KMW Legal
Success Story

KMW Legal

  • 126%

    New Client Increase

Project Overview

Attorneys Chris Keller, Rob Melchiorre, and Paul Walsh began their careers as Assistant State Attorneys, gaining invaluable legal experience and trial experience. Although each partner initially pursued different paths after leaving the State Attorney’s Office, fate reunited them years later to found Keller, Melchiorre & Walsh, PLLC.

With the mission of providing legal representation for individuals who have been injured, harmed, or are facing criminal prosecution, the partners leveraged their combined experience to help advocate for their clients’ rights and help clients receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses. 

Every successful law firm’s story features ups and downs, victories and defeats, and most importantly, crucial partnerships that bolster their success. A turning point in KMW Legal’s story is when the team decided to team up with Crisp.


Owning a law firm comes with its unique set of rewards and challenges but the chance to set the firm’s vision, shape its culture, and build a team that embodies the firm’s core values and mission is what partner Chris Keller finds most rewarding.

“Witnessing this vision come to life and seeing the positive impact it has on clients and the community is immensely rewarding,” shared Chris.  

Yet, as the responsibility of leading the firm grows, it becomes increasingly important to trust the team with critical tasks while ensuring the firm’s high standards are upheld is no small feat. It’s a delicate balance of not trying to be everything to everyone but rather empowering the team. This way, they can collectively strive towards common goals and deliver exceptional service to their clients.

This became the basis for finding a collaborator who not only understood the importance of running an efficient and effective law firm but also had experience helping other law firm owners address business challenges, such as delegation, in a way that set a strong foundation for success. 

Understanding where you want your law firm to go is one thing, but getting there is an entirely separate journey all on its own. Identifying the gaps that are preventing firm growth is a great starting place. 

Before beginning a partnership with Crisp, Chris identified several key performance areas that were ready for improvement such as leadership development and operational excellence, which provided a robust foundation for what would become a transformative collaboration. This initial assessment was critical for Chris, as it allowed him to pinpoint exactly where enhancements were needed, setting clear objectives from the outset.

“I recognized the need to operate my law firm more like a business — from refining operations and managing finances to handling human resources tasks like hiring, firing, and team building — and I knew there were areas where we could improve,” says Chris. 

Witnessing this vision come to life and seeing the positive impact it has on clients and the community is immensely rewarding.

Chris Keller (Managing Partner)


Developing and strengthening skills as a leader, for Chris, comes from the inspiration and motivation he finds from other members of the Crisp Coach program. Surrounding himself with a like-minded group of ambitious law firm owners has given him the confidence to effect meaningful change within his firm. “Compared to a time when I was going it alone, having a strong network has provided invaluable encouragement and accountability, ultimately fueling both personal and professional growth,” said Chris.

Chris’s partnership with Crisp has been a transformative experience, enhancing his personal wellness and amplifying his leadership abilities. This dual advancement underscores the holistic impact of the Crisp Coach program on personal achievements and professional excellence.

However, the firm’s work with Crisp was not only focused on addressing issues. The goal was and continues to be to help Chris and the KMW Legal team build a sustainable practice that accommodates his firm growth, both with clients and team members. While the strategic vision included a comprehensive enhancement of overall operations, special emphasis was placed on human resources.

From team building and fostering a positive company culture to refining hiring and termination processes, Crisp has provided invaluable guidance and support. Their expertise has helped KMW Legal cultivate a cohesive and motivated team aligned with the firm’s vision and values, ultimately contributing to our overall success and growth.

We wanted to fill a void in the marketplace to help people in their time of need.

Rob Melchiorre (Managing Partner)


A year ago, KMW Legal had a team of 18 dedicated individuals, operating out of two physical locations and their new client signups were stagnant. Fast forward to today, with the support and guidance of Crisp, the KMW Legal team has expanded significantly to 55 members (a 205% increase) across four locations and new client signups have soared by an impressive 126%, reflecting the effectiveness of their strategies. Better yet, they are on track to achieve an outstanding 66% revenue growth, demonstrating the tangible impact of our collective efforts over the past year.

With the goal of becoming a data-driven law firm, Chris leveraged Crisp Recruit to help him fill a crucial position for the firm — a data engineer. Filling this position has significantly enhanced their ability to make informed decisions and streamline processes, which has improved efficiency overall. As a result of this single role, the firm’s leads have surged by an impressive 75%. 

Embracing the need for deeper financial acumen, KMW Legal hired a Fractional CFO, which was pivotal in equipping the firm with deeper insights into its financial health. Chris explains, This initiative has enabled us to develop a comprehensive model of our business, paving the way for sustainable growth and success.”

Taking a disciplined approach to growth has kickstarted Chris’s personal health journey. Developing a regimen and consistently following it has helped Chris lose more than 50 pounds and achieve numerous athletic milestones, including multiple 5K races, triathlons, a half-marathon, and even a full marathon. Chris credits his devotion to health to Crisp, “Without Crisp’s support and guidance, I doubt I would have made these positive lifestyle changes.”

The transformative journey of KMW Legal, bolstered by their partnership with Crisp, exemplifies a future-oriented approach to law firm management that transcends traditional practice. As they stand today — expanded, more efficient, and strategically aligned — the firm is a testament to what can be achieved with the right partnerships and resources.

  • 205%

    Team Size Growth

The positive impact on both the trajectory of our firm and the fulfillment of our team members make it evident that joining Crisp was the best decision we could have made.

Chris Keller (Managing Partner)


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