Shannon Law Group
Success Story

Shannon Law Group

  • 2,000,000


  • 77.79%

    Increase in Branded Search Traffic

  • 2X

    Revenue Increase

Project Overview

Shannon Law Group is a powerhouse personal injury firm based in Chicago, Illinois. Joe Shannon founded his firm with a focus on helping people with serious injuries who need an attorney willing to try their cases in court.

“Most of our cases involve seriously injured clients who have been in truck and other transportation crashes,” explains Joe. “We will not accept a case unless we will stand with the client in court.”

This relentless dedication and willingness to go the distance for their clients (and get big results) has established Shannon Law Group as a significant presence in their midwestern market.

Looking to leverage ultra-strategic and high-impact efforts — as well as invest in the growth of his law firm as a business — Joe made a big decision in 2018.


The most rewarding part of owning his own law firm has been the business leader aspect. “I love watching our folks grow as professionals to be wholly independent, thriving, fierce, ethical, and caring individuals,” Joe says.

With great reward comes great responsibility, and as the leader of his firm Joe has found maintaining consistent cash flow is the biggest challenge he faces. Ambitious at heart but also deeply vested in the success of his team and his clients, each risk the Shannon Law Group considers is carefully weighed.

“We have a relatively smaller budget compared to larger plaintiff’s personal injury law firms in Chicago,” says Joe, noting that his main competitors are more likely to run expensive campaigns to land new clients such as TV commercials, pay-per-click Google AdWords, billboards, and similar big-ticket strategies.

Joe was looking for more cost-effective options for differentiating his firm, getting his messaging in front of more potential clients, and doing whatever it took to level up his business and get where he wanted to go.

The natural place for such a forward-thinking seeker is the annual Crisp Game Changers Summit, where attorneys from all over the country gather for two days of electrifying content on everything from legal marketing to leadership to company culture.

It was at the Summit that Joe discovered the solution he was looking for.

“I was at the Summit and Michael asked which folks wanted to move up to another level,” he explains, referencing Crisp Founder & CEO Michael Mogill’s revolutionary Summit presentation where he unveiled the future of law firm growth: the CrispX Game Changer Program.

“I immediately put my hand up. I said, ‘I’m in.’”

It’s an investment. It’s an investment in our firm, our lawyers, our support staff, and we owe it to them to get the most cutting-edge ideas out there on how to become the better law firm.

Joe Shannon


The beauty of a multi-faceted, holistic program like CrispX is how comprehensive its approach is.

When he made the decision to join this sophisticated program, Joe Shannon was signing on for a holistic law firm growth solution with three essential elements. The CrispX Game Changer Program combines:

  • A robust video library of content strategically produced for each stage of your ideal client’s decision-making journey.
  • A 360º marketing campaign that is both broad and powerful, getting you in front of your ideal client wherever they spent their time online, and ensuring they recognize your brand every time.
  • The top business coaching and workshop program in the legal industry, connecting you with an intimate, vetted group of like-minded 7-8 figure firm owners who are equally committed to achieving massive growth.

After zeroing in on the exact clients and cases they wanted to attract through Crisp’s detailed discovery process, Joe’s firm began producing their video library. This library consists of dozens of high-quality legal videos tailored to the specific interests, considerations, and other factors those very clients need at each stage to continue their forward momentum down Shannon Law Group’s funnel.

Video Library

Brand Video

The central hub of Shannon’s legal marketing strategy was a powerful, emotionally compelling brand video to capture the essence of the firm and express their unique differentiators.

Placing their brand video above the fold on the firm’s website homepage ensures visitors to the site have a meaningful first impression of the Shannon Law Group. The sensory experience of watching a visually and auditorily engaging video leaves a memorable impact on potential clients looking to learn more about the firm, and strategically positioning the video in a prominent place sets the tone for the rest of that prospect’s experience. It is the first thing they see and engage with when they land on Shannon Law Group’s website, and it establishes an emotional connection right off the bat.

