Spiva Law Group
Success Story

Spiva Law Group

  • 50%

    Increase in Call Volume

Project Overview

Spiva Law Group is a personal injury law firm in Savannah, Georgia that focuses exclusively on catastrophic injuries and wrongful death. Howard Spiva assists those who have been injured as a result of trucking accidents, car accidents, or any catastrophic personal injury that occurs as a result of someone else’s negligence.

Howard Spiva has known the value of video for decades – before videos went digital, his firm would record VCR tapes that provided potential clients with more information on the legal process and the ways in which his firm could help them.

However, modern advancements required Howard to take his video production needs into the 21st century, which meant Howard had to find a video production company that met his needs.

Keep reading to find out how Howard’s experience with Crisp translated into a 50% increase in call volume and 7 catastrophic trucking cases.


Spiva Law Group is no stranger to legal video marketing. In the 1980s, they would record VCRs that educated clients on the firm’s process, standard case procedures, and what to expect if the case went to trial.

Over the years, Howard worked with a number of videographers, from in-house employees to outside video production companies. What he found, however, was that it was difficult to find a company or videographer that was able to successfully accomplish the following:

  • Communicate Spiva Law Group’s value proposition precisely and accurately
  • Understand the purpose of creating a branding video
  • Create a high-quality product

For Howard, being a lawyer relies on being able to tell stories, and video is a medium through which he can do that.

He ultimately found Crisp to be a company that matched all of his criteria.

I’ve been doing video [for my law firm] religiously for about 30 years. I know the power of video. From the very first Crisp video I saw, the quality was obvious.

Howard Spiva (Owner, Spiva Law Group)


Howard didn’t want to do what most lawyers do in traditional video advertising.

I’ve always looked at what other law firms do and try to do the opposite.

Howard Spiva

He worked with Crisp to create a series of brand videos and client testimonials that communicated his firm’s story, his relationship with his clients, and his ability and authority as an attorney.

For Howard, the solution came in the form of sincerity. His brand videos sincerely and authentically communicated his firm’s unique value proposition. Additionally, they portrayed Howard as a person they can trust, they can like, and that they feel is going to look out for their best interests.

You only get one time to make a first impression. Crisp’s videos provide a way to tell my story succinctly, accurately, professionally and in a pleasing manner. If you optimize yourself (and your message) in your community then nobody can take that away from you. It’s got to be sincere, you can’t fake it.

Howard Spiva (Owner, Spiva Law Group)


Since releasing his Crisp videos, Howard says his call volume has increased substantially. Every time Howard released a cut of his video as a TV commercial, he would see up to a 50% increase in call volume in tandem with the release of the video.

Over the last few months, his firm has taken on 7 catastrophic trucking cases, a substantial increase in his normal intake. In fact, 2 of the 7 cases fired the first attorney they had chosen and hired Howard.

Spiva Law Group’s videos have collected over 100,000 views on social media across Facebook and YouTube. He said it isn’t uncommon for people to tell him, “This is the best lawyer commercial I’ve ever seen.”

Additionally, Spiva has begun to leverage his video content as evangelical tools:

My Crisp video is a tool that my clients can send to someone else in need of our services. It allows them to become an evangelist for Spiva Law Group in two minutes.

Here’s what else Howard had to say about fully integrating video into his firm’s marketing strategy:

Videos, TV, YouTube, that’s how America is used to hearing stories. That’s how they’re used to enjoying things- from the news, to studying, to music. All we’re doing with our law firm’s video is giving people what they already use and what they already want.

Perhaps the strongest support for that statement is the support Howard has received from his community since releasing his videos.

Howard shared an anecdote with us about being in a local sports bar during football seasons and watching the bar’s reaction when his firm’s commercial came on:

I’ve been in sports bars where football games are going on. Most people are booing commercials. They’re ignoring them or they’re turning the volume down. But when my commercial comes on, they’re standing on the barstools and yelling and clapping and stuff. That’s not an exaggeration. I think that would happen with any of the quality videos produced by Crisp.

Howard Spiva

For Spiva Law Group, successful legal marketing isn’t all that complicated. Howard believes effective legal marketing requires you to tell your story authentically, and Crisp’s videos allowed Howard to do just that. As a result, he saw a 50% increase in call volume, was hired for 7 catastrophic trucking cases and has gained both local and national support both online and offline.

  • 50%

    Increase in Call Volume

  • 100,000+

    Social Media Views

  • 7

    Catastrophic Trucking Cases

  • Spiva Law Group
  • Spiva Law Group
  • Spiva Law Group

I can say with absolute confidence that our video sparked a great interest in our firm. It's enhanced our reputation. It’s gotten a lot of people interested in us, and it has increased my call volume by 50%.

Howard Spiva (Owner, Spiva Law Group)


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  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect