Deandra M. Grant & Associates
Success Story

Deandra M. Grant & Associates

  • 46%

    46% Revenue Increase

Project Overview

Texas DWI Attorney Deandra Grant is the owner of Deandra M. Grant and Associates, a criminal defense firm located in North Texas. She specializes in intoxication-related cases throughout the state of Texas.

A well-published and well-respected attorney, Deandra has no shortage of recognition and awards in the legal community. From serving as president of DUIDLA to her certification as a Forensic Lawyer-Scientist, Deandra has built up a high level of credibility.

However, she found herself seeking new ways to set her firm apart from her competitors in order to attract higher-value cases and clients.


Even with a massive list of awards, recognition, and leadership positions, Deandra found herself faced with the same problem far too many attorneys face: finding a way to set your firm apart in a crowded market.

She’d invested in a number of marketing strategies over the years, some of which have been more successful than others. Deandra was disappointed by her investment in legal directories but continued to invest and improve her website and online presence, as well as pushing out more traditional strategies like direct mail.

She wanted to find a new way to get in touch with her ideal clients through modern channels while also communicating her firm’s unique value proposition – what sets them apart from her competitors.

Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. People are less likely to read something than watch a video. Video is what people prefer. It's much better marketing than what we've done in the past.

Deandra Grant (Owner, Deandra M. Grant & Associates)


Deandra is proud to be considered an expert within her field, but wanted to leverage a new strategy to communicate that expertise. So, she reached out to Crisp to produce a legal brand video that highlighted her experience and her impressive background.

By leveraging the power of legal video, Deandra was able to communicate to potential clients why they should choose her firm over any other in her market (or the state of Texas).

She was able to establish an immediate and authentic emotional connection while simultaneously emphasizing her ability to relentlessly defend her clients in a court of law.

Deandra currently uses her legal videos on her website and social media. Keep reading to see the impact video content has made on Deandra’s firm.

I've had an excellent experience with Crisp. They're great with communication and understanding of my schedule. I'm excited to showcase my video and give potential clients an introduction to my firm they wouldn't otherwise get.

Deandra Grant (Owner, Deandra M. Grant & Associates)


Since implementing more video content in her legal marketing strategy, Deandra has seen a 46% overall revenue increase.

Additionally, Deandra firmly believes that her Crisp video is an integral part of her law firm’s brand. Leveraging a high-quality and impactful video has since allowed Deandra to solidify and promote her firm’s brand not just with potential clients, but also with respected members of the legal community, including local judges.

Deandra ranks investing in a legal video as one of the top 3 investments she’s made in her law firm, alongside investing in her website and direct mail.

For those attorneys who may doubt the efficacy of professional legal video production, Deandra only has one message:

“Video is the present and the future.”

In an industry where it’s only becoming harder to set yourself apart, investing in legal video is a great way to connect with potential clients and establish yourself as a thought leader in your market.

  • 46%

    46% Revenue Increase

  • Deandra M. Grant & Associates
  • Deandra M. Grant & Associates
  • Deandra M. Grant & Associates
  • Deandra M. Grant & Associates

Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. People no longer want to read anything - prefer video. I've had an excellent experience with Crisp. They're communicative, understanding, and I'm incredibly pleased with my video.

Deandra Grant (Owner, Deandra M. Grant & Associates)


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Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect