Gomez Trial Attorneys, Accident & Injury Lawyers
Success Story

Gomez Trial Attorneys, Accident & Injury Lawyers

  • $1 million+

    annual revenue increase

  • 6

    additional office locations

Project Overview

Gomez Trial Attorneys, Accident & Injury Lawyers is an award-winning plaintiff’s trial firm headquartered in San Diego, California. Founder & President John Gomez has assembled a nationally-recognized legal team that handles personal injury, mass tort, and class action cases.

As his firm grew in size and notoriety, Gomez encountered marketing challenges competing for new clients, and he also realized he would need to cultivate intentional leadership and savvy business operations in order to scale effectively.

The question? Who to trust for guidance in those areas, and what actions to take to gain the capabilities he knew he needed to keep his law firm moving forward.

The answer? Crisp Coach.

“99% of lawyers (including me) struggle with marketing and management,” says Gomez. “I think it’s absolutely imperative to enlist the help of a [partner like] Crisp who has developed incredible industry-specific expertise on those two issues. Just being a lawyer these days is a short road to mediocrity.


The top three biggest obstacles Gomez faced on a day-to-day basis were straightforward:

  1. How much to spend (and how to spend it) on marketing his law firm
  2. How to keep his employees engaged in their work and the mission of the organization
  3. How to determine the best use of his time and energy as the law firm’s leader

In order to solve those challenges, he joined Crisp’s comprehensive coaching program. This program is designed to bring together the nation’s most committed law firm owners to share experiences, trade ideas, and keep each other accountable to the growth goals they set for each of their organizations.

“The group is always willing to help me out with any questions I have,” says Gomez. “I have talked to and traded ideas with Crisp lawyers all over the country.”

Additionally, Crisp Coach is structured in a way that addresses every major question a law firm owner encounters as they shift their thinking from just being an attorney to being the CEO of their law firm — as they must if they are to dominate or even just stay relevant in the current legal landscape.

99% of lawyers (including me) struggle with marketing and management. I think it's absolutely imperative to enlist the help of a [partner like] Crisp who has developed incredible industry-specific expertise on those two issues. Just being a lawyer these days is a short road to mediocrity.

John Gomez


Crisp Coach is an all-inclusive program that combines every aspect of law firm growth — starting with standing out in a crowded market and expanding to include people, processes, and the business foundation behind the most successful organizations.

The first prong of the program provides the world-class video assets Crisp has become known for and pairs them with a relentless digital marketing campaign managed to maximize each member law firm’s exposure with their ideal clients in their market.

Like the other growth-minded law firm owners in the Crisp Coach program, Gomez saw the value of investing in a strategically curated video content library that would help differentiate his law firm, humanize himself and the attorneys in his organization, educate prospective clients, and ultimately empower the people who need him most to make the best decisions for their futures.

In addition to a standout premium legal brand video to establish their brand identity in an attention-grabbing and memorable way (above), Gomez Trial Attorneys drew from many sources of inspiration to craft a collection of emotionally compelling videos driven by storytelling, passion for their community, and the one-of-a-kind personality Gomez brings to his leadership each day.

One way to connect with potential clients and begin forging a meaningful relationship before they ever pick up the phone or walk through the door is by spotlighting each member of the firm through an attorney profile video, like this one that pulls back the curtain on who John Gomez is, the life experiences that influence him and his beliefs, and the lessons he takes with him into the courtroom and beyond:

Highlighting the team behind Gomez Trial Attorneys and the core values that unite them was important to their legal marketing strategy. By helping their prospective clients get to know them and what they stand for, a video like this establishes a human connection and sets the firm apart in a real, memorable way.

Another way Gomez communicates the uniqueness of his firm and their involvement in various community nonprofits is through expertly-crafted community videos like this one:


Client testimonials are some of the most important stories that help Gomez Trial Attorneys communicate to their community that they have the experience and compassion to guide injured people through real, challenging legal experiences. Here’s an example of a brain injury client testimonial that Gomez leverages to show prospective clients the social proof that they live up to their promises:

By partnering with the comprehensive coaching program that produces all these world-class video assets, Gomez ensures they are deployed strategically and effectively on all the highest-traffic social media platforms with the Crisp Social Stack Program, included in every coaching membership.

Then, Crisp Coach takes things a step further.

The program John Gomez joined connected him with the leadership and business resources he was looking for to take his law firm to the next level. From the mindset he needed to adopt to the way he needed to set goals and delegate responsibilities in his organization, Crisp Coach equipped him to own the role of leader.

“Crisp will not only help your law firm,” he explains, “it will help you become more of the leader you deserve to be in every aspect of your life.”

My own creativity and energy as a leader [have been most impacted]. I now feel both free and empowered to lead with big ideas.

John Gomez


The big-picture impact of being in the Crisp Coach program is undeniable for John Gomez.

The #1 most valuable thing he has learned? “To think big.”

The top area of his business that has been impacted the most? “Leadership mindset.”

And the personal or professional growth he has felt most strongly since joining the program?

In his own words: “My own creativity and energy as a people leader and thought leader. I now feel both free and empowered to lead with big ideas.”

But beyond that, Gomez Trial Attorneys has experienced meaningful bottom-line business growth that John plans to sustain for the foreseeable future.

“We ended 2019 with two office spaces and $12 million in revenue,” he says. “We ended 2020 with 8 offices and $16 million in revenue.”

Gomez’s partnership with Crisp has fundamentally shifted where his organizational attention goes, and the results speak for themselves.

“I think the main difference is that we are now focused on marketing and managing the firm with focused intent,” he explains. “In terms of measurables, we have greatly improved both our leads and signed cases.”

More intention, more business.

Better management, better measurement.

Increased capabilities, increased growth.

Partnering with Crisp Coach means more than getting a new set of expertly crafted cinematic videos to use online (though you get that too). It even means more than getting a managed ad campaign to distribute that new content and stay top-of-mind with your target audience on the highest-traffic social media channels available today (though that’s another benefit).

When you join the Crisp Coach program, you join a community of the legal industry’s top leaders — the law firm owners most dedicated to growing their businesses and making a bigger impact on their teams and communities. You open yourself up to new ideas, new opportunities, and a new approach to personal, professional, and business growth.

Gomez Trial Attorneys enlisted Crisp as a partner to their growth — and that partnership is yielding excellent results.

“I value Crisp’s contribution to our firm north of $1 million in revenue annually,” says Gomez.

For other attorneys looking for new ways to grow their practice, he has a straightforward piece of advice: “Talk to attorneys that have been there. Rely on resources that got them there.”

  • $1 million+

    annual revenue increase

  • 6

    additional office locations

This is the absolute right time [to join Crisp Coach]. Firms that do nothing right now will be left behind post-COVID and otherwise in the future.

John Gomez


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect