Trollinger Law
Success Story

Trollinger Law

  • 34X

    Increase in Fee Income

  • 56%

    Increase in Case Volume

Project Overview

We all know how challenging it can be to find our dream jobs. Sometimes, no matter how much research you do, how many people you talk to in your network, or how often you interview, you still won’t find yourself on your ideal career path.

While some might take this as a sign to settle for what’s in front of them, Matt Trollinger of Trollinger Law did the exact opposite. When he first started out, he noticed that all of the law firms he interviewed with were missing an important ingredient: communication.

He saw these frustrations as an opportunity to do something great and meaningful. Instead of wasting more of his time applying at other law firms, he took matters into his own hands upon graduating from Regent Law School in Virginia Beach, Virginia — striking out on his own and establishing Trollinger Law in 2017.

With two offices headquartered in Maryland, Trollinger Law is a personal injury firm that focuses on car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and wrongful death. Their firm promises that all of their clients will feel a level of genuine compassion and commitment to outstanding customer service every time you visit or even call them.

Trollinger Law isn’t like other law firms. They don’t view their clients as just another case, and everyone is treated with respect from the second someone contacts their office. Their goal is to take the time to get to know everyone personally. They recognize that people are more than just their case.

On top of that, the team at Trollinger Law advocates for its clients in every sense of the word. They stand strong every step of the way and will fight for justice until the end. In fact, every potential client meets with Matt personally, ensuring that they aren’t simply passed off to a case manager.

This is the vision Matt had when he was looking for a job back in 2017. When he couldn’t find it, he made it happen himself.

But starting your own law firm comes with its own set of challenges. Matt Trollinger knew that he would need some help if he wanted to take his business to the next level, and that’s when he made the decision to partner with Crisp.


With great power comes great responsibility. Matt quickly realized that even though he had done the right thing by starting his own firm with its own set of principles, he still needed help determining where to take the firm from there.

Matt’s first challenge was simple: he needed to stand out. His law firm was a relative newcomer to the Maryland community, many people likely didn’t know his firm existed, and they certainly didn’t know to call him when they were in need of representation.

He needed to bring more awareness to his business and show potential clients who he was, how he could help, and what they could have.

As he began to take a deeper look at his law firm, Matt realized there were many more aspects that needed to be addressed than he originally thought.

Though his law firm was off to a good start, Trollinger Law needed to increase its internal and external growth, cultivate a stronger work culture, and improve overall work organization and delegation processes.

During times of great duress, we often get stuck believing that we are the only ones experiencing certain problems. Matt was no different, and he knew he needed the perspective of other law firm owners going through similar situations. Being a new law firm owner forced him to only look within instead of networking beyond his own firm.

If he could find a way to outsource for advice, he believed he could have a leg up on his competition.

Quality cases were slow in coming when Matt started out. If he could get an increase in cases — and more importantly quality cases — he would be on the right track.

What started off seeming like a tall order, Matt quickly learned that, thanks to the help of Crisp Coach, he would soon have a different point of view when it came to the future of his law firm.

There’s no question that investing in Crisp helped us stand out among other local firms and bigger advertisers to help clients get to know who we are and what we are about.

Matt Trollinger


The road before him seemed long and arduous, but Crisp Coach helped Matt see that with the right structure in place, his firm had a bright future ahead of it.

The beauty of the Crisp Coach program is that, even though Matt received one-on-one personalized coaching, he also unlocked the door to many opportunities to network with law firm owners in a similar position as his own — or those who had been there and learned what it took to grow.

Crisp Coach seeks to:

  • Help law firm owners push past their limitations
  • Give them the tools needed to grow
  • Help streamline processes and protocols
  • Improve team culture
  • Bring the confidence needed to be the top dogs in their markets

…and that’s just the beginning.

Matt couldn’t wait to get started.

To begin with, he was matched with his own dedicated Program Advisor (PA) whose main goal was to help Matt get Trollinger Law on the right track. Matt and his PA zeroed in on his personal and professional goals, discussed how to play to the firm’s strengths, and identified his greatest challenges and setbacks.

This new business partner became Matt’s go-to resource for answering questions, creating new strategies, and holding him accountable.

By gaining clarity around his biggest challenges and opportunities, Matt defined his business goals and put a plan in place to achieve them.

To start, he worked closely with the Crisp team to clearly communicate his firm’s Unique Value Proposition. Understanding what made his organization unique was one thing — but getting it out there was another.

In the legal industry, a strategically produced library of videos can be the most powerful differentiation tools in a law firm’s arsenal. For this reason, Matt and the team got to work creating a curated collection of videos for Trollinger Law, ranging from a brand video to client testimonials to social cuts for all the major channels he wanted to advertise on.

Matt began with a one-of-a-kind legal brand video to connect with his clients and potential clients, clearly communicate what his firm is all about, showcase the type of challenges his firm solves, and make a lasting emotional connection that truly stands out.

Matt then built out another set of videos that focused solely on testimonials from his best clients. Matt leverages these powerful assets to show future clients that he is who he says he is, does what he says he will do, and he plans to be their biggest advocate. Matt realizes that potential clients want to see the proof, and client testimonial videos are the perfect medium to make that happen.

