Saving Time: Scheduling & Prepping Video Content

4 minutes to read

In today’s hurried world of grab-it-and-go digital media, it can be cumbersome to organize and prepare all of your content, especially when it concerns scheduling video releases. In order to grab and maintain your audience’s’ attention, you need to keep your content as fresh and as consistent as possible. By prepping video content, you will ensure that your video can be released in a timely manner, thus keeping your brand engaging and relevant.

So, how does one save time (and ease frustration/panic when those pesky deadlines start to creep up) and still maintain a schedule and preparation for their video content?

Create a Content Calendar

In terms of creating a content calendar, the key is to think like a publisher. To successfully implement your content strategy, you have to stick to an organized plan that will keep you on track. Content calendars are a great tool to help you visualize how your content is not only organized but to show you when it will be released and what channels to use to publish it.

prepping video content scheduling

Creating a Great Content Calendar

In order to maintain a consistent calendar, you will need to consider the following as you are piecing all the parts together:

  • Get to Know the Layout – It’s virtually impossible to organize your content if you aren’t familiar with your calendar’s layout. Hubspot and Google Calendar are great resources for the plug-and-enter format. You can also go rogue and create your own unique calendar that is specific to your marketing needs. However, if you decide to take this route, you may miss out on the advantages of automation that these services offer.
  • Track Important/Specific Dates – What’s the use of a calendar if it isn’t used to keep track of dates? Scheduling your content to be released closer to important dates is a great way to not only gauge organic traffic without relying too much (or at all) on ad spend but is also great at maintaining the structure of all of your digital marketing content.
  • Helps Fill in Gaps – Depending on the platform, you may not want to leave large gaps in between releases of content. The calendar can be a great visual aid to fill these gaps. This is a great opportunity to expand your content strategy by capitalizing on current events, or further promoting on-going campaigns. Use that “free” time to your advantage.

Schedule Upon Upload

Releasing too many videos all at once can be very overwhelming for your audience. You don’t want to publish all of your videos at once but you can upload them in bulk. Once you have your videos uploaded, you can schedule when to publish them. By having them released over time, you can foster an interest in your brand through data such as audience retention.

prepping video content strategies

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Although, some services only allow you to schedule your uploads once. For example, once you schedule a publish date for your video on YouTube, you can not change it once the video is uploaded and the date is set. Facebook, on the other hand, isn’t as rigid and lets you change your publish date as often as you need or want to. When scheduling the publication of your videos, be sure that you understand the channel’s scheduled uploads guidelines.

Embed Within Your Blog

Embedding content is another great way to make your brand’s marketing as interactive as possible. When pairing your content together, you will find no better match than video with text. Although images are also encouraged, nothing beats the user engagement of embedded videos. By pairing video with relevant copy, you can break up the monotony of walls of text with visual and engaging content.  
prepping video content wordpress

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By having both text and video, both are interchangeable and correspond with one another. This helps with content supplementation and the viewer will get more to digest when viewing your blog posts. Text paired with video can also hit upon points that weren’t explained in depth in short videos. Text can also be used as a transcription for the video which will also boost your SEO scores.


When putting your video marketing strategy together, it is very important to schedule and prepare your digital content. To recap, by incorporating the following, you can manage your content wisely and more effectively.

  • Create a Great Content Calendar – By creating a great, well-structured content calendar, you can have an organized visual of what’s on que for your scheduled content.
  • Schedule Upon Upload – Don’t overwhelm your audience with information overload by bulk publishing your videos. Schedule it over the course of time and you will see more organic interest in your published videos.
  • Embed Within Your Blog – Video and text can be a perfect match when used effectively. Video enhances the visuals that text lack and text can explain in depth points short videos might miss.

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