Military Law
Success Story

Military Law

  • 130%

    Caseload Increase

Project Overview

When Sheena and Jeremy Snyder embarked on the journey to establish Military Law, their goal was clear and ambitious: to create a law firm dedicated to defending military service members nationwide. The Snyders felt there was no better way to use their skills and life experiences in the law, investigations, and the military than to help others.

As law firm owners, they know that creating a winning team is more than creating processes and following procedures. They are committed to being the change they want to see in the legal industry, starting with creating a strong team culture, developing a recognizable brand, and delivering an optimal client experience.

With unwavering dedication and a commitment to excellence, Sheena and Jeremy are determined to do whatever it takes to make Military Law the preeminent law firm representing service members nationwide.


The couple’s biggest challenges were related to navigating the unknown of launching a nationwide, niche law firm. They lacked a local organic community presence, had not built out the firm team, and needed to establish a strong client intake and management process. The couple also faced the challenge of maintaining the endurance to get up each new day with grit and enthusiasm in the face of the endless demands and uncertainties of starting and running their own business.

“We know entrepreneurship means short-term sacrifice for long-term payoff, but we have worried at times whether all the cost will be worth it,” says Jeremy.

It was also important to the Synder to set an example for their children to be determined to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. They had to find a way forward to realize their dream of running the preeminent law firm representing service members from all branches of the military

At the Game Changers Summit 2022, Sheena realized that Crisp would be the key partner needed to achieve their goals.

We believe we are giving our children a great gift in our example. They have seen us work harder than anyone they know and recover from our mistakes, and they know we haven’t failed and that we will not give up.

Military Law


Jeremy and Sheena approached Crisp in September 2022, just four months after starting their firm with a small amount of investable income and a handful of clients from his previous firm. What they lacked, they made up for in knowing exactly who to turn to in order to get their firm on the right path.

After closing a case, Jeremy wanted to use that revenue to build the firm’s brand, so he called Crisp. He knew the value of video marketing and was convinced that hiring Crisp to produce their Brand Video was strategically necessary.

There are many ways Brand Videos help law firms stand out from their competitors. The way compelling storytelling helped other firms attract the best cases and establish their brand was more than enough reason for Jeremy and Sheena to work with Crisp to produce their video.

This initial partnership with Crisp led them to attend the Game Changers Summit 2022 and ultimately decide to join the Crisp Coach community.

Sitting in the stands of Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Jeremy and Sheena were struck by an electrifying sense of beginning. Amidst the inspirational talks from a stellar speaker line-up, a realization crystallized for the couple: they were on the cusp of a major transformation for Military Law.

“The video kickstarted our brand image just like we believed it would. The Game Changers Summits have inspired us to dream a big, bold vision for the future,” shared Sheena.

In addition to bolstering their firm’s brand, the Synders also wanted to further develop their leadership skills because they knew that becoming stronger leaders would lead to them building their dream team and having a strong, vibrant firm culture. They also recognized that they would benefit from a coaching program that provided guidance and tools while also giving them the opportunity to become part of a community of growth-minded, entrepreneurial firm owners who wanted to succeed.

“The most significant benefit has been the reassurance and shared experiences from other ambitious law firm owners. This network has shown us that our challenges are common and surmountable. Through shared wisdom and mutual encouragement, we’ve learned from the successes and failures of others,” shares Sheena

Through Crisp workshops, we've honed our abilities to lead by example.

Military Law


From the production of their Brand Video to attending Crisp workshops and events to listening to the Game Changing Attorney Podcast, Sheena and Jeremy both agree that working with Crisp has impacted the firm in every way.

“We made a very early, strategic decision to partner with Crisp, so It is impossible to separate out the exponential impact on our firm’s growth,” shared Jeremy.

They have seen tremendous growth in two short years. The firm has doubled its annual gross revenue, doubled its minimum fees per case, and increased its caseload by 130%. Their team has also expanded, a priority for both Sheena and Jeremy. In a year, Military Law went from a team of 3 to a team of 5. They have two military attorneys coming to join them this year, one in Q3 and one in Q4, who they’ve snagged from high-performing military litigation careers in two different service branches. By the end of this year, they expect to be a team of 10.

They have also seen a 200% increase in five-star Google reviews, an important metric for attracting new clients. One-third of their reviews emphasize the word “team,” showing that team culture makes a difference in their client experience. In addition, some of their reviews are from clients who did not win their cases, but because the Military Law team secured their trust, they were willing to refer new clients to the firm.

When asked about the most valuable lesson they’ve learned from being part of Crisp Coach, Jeremy shared the realization that being a law firm owner is similar to scaling a mountain, “It takes time to get to the top. There are no shortcuts or an easy button. With enough determination and the right strategic partners, we know we will get there. With the Crisp Coach community, we can join like-minded attorneys and business leaders on the journey and possibly inspire others on the way to the top”.

Their journey over the last two years has taught the Synders that there’s never a right time to move forward in a new direction. No matter the destination, you’ll be presented with unique challenges and opportunities for improvement and innovation. A robust coaching program can provide the tools and support needed to navigate uncertainty.

“The value of having an external coach who is invested solely in our success — and not entangled in the internal dynamics of our company — cannot be overstated,” the couple remarked. “This relationship has allowed us to explore new ideas freely and implement them confidently, ensuring our firm continues a path of successful growth and innovation.”

  • 2X

    Annual Gross Revenue

If growth is your goal, then delaying the decision to improve can hinder your potential more than any external circumstances.

Military Law


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