Shannon also distributes the firm’s brand video on all its social media profiles, ensuring the same effect impacts visitors to those profiles as well as their website.

FAQ and Educational Videos

Besides that memorable, trustworthy, emotional first impression, it’s important that Shannon Law Group provides valuable information that can help their potential clients solve problems, answer questions, and come to view Shannon as a thought leader and reliable source of legal expertise.

“If you want people to trust you enough to hire you,” says Joe, “become a thought leader in that area of practice, and publish that fact.”

To answer that call, Joe added a set of FAQ and educational videos to his content arsenal.

Here’s an example, answering a common question about responsible parties in a trucking accident and what entity should be pursued for compensation.

Attorney Profile Videos

Shannon Law Group has a team of four attorneys, each with his own backstory, personal motivators, and unique value to bring their clients. To ensure potential and existing clients have the opportunity to make a personal connection with the various attorneys that might be helping with their case, Shannon produced individual Attorney Profile videos to spotlight each team member.

For example, check out Joe’s own Attorney Profile video, which goes even more in depth into his values and does more work to humanize him and strengthen the connection with his audience:

Practice Area Videos

To provide more details to potential clients further down the funnel, who perhaps have been in a trucking accident or have a family member involved in a motorcycle accident, Shannon produced a set of Practice Area videos.

Each specialized practice area that the firm handles has its own video, highlighting what is involved in that type of case and helping prospects make a connection between needing legal help and Shannon Law Group’s status as a reliable source of information — and eventually representation.

Here is a one-of-a-kind Practice Area video spotlighting the emerging rideshare space and the implications rideshare cases might have that differ from typical personal injury cases:

Client Testimonial Videos

When potential clients have moved from the Awareness and Consideration stages into Evaluation and Decision, they are operating more from a logical standpoint than an emotional one. However, emotional impact never ceases to influence decision-making.

An extremely effective tool for these middle-of-funnel stages are Client Testimonials and Case Studies, which provide valuable social proof for the experience of working with a firm — and for the kinds of results they get.

What is a more powerful way to highlight the huge impact you have on the clients you serve than from those clients themselves?

Shannon Law Group incorporated Client Testimonial videos from actual clients who they have helped in the past, empowering those clients to tell their stories and speak to the high regard they hold the firm.

Here’s an example that illustrates the power of this type of video:

With a robust video library in their arsenal, the next step in Shannon’s CrispX strategy was to distribute it strategically. All these poignant videos were posted natively to each of the firm’s social profiles and implemented across their website — but it didn’t stop there.

CrispX takes it a step further by executing a targeted digital advertising campaign to saturate all the major social channels with Shannon’s messaging.

Relentless Digital Marketing

Crisp’s industry-leading Social Stack program, included in CrispX, is designed to leverage this attention-grabbing video content at every stage and on every major platform where prospective clients spend their time online.

The main crux of the Social Stack program is to create 6-, 15-, and 30-second cuts of the firm’s main brand video optimized for maximum reach and effectiveness on social media. We format these social cuts specifically for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, the social media platforms with the greatest reach and influence in today’s legal landscape.

Here’s what a 15-second cut of Shannon’s brand video looks like:

These cuts are then launched as part of a targeted advertising campaign aimed at promoting top-of-mind awareness and elevating Shannon Law Firm’s brand stature in their community.

Running paid ads on all of these platforms in tandem ensures a multi-channel presence. By carrying over branded messaging and emotionally compelling content across platforms, Shannon develops and strengthens relationships wherever prospects go online.

Here are a couple of these ads in their native state:

Shannon’s relentless digital marketing campaigns receive perpetual split testing, optimization, and strategic reporting, ensuring the right messaging is being executed at the right frequency to build a strong foundation of brand awareness for the firm. With brand awareness boosting the effectiveness of all other marketing and advertising efforts, Shannon Law Group is always moving up in stature — and results.

Leadership Coaching & Exclusive Workshop Group

A comprehensive content library and relentless paid advertising behind it attract more business — but it’s everything that happens in the business that directly impacts the bottom-line growth of a market-leading firm.

