Herrman & Herrman
Success Story


Herrman & Herrman

  • 35%

    Increase in Case Volume

Project Overview

Law firm advertising is changing at breakneck speed. If you blink, you might not catch up. According to a recent study by Adobe, 76% of marketers say marketing has changed more in the last 2 years than the previous 50.

As tides change, tried and true legal marketing strategies like TV advertising and word of mouth referrals are giving way to new inbound kings. They still play a major role, a healthy marketing mix is the backbone of any solid marketing strategy, but they’re not the same titans they once were.

The facts:

  • 96% of people seeking legal advice use a search engine (Google Consumer Survey, Nov. 2013)
  • 74% of prospects beginning a search online end up contacting a law office via phone (FindLaw U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey 2014)
  • 62% of legal searches are non-branded (i.e., generic: “Washington DUI attorney”) (FindLaw U.S. Consumer Legal Needs Survey 2014)
  • 25% of people researching legal topics visit YouTube during the process (YouTube Internal Data 2012)
  • 74% of consumers visit a law firm’s website to take action. (Google Legal Services Study Sept 2013)

As law firm advertising becomes more digital, video consistently proves itself to be the highest driver of online engagement. By 2019, Cisco projects that 80% of the world’s internet traffic will be video. In the U.S., video is predicted to account for a whopping 85% of all internet traffic.

As the market changes, forward-thinking attorneys look to the future to position their law firms for success. One such firm is Corpus Christi, Texas Personal Injury practice, Herrman & Herrman.

A top firm in the Corpus Christi community, Herrman & Herrman partnered with Crisp Video Group to devise the law firm’s video strategy. To achieve the firm’s goals, we created a 26-video approach to brand the firm, establish thought leadership, and rank higher via search engines.

To learn more about the firm’s challenges, goals, and legal marketing successes, we spoke with Managing Partner, Gregory Herrman, to gather his thoughts and advice for other attorneys.

Here’s what Greg had to say.


Herrman & Herrman focuses on injury cases resulting from vehicle accidents, work accidents, falls, wrongful death, and product liability. Their clients are anywhere from 18-70 years old with the majority of them being in their late 20’s and 30’s.

Herrman & Herrman wanted to explain to people what type of firm they are, what they practice, and how they treat their clients. They wanted to get the video out to a larger audience and improve the thoughts and ideas people may have about attorneys.

For Greg, marketing is critical to the success of his law firm:

Stay on top of marketing. If you’re not out there marketing your firm, you’re invisible. You could be the greatest attorney in the world, but if no one can find you, it doesn’t matter how good you are.

Greg Herrman, Herrman & Herrman

He wanted to ensure his law firm didn’t face that problem.


Herrman & Herrman knew people preferred watching video content, and with such a broad client demographic, Greg felt that video was a medium that would be able to communicate their firm’s story to a wide range of people.

So, he decided to invest in a year-long video SEO campaign with Crisp.

The Crisp Pulse campaign uses targeted keyword research to identify the topics your firm’s ideal target audience are searching online. For example, since Herrman & Herrman is a personal injury firm, we identified target keywords focused on personal injury search terms like “What do I look for in a personal injury attorney?” or “What do I do after a car accident?”

Stay on top of marketing. If you’re not out there marketing your firm, you’re invisible. You could be the greatest attorney in the world, but if no one can find you, it doesn’t matter how good you are.

Greg Herrman (Partner, Herrman & Herrman)


By implementing these educational videos alongside his firm’s brand video, Greg Herrman was able to implement a successful online campaign that drove both traffic and conversions, leading to a 35% increase in overall case volume.

Herrman & Herrman was already a powerful name in the Corpus Christi community. However, these videos allowed Greg and his team to further establish expertise and connect with potential clients.

Greg thinks video is an impactful medium for connecting with clients:

I would say that most people are no longer taking the time to read and would prefer to watch a video. You can clearly explain your message without it being misinterpreted or not read at all.

You need to find ways to get in front of a bigger audience with internet marketing. Being active on social media can lead to relationship building and also gives you interaction with your potential client base.

Greg Herrman, Herrman & Herrman

He “absolutely” believes video was a smart investment for his law firm, and was pleased with his Crisp experience.

  • 35% Increase in Case Volume

    A year after launching their Crisp campaign, Herrman & Herrman saw a 35% increase in case volume.

  • Herrman & Herrman
  • Herrman & Herrman
  • Herrman & Herrman
  • Herrman & Herrman

Crisp Video Group does really great work. Our business has seen about a 35% increase in cases from one year ago to today.

Greg Herrman (Partner, Herrman & Herrman)


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect