts that complement your video content (helping rank your content in multiple places in search engines), we will discuss the latest law firm internet marketing trends. We make sure your message gets seen by your target audience.

Crisp Videos Lead to Higher Value Cases

“The first month that my video was up and running I netted over $50,000 in sales – easily the best month I’ve ever had in private practice. Hiring Crisp to do my brand video is by far the best investment I’ve made in my business…

My average case value prior to working with Crisp was in the $1,000 dollar range. Now, my average case value is $10,000, with many reaching $15,000 or $20,000.”

Dan Stockmann, Stockmann Law / Nebraska Interstate Drug Defense

Our Clients Love Us

Premium content drives premium results. So why not partner with a firm who knows how to create beautiful videos that achieve your marketing goals?

Listen to our CEO talk about how to get tangible results from legal video marketing. Let’s take your law firm to the next level today.

How Crisp Can Help

As the #1 Law Firm Growth Company in the Nation, Crisp has helped hundreds of firms dominate their markets with results that speak for themselves ($3.2M in average revenue growth, 2x increase in average case values).

We teach firm owners how they can win by design and help them overcome their biggest barriers to growth while establishing lasting legacies.

If you’re ready to be amongst the top 5% of firms in the country, submit your application for Crisp Coach today.

Join them and see what you’re made of.