From there, Matt knew something had to be done to strengthen his firm’s presence on social media. He recognized the power of these platforms to engage with and target his ideal audience — ultimately building awareness and cultivating relationships with potential clients. If he wanted a chance at making his brand known, Matt needed to bring in the big guns.

Enter: Crisp Social Stack.

Social Stack is designed to dominate the top social media platforms to make the biggest impact possible. These platforms include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These are where Trollinger Law’s ideal clients were spending their time and attention — so his firm needed to be there to reach them.

To start, Trollinger’s best video content was specifically formatted and designed to work on each specific platform. By natively optimizing his content for the social world he was entering, Matt ensured his law firm’s message would meet his ideal clients where they are and start building the brand awareness he needed to succeed.

With Social Stack, Trollinger Law had a bulletproof way to:

  • Expand their messaging to multiple social media channels
  • Reach, connect, and engage with their ideal clients where they were already spending their time
  • Stand out in their overly competitive market, especially against larger law practices

The veteran Crisp Client Success team keeps Trollinger Law’s campaigns running smoothly — and keeps Matt up to date every step of the way. His Social Stack campaigns are monitored and optimized on an ongoing basis, so that every campaign is always performing at its highest.

Trollinger LawTrollinger Law

In addition to changes made in the digital world, Matt’s Crisp Coach membership gets him regular opportunities to learn new tactics and strategies — and equip his growing team as well.

Through onsite training sessions, a certified Crisp Trainer comes right to the Trollinger Law office to work with the team in their home court. With a variety of training sessions to choose from, Matt was able to align his team on perspectives, goals, outcomes, and more to ensure everyone is on the right track to success — together.

To supplement Matt’s individual growth as a leader, he also travels to the Crisp Training Center on a quarterly basis for Crisp Coach workshops with fellow law firm owners from all over the country.

At these invaluable workshops, law firm leaders at the same level come together to learn, grow, and collaborate together. With high-level content, tools, and information that are exclusive to the Crisp Coach program, these workshops are designed to provide everything firm owners like Matt need to take home, implement immediately, and accelerate their growth with a strong foundation.

Most law firm owners don’t understand that the game is changing — and changing fast. These workshops teach them how to think and operate like CEOs, not just lawyers. Just what Matt needs as he grows and scales his firm.

With all of these new resources available to him, and all these new strategies in place, Matt and Trollinger Law began to experience significant growth and positive change.

…Just how much, though?

To the law firm owner that is not sure or who wants to wait, you’re missing out on the clients that are trying to find someone like you and your firm. They’ll never find you or have reason to find out more if you don’t use the platform that Crisp can give you. You will not grow to your full potential without investing in your future.

Matt Trollinger


Trollinger Law continues to generate results that were once deemed impossible. With an increase in workers’ compensation fees, high quality cases per month, and positive Google reviews, Matt is a believer — and he’s never going back.

Before partnering with Crisp Coach, Trollinger Law attracted and signed an average of 10.9 cases per month. Just one year later, however, they are averaging 17 new cases per month.

Not only did the number itself increase, but so did the quality of cases. The firm brought in more money than ever before despite the climate surrounding it.

The firm’s workers’ compensation fees also increased by more than 34 times in one year alone.

“When clients call, they see our reviews and they view our videos, and the sale has taken place before we’ve even started talking with them,” explains Matt. “Further, it lends credibility to referral partners and potential hires to join our team.”

The increase in high quality cases also led to Trollinger Law receiving 61 new positive Google reviews in 2021. More positive reviews means more clients, cases, and revenue. Social proof is a powerful tool for potential clients’ decision-making, so this uplift in reviews has served Trollinger well.

Combined with relentless marketing efforts from Social Stack and all of the new information learned through his PA, onsite trainings, workshops, and new network of like-minded law firm owners, Matt Trollinger is experiencing more success than ever before.

Higher numbers are great, but the relationships Matt has made along the way are the real success stories. From his quality time spent with his Program Advisor, to the regular metrics calls with the Client Success team, to the bonds created between Matt and other lawyers at workshops — quality of life at Trollinger Law has increased exponentially.

“I’ve appreciated my PA’s time with us as a team, and I truly enjoy getting to know other attorneys that are succeeding in the different markets across the country,” states Matt on the impact Crisp Coach has had on his firm.

This is only the beginning for Trollinger Law. With plans to continue growing, leveling up, and transforming in the near future, they are an unstoppable force of nature with no plans of slowing down.

Matt’s advice for other up-and-coming law firm owners looking to make an impact?

“Make the investment in your firm and in your growth as a leader of your team by being accountable and by listening to those who have gone ahead of you,” he says.

A young firm with a bright future, Matt and Trollinger Law are working harder now than ever and have overcome so many challenges, all with Crisp Coach by its side.


  • 34X

    Increase in Fee Income

  • 56%

    Increase in Case Volume

  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law
  • Trollinger Law

The bold will succeed and the timid will falter.

Matt Trollinger


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