Morrin Law Office
Success Story

Morrin Law Office

  • 50%

    Increase in Fees

Project Overview

Morrin Law Office is a personal injury firm committed to taking care of the good people of Kentucky.

“My firm helps folks in Kentucky get their lives back on track after a serious injury,” says attorney Rob Morrin. “We focus on getting our clients the treatment they need when they need it, and obtaining fair treatment from the insurance companies.”

Raised in Kentucky, Rob’s loyalty to the community is warm and genuine. His hometown approach and vibrant spirit naturally stand out. “My clients generally choose me because I’m easy to speak with, my staff is friendly and client-centered, my brand is professional grade, and I’m younger and more energetic than other attorneys,” he says.

Rob’s favorite aspect of owning his firm is the control he is able to exercise over which cases he takes on. “This means I can make sure I only take cases within my passion wheel and I’m not being forced to take cases I don’t believe in or that I’m just not into,” he explains. “Finding meaning and fulfillment in my work is what makes the difficult parts worth it.”

While Rob finds his work meaningful and impactful, it doesn’t come without its stressors. “The biggest challenge is coping with the immense amount of stress that comes with being responsible for employees and a brand that seems like it has its own heartbeat.”

That sense of brand is what pushed Rob to invest in his firm’s image and the kind of messaging he wanted to put out into the world.


Morrin Law Office is much smaller than the vast majority of its competition. However, with a compelling backstory and significant connection to the community he serves, Rob understood early on that differentiating himself would give him a competitive advantage.

“I decided to produce a video for the brand because I wanted to establish a better brand and to branch my practice into personal injury, almost exclusively,” he elaborates. “I didn’t have 100 years of word of mouth to get clients in and needed to set myself apart in a tangible, in-your-face way.”

That memorable and effective medium was none other than video.

And Rob knew just the team he needed to enlist to turn his vision into a reality.

“The quality of the videos I saw that [Crisp] had produced for other firms was head and shoulders above other legal brand/advertising videos,” he says. “That head and shoulders above the rest is the kind of distinction I was looking for.”

The quality of the videos I saw that [Crisp] had produced for other firms was head and shoulders above other legal brand/advertising videos. That head and shoulders above the rest is the kind of distinction I was looking for.

Rob Morrin (Morrin Law Office)


While Rob knew Crisp could create the engaging, high-quality content he envisioned for Morrin Law Office, the decision to invest didn’t come without challenges.

“I’ve never agreed to spend that much on marketing,” he admits. “My upbringing is very much ‘thrifty blue collar’ and it was incredibly difficult for me to spend that much money. After about a year of talking myself out of doing it, I talked myself into doing it. I had doubts for a year or more even though I saw the quality. That worry about cash flow prevented me from doing it sooner.”

From the get-go, the Crisp team knew it was crucial to produce a legal video for Morrin Law Office that would deliver the results Rob desired.

The strategy was to hone in on Rob’s unique background and authentic approach to representing injured people in Kentucky. By tastefully highlighting his personalized approach and small-firm attention, Morrin Law Office would have a cohesive brand identity designed to connect emotionally with the people who need help most.

I have had clients insist on hiring me and paying me more than others because they want my firm representing them, specifically. I think much of this is due to the professional appearance my brand has.

Rob Morrin (Morrin Law Office)


Once Rob’s brand video was produced and positioned on his firm’s website and other digital channels, the results were quick to roll in.

“The demand for Morrin Law Office has skyrocketed,” he says. “Before, I was signing clients who needed ‘an attorney,’ but now I’m regularly signing clients who want me, specifically, representing them.”

This demand for Rob as an individual meant that his firm’s public status was elevated and he was able to attract clients that already knew who he was and valued his work — and also that his services could no longer be viewed as just a commodity.

“Because of this increased demand for me and the brand, my fees have increased across the board from 33-50% from what I would have charged previously,” he reports.

The video that Rob produced with Crisp humanized him, demonstrated his values and approach to practicing law, and made a real emotional connection with anyone who watched it. Morrin Law Office’s image became a warm, coherent, valuable one in no time.

“People seem to value my representation much more after they see what kind of lawyer they are hiring,” Rob explains. “I have had clients insist on hiring me and paying me more than others because they want my firm representing them, specifically. I think much of this is due to the professional appearance my brand has.”

Rob even feels his firm’s video marketing elevated him to “a mini-celebrity status” in his small town. Investing in video was “without a doubt” the right thing to do for his firm, and it has improved his life “by increasing awareness and respect for [his] brand.”

While the initial cost can often scare smaller firms off, and Rob acknowledges that for some attorneys professional video marketing might be “too expensive” to start with, he also points out the infinitely valuable benefits the investment makes:

“I can say it has reduced the amount of time I have to spend showing clients I’m the real deal; most of them, before even speaking with me, get that I do things right based on how I care for the image of my business.”

It’s an honor to tell the story of Rob Morrin and Morrin Law Office, and we are proud to contribute to the growth and development of a firm so genuinely dedicated to helping improve people’s lives.

“I feel like Crisp has gone to bat for me and stuck with me, authentically encouraging my firm’s development,” Rob says. “It’s the kind of company I want to work with; folks who stand behind their work rather than trying to make a fast buck and move on to the next potential client.”

With his firm’s elevated image and his continuing good work supporting his clients, we have no doubt that Rob Morrin will continue to see improved results and continued growth in his firm.

  • 50%

    Increase in Fees

“I feel like Crisp has gone to bat for me and stuck with me, authentically encouraging my firm’s development. It’s the kind of company I want to work with; folks who stand behind their work rather than trying to make a fast buck and move on to the next potential client.”

Rob Morrin (Morrin Law Office)


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