As a law firm owner, one of the most essential — yet underused — resources for marketing your firm is YouTube. Once you’ve made the commitment to starting a channel and uploading quality content to attract the right clients, there are some easy adjustments you can make to your page in order to attract as much traffic as possible.
Getting a new channel off the ground can be difficult. You’ll need to make sure your channel is optimized for your target audience in every possible way. By adding keywords to YouTube, you are letting search engines know what industry it should be ranking your channel and all its videos for.
There are two common ways of doing this. You can add tags to each video you post, and you can add keywords to your channel.
While adding tags is a common and effective step in posting and promoting any YouTube videos, many legal marketers miss the essential step of adding similar keywords to their actual YouTube channel. We’ll walk through the steps to do this.
How to Add Keywords to YouTube
Fully optimizing your YouTube channel requires the addition of keywords in order to boost its search engine optimization (SEO). Luckily, this is a simple process if you just follow these steps.
In a new tab, navigate to
In the upper right corner, click on your profile. This will open a dropdown menu.
From here, click the “Your Channel” button.
In the upper right corner, click the “YouTube Studio” button.
From the navigation panel on the left side, select “Settings.”
A pop-up window will appear. From here, click “Channel.”
Ensure you’re under the “Basic Info” tab.
Here, you will see a box to add your keywords.
Ta-da! Enter relevant keywords here, and your channel is ready to go. Just type them in and separate with a comma. Accepted keywords will look like this:
Just click “Save” to keep your changes when you’re done.
Your keywords can be edited at any time, and are an extremely useful tool when building your YouTube channel.
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The Benefits of Adding Keywords to YouTube
The key to any platform your firm uses for marketing is ensuring that your channel is optimized to reach the most potential clients. While you can operate a YouTube channel without adding keywords, you will not be operating at full potential.
There are many other, more influential factors that go into the searchability and effectiveness of your YouTube strategy. In fact, the titles, thumbnails, and descriptions for your videos are more important pieces of metadata for online discovery than anything else. These are the key factors that viewers use to decide which videos they want to watch.
However, you only have traffic to gain by implementing channel keywords as well. Channel SEO is beneficial to brand awareness for your firm, and adding keywords to YouTube is a very simple step to improve your channel.
How to Select Your Keywords
The most difficult part of this process is choosing the keywords that are right for you. You’ll want to focus on words and phrases that are relevant to your brand and what you do.
Think of it this way: What will people enter in a search engine to find you? What is your market looking for?
As an added benefit, you are able to enter multiple keywords for your channel. The amount of keywords you can add depends on how long each one is, but it is safe to assume that you’ll be able to fit 3+ keywords for your channel.
Take some time to brainstorm which keywords are the most beneficial for your law firm. If you have an SEO strategy for your firm, you may be able to pull some keywords that you use there.
Here’s an example. If you have a personal injury law firm in Georgia that specializes in auto accidents, you might want to consider some of the following keyword options:
- Personal Injury Georgia
- Personal Injury Atlanta
- Personal Injury Lawyer
- Personal Injury Attorney
- Personal Injury Lawyer Georgia
- Personal Injury Lawyer Atlanta
- Personal Injury Attorney Georgia
- Personal Injury Attorney Atlanta
- Personal injury lawyer near me
- Auto Accident
- What to do after an auto accident
- Car accident
- What to do after a car accident
- Car accident lawyer
- Car accident attorney
- Auto accident lawyer
- Auto accident attorney
- Car accident legal help
- Car accident lawyer near me
- Car accident legal advice
- Car accident legal aid
- Free legal advice near me
- Legal help near me
- Legal advice car accident
When selecting and adding keywords, don’t go overboard. Write what makes sense naturally, and don’t “stuff” random keywords into your page that aren’t relevant.
There are many options available, so prioritize the ones that are most specific to your firm and best match the needs of your ideal client.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, when taking these steps to supplement your YouTube page, building an engaged, loyal audience online is the goal. The viewers that flock to your videos are, ideally, potential clients whose attention and trust you want to gain. Eventually, this will convert them into paying clients.