5 Ways for Law Firms to Get More Website Traffic From Social Media

5 minutes to read

In today’s legal landscape, having a strong online presence is more important than ever. Your website is like your law firm’s digital home base, and everything you do online should drive traffic there. But there are numerous traffic sources you can leverage to drive more people to your website. One of the most cost effective ways to get more website traffic is through social media.

How? Try these 5 things to get more website traffic from social media:

  1. Add Calls-to-Action and Links to Your Social Posts
  2. Use Pinned Posts on Your Social Media Profiles
  3. Create Calls-to-Action Graphics for Your Social Media Cover Images
  4. Answer Questions on Social Q&A Forums
  5. Ask Your Team and Clients to Share Content on Their Social Media

1. Add Calls-to-Action and Links to Your Social Posts

Adding a compelling call-to-action (CTA) to your posts is one of the best ways to generate website traffic from social media. Essentially, a CTA tells readers of your post the next action they should take.

On social media, your law firm should aim to have a variety of post types with different calls to action. Here are a few scenarios where you should add a relevant CTA driving traffic back to your website from social media:

  • Share your most recent blog post. Pair it with an engaging caption to hook readers and generate interest in the topic.
  • Feature one member of your team each week with a social media post. Use photos of each team member hard at work in your office or doing something they love, then use a CTA to link to their bio on your website.
  • Share testimonials of happy clients you have served in the past. For each social post, add a CTA to link back to your full collection of testimonials, a more in-depth case study detailing what happened to that client and how you helped them, or to your Contact Us page for viewers to review their similar case with you.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. A great rule of thumb is to have a diverse mix of posts on your law firm’s social media profiles. Not every post should have a CTA or intend to drive website traffic. Some posts are meant for social engagement!

But for those posts that lend themselves perfectly to generating website traffic from social media, be sure to include a CTA that links back to your site.

2. Use Pinned Posts on Your Social Media Profiles

Pinned posts are social media posts that you “pin” to the top of your profile, so it’s the first thing a visitor to your profile will see. This is a great place to introduce yourself, your firm, and what makes you unique.

Use a pinned post to link back to your website for those social media visitors who are looking for more information about your law firm, or link to a specific post or free download as a way to provide exclusive value to your social media audience — while also driving that valuable website traffic.

3. Create Calls-to-Action Graphics for Your Social Media Cover Images

Another item every person who visits your social media profile will see is your cover image or profile banner. This is some prime real estate to advertise your latest offer or event, or at least include a CTA to your website for those visitors looking for more information or to contact you directly.

Facebook is particularly well-suited for this strategy of driving website traffic from social media because you can use their profile call-to-action feature to link to your website right from the page.

4. Answer Questions on Social Q&A Forums

While they might not be considered traditional social media platforms, there are many Q&A sites and user forums that are great places to not only answer relevant questions that help establish you as a thought leader in your practice area, but also provide opportunities to get more website traffic from social media.

Sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, Reddit, and others can be a goldmine for traffic from higher-intent users who are dealing with legal challenges you can help with.

Every time you publish a new post on your website, head to these sites to search for related questions.

Keep your pulse on forums where people could be posting questions you can help with.

Answer those questions and link back to your website for additional information. Have conversations. Be helpful. The traffic (and trust) will follow.

5. Ask Your Team and Clients to Share Content on Their Social Media

Your team members are often excited to talk about the great things the law firm is doing — they’re part of the work you do!

Encouraging them to share your posts to their own networks is a great way to get more website traffic from social media. This kind of employee advocacy packs the double punch of also expanding your reach on those platforms to your staff’s friends, family, and other connections.

Current and past clients are also part of your law firm’s family! If you share a post, video, or other resource relevant to a challenge they faced, invite your clients to share it on their own social media profiles to help others they know.

Social media is a great place to share photos and videos that show off your law firm’s community involvement, company culture, and unique personality, and that is just the kind of content your team and clients will be most excited to share.

Just remember to include that CTA link if it’s website traffic from social media you’re after!

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