That’s why a major tenet of the CrispX program is the top business coaching, which is a combination of individual goal-setting, accountability, and leadership work and the group workshop environment with other fast-growing law firms from around the country.

Several times a year, the high-powered firms in the CrispX program meet up for structured workshops that equip them with actionable tactics and practical tools to address the challenges they face in their businesses. From hiring to leadership to elevated marketing strategies, the conversations in the room have been invaluable resources for Shannon Law Group.

Between workshops, accountability calls, onsite team training, and other coaching touchpoints, the law firm owners in CrispX develop friendships, referral partnerships, and lasting relationships — both business and personal.

The #1 thing is to always think larger, because the synergy of being around good people is terrific. It’s exponential. It’s not addition. It’s multiplication.

Joe Shannon


Shannon Law Group’s experience with CrispX has elevated the firm’s prestige, increased their visibility and memorability tenfold, and catalyzed significant business growth.

In the program’s inaugural year, Shannon’s impressions on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube in particular skyrocketed to unprecedented levels, shattering the two million mark and continuing to climb.

Impressions are the number of times Shannon’s ads have appeared on these platforms during the campaign’s first year. This means that the firm’s brand messaging, which was created to stand out, had two million opportunities to get in front of potential clients and connect with them — and they continue to accumulate views, clicks, and engagement every day.

Besides the large volume of traffic directly from these social media sources, Shannon Law Group also received a notable uptick in overall website traffic. With 48.79% more users visiting the firm’s site than the previous year, they have that many more prospects to nurture with valuable content, retarget with even more digital ads, and continue to build relationships with as their brand awareness continues to climb.

The most notable increase in traffic source was in branded search traffic, a marketing metric we associate with a powerful concept called knownness.

Knownness is a term that aims to measure brand recognition, top-of-mind memorability and recall, and a firm’s overall presence on the minds and lives of their ideal clients.

When a law firm is best known in its market, someone who needs their help is more likely to search for their name specifically rather than a general term. Why is this better? Because people searching for your firm by name have already heard of you, trust you, and are already sold on hiring you. You don’t have to sell yourself to them.

We like to say that branded search is the equivalent of a referral, since that referral is someone who was recommended to you by someone they know and trust. You skip the selling step when they are primed by referral — or knownness.

To illustrate this concept, consider the lift in branded search traffic Shannon experienced during the first year their brand awareness campaign was running. They received nearly 80% more traffic from people who searched for Shannon Law Group by name rather than general search terms like “personal injury lawyer Chicago.”

That 80% increase brought visitors to Shannon’s website who had already heard of the firm and were looking for more in-depth information, social proof to justify the emotional connection they already established, or even to reach out directly.

Shannon Law Group’s elevated digital presence and brand awareness have established a powerful foundation to build the rest of the firm’s marketing initiatives upon. The combination of elevated awareness, world-class content to set their brand apart, and the business and leadership resources to back it all up has made a big impact. Shannon’s inventory of cases has gone from $3.5 million to $8.1 million in a single year.

The revenue they brought into the firm doubled, and as a result more business investment is possible.

“CrispX has been GREAT for me for running the business. I’ve been much more aggressive in hiring and opening new space because of the inspiration from my fellow Xers,” says Joe. “I see the videos as something potential clients will watch and develop a connection with us.”

The guidance, accountability, and connections Joe Shannon has received from the CrispX group has empowered him to take his law firm further — faster.

“If you are hesitant about joining the program, then don’t. You need to be all-in,” says Joe. “If you believe in yourself, if you believe you can be a great firm — not a good law firm; a great law firm — then you need to get into a program with great lawyers in it.”

  • 2,000,000


  • 77.79%

    Increase in Branded Search Traffic

  • 2X

    Revenue Increase

If you are hesitant about joining the program then don’t. You need to be all-in. If you believe in yourself, if you believe you can be a great law firm — not a good law firm; a GREAT law firm — then you need to get into a program with great lawyers in it.

Joe Shannon

Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect