The Crisp Difference

The Best Cases Go To The Best Marketers. We Help The Best Cases Go To The Best Attorneys.


The World’s Fastest-Growing Provider of Legal Video Marketing

Our goal is to help you close more of the high-value cases you know your law firm is capable of handling. As such, we may need to adjust your existing marketing strategy.

Yet this doesn’t mean you must start over. Instead, we show you what can be done right away to position your practice so your legal services appeal to your best potential clients.

You see, even if you have a successful law firm, you have growth opportunities that you can’t see. You’re just too close to your business. It’s for this reason clients use us to reach higher levels of impact and profitability. After all, we help the best cases go to the best attorneys.

All In Client Focused Crisp Difference Results Oriented

Our Process

When it comes to legal video, things were done a certain way for a long time. And, quite frankly, the standard was just far too low.

Our process not only raises the bar, it produces measurable results for your law firm. In fact, we don’t rest until every decibel and pixel is perfectly in place. So you’re certain to end up with compelling video content that engages viewers and turns them into clients.



We’re all ears to start. Because we first need to learn about your firm and competitors, as well as how your marketing fits into your growth goals. Together, we then use a proprietary formula to develop your Unique Value Proposition. This is the X-factor that differentiates you from your competitors, and it becomes the foundation for crafting your storyboard and script.


Shoot Day

Next, our in-house production team puts together the equipment needed for your video. We then travel to your location to start filming. But this part of the process isn’t just about cameras and shooting video, it’s a day-long experience you’ll remember and share with others for years to come. We take care of every detail, so all you have to do is show up and enjoy your time in front of the camera.


Review and Delivery

Editing on your video begins as soon as filming ends. Your footage is analyzed with the same detail as a forensic scientist. We review frame by frame, adding audio and motion graphics to tie together your story. In addition to receiving edits of your video for approval, the entire Crisp team -- everyone in the company -- also reviews each clip for quality. Only after everyone approves your video will you receive the final version (usually within 7 business days).


Implementation and Results

Our relationship with you continues even after you receive your video. You’re assigned an implementation manager whose sole job is to ensure your video is successful in bringing you business. After all, we’re invested in growing your law firm. So we share with you the latest video SEO tips and suggestions to expand your online reach, while helping you gain more fans, followers and clients. That way you see ongoing returns from your video marketing.

Tired of Missing Out on the Best Cases?

Attorneys who produce videos with Crisp Video see an average return on investment of 300% and a 2-10X increase in their average case values.

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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect