3 Perks of Maintaining a Content Calendar

3 minutes to read

Every company that produces content needs a content calendar. But why? What’s the point in planning content? You’re already a good writer and churning out blog posts in a snap is nothing for you, and you already know how your content is going to work for you. You don’t need a content calendar, and you’re rolling your eyes at the suggestion.

We think you should reconsider. We’re going to cover a couple of reasons why content calendars are a worthwhile time investment no matter your perceived content creation ability.

1. You don’t want to be bogged down with brainstorming.

Maintaining a content calendar gives you to the ability to schedule out posts and other content — that’s their main purpose. Of course you don’t want to rush to come up with an idea for a blog post, only to have to actually write the post once you’re finally struck with a good idea. Save time and precious energy by being proactive.

Instead, it’s a good idea to brainstorm a slew of ideas for potential blogs, posts, pictures, and other assets to work with in the future. This ensures you have a steady flow of ideas to work with, draft, and perfect before you’re down to the wire and have a major deadline looming overhead.

Your potential clients should be at the forefront of your content strategy. As a law firm owner, determine how to best get your content out to your audience. Schedule out times to showcase your firm’s brand, FAQs, and educational videos.

This idea applies to everyone regardless of content creation ability. Everyone functions better when they’re not stressed, and a content calendar is a great way to ensure that your ideas are expressed to your audience smoothly.

2. You can personalize a content calendar to make sense to YOU and your firm.

Content calendars don’t follow a particular format. There’s no magic formula that guarantees a perfect calendar that produces a seamless flow of content. But that’s the beauty! When you’re not restricted to a specific format, you’re free to find the best method for you to schedule out your content.

You can personalize your content calendar to have a look that makes sense to you. After all, you may have a ton of ideas for all of your social media platforms, website, and maybe even direct mail. It would be easy for you to create a mess for yourself by neglecting to jot your ideas on a calendar.

Schedule a time to focus on creating and promoting content that lets your potential clients know you are the obvious choice in your market. Plan for which platform on which you want to share and avoid time-consuming confusion.

Confused on what time of content you should post? Start with a case study.

You’ll thank yourself later on when you’re not worried about remembering what exactly it was that you were going to post on Instagram or what idea for a blog you had come up with because all of your ideas will be laid out in a way that makes sense to you.

3. Collaborate with your peers for a content calendar that everyone can agree on.

We’ve covered how content calendars can make your life easier, but now let’s consider how they can make your entire marketing department’s collective existences better.

Let’s say you have a great idea for a blog post that you’re sure is going to do some serious numbers. You draft the blog and you’re prepared to post it when oh, whoops! Your buddy Louise a couple cubicles over already wrote the same thing! We suggest you utilize the help of a content calendar to avoid having this problem in the future.

You and Louise can collaborate on ideas so neither of you never waste your time again! Just slap your content inspirations on a content calendar and there you have it, folks. Everyone gets to see what’s on the calendar.

Even law firms can struggle with assigning content responsibilities, so don’t think content calendars are only for marketing agencies and other companies that rely heavily on their online presence.

And that’s it. We covered a few big reasons why content calendars are good ideas — they’re easy to maintain and save you a lot of frustration in the future. We think your future self will thank you. Get started on your own content calendar today.

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