The Law Office of William Bly

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Bill Bly is a criminal defense attorney, serving defendants throughout Maine. An important aspect of this brand video – and a critical key to effective legal marketing – is the emphasis on empathy. Bill’s messaging is designed to prove to potential clients that he understands what they’re feeling. In fact, he explains what it’s like to be charged with a crime.

You face intense pressure. You’re scared. You feel like the odds are against you because the other side has all the money and legal resources. If you fail to handle your situation in the right way, the impact lasts a lifetime.

Bill uses empathy to position himself as the solution to this problem.

He Establishes Empathy 

In legal marketing, empathy is your ally, especially when looking to create an emotional connection with potential clients. You simply demonstrate that you share the emotions of what your target audience is feeling – and that you’re eager to help. Keep in mind, the most effective marketing often does feel like you’re providing support to your audience. So don’t hesitate to share advice that provides hope.

Notice how Bill does this by explaining how law enforcement isn’t perfect and neither is the prosecution. He then offers to provide information, guide you through the legal process, and develop a strategy for dealing with the situation. Of course, even with this offer for help, prospects likely have questions. This is where additional legal marketing videos come into play. Use them to demonstrate your expertise, provide your prospects with knowledge and establish yourself an authority in your practice area.

He Establishes Credibility 

A legal brand video serves a dual purpose: it humanizes your firm and establishes credibility. That allows your audience to see you not only as an expert attorney but also as a compassionate legal representative who will provide empathic support during a complex legal process. Credibility can be established in multiple ways, either through a brand video, FAQ series, case studies, or client testimonials. Each of these is designed to attract target clients in various stages of the buyer’s journey.


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