The Game Changing Attorney LIVE: Elevate Your Firm with Insights from Market Leaders

How can up-and-coming law firm owners learn to rise to the top, build an empire, and become household names in their industry?


They learn from the BEST.

This SPECIAL online event features our most popular guests from The Game Changing Attorney Podcast — all on one (virtual) stage.

Go deeper on all things growth, leadership, competition, and MORE with the guests you love and respect most — the ones who’ve been in the trenches and done it themselves.

These game changers reveal it ALL. You’ll hear:

  • What it takes to dominate in today’s legal landscape
  • How to build a law firm empire
  • Why distancing the gap between you and your competitors is key
  • and much more!

Seize this opportunity to get inside the minds of the legal industry’s biggest players, learn how market leaders think, and hear exactly what the best in the business do to reach the top — and stay there.