Cruz Law Firm
Success Story

Cruz Law Firm

  • 160%

    Revenue Increase

Project Overview

Most of us love an underdog story. The feeling of watching someone accomplish the unthinkable fills us with pride and joy, and that’s why it’s one of the most common themes in books, movies, and television shows.

But for some people, it’s not enough to read about underdog stories. It’s not enough to get teary-eyed at the end of a movie because the underdog went against all odds and defeated the bully. For some, rooting for the underdog is real life. That’s because they’re born with a sort of drive and ambition that many people don’t possess.

One of these fighters is none other than Tiffany Cruz of Cruz Law Firm based in Tallahassee, Florida. Tiffany’s firm specializes in plaintiff’s labor and employment, representing employees in a wide variety of workplace issues including discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment, whistleblower protection, and wage and hour issues. They’re also adept at negotiating executive compensation packages, severances, and non-compete issues.

It takes a trusted legal team to handle such personal matters, and the one at Cruz Law Firm strives to earn that trust and so much more. They pride themselves on their zealous approach to advocacy and litigation and the combination of skills and knowledge that they can offer to their clients, ensuring that each and every client has the best experience possible.

But what happens when a team of experts realizes that there’s still more they can do to help people? How do they go about finding the help that they need in order to expand their client base and impact their community forever?

The main challenge that the Cruz Law Firm needed to get under control was time. Tiffany and her team never seemed to have enough of it, and they weren’t sure how to find more. The less time they had, the fewer clients they were able to serve, and the less successful they knew they would be.

That’s when they decided to set some of that precious time aside, do some research, and find a solution to help them become the most effective version of themselves.

Who did they turn to when they needed help the most? Who did they partner with in order to become the law firm that everyone could turn to for help?

Read on to find out…


Making the decision to dedicate your life to serving others is one thing, but choosing to open your own practice is another beast entirely. It’s not for the faint of heart, and Tiffany is one of the most committed law firm owners around.

But how did she get to this point? What had her journey been like?

“I had just left my former partnership and was starting my own firm when I started talking to Crisp,” recalls Tiffany. “At the time, I wanted to ensure that we were getting our new firm out to the public to maintain leads and expand our lead base into the executive level client market. Soon after starting the firm, I realized that what I needed more than lead generation was coaching on how to run and operate a business efficiently and effectively.”

For Tiffany, this motivation was deeply personal. She feels as though she was born to take care of and help others.

“The best part of owning my own law firm is building something not only for myself and my family, but something that will have a positive impact on my employees, their families, and our community,” says Tiffany.

But what happens when there are too many people in need of Tiffany’s expertise — yet there’s simply not enough time to attend to them all fully?

It turns out that that would end up being one of Cruz Law Firm’s biggest challenges.

“It seems as if there’s never enough time to do all of the things that I want to get done,” says Tiffany. “Managing staff members is a job in and of itself, and I want to get better at being the CEO of my law firm instead of just the owner.”

While Tiffany knew that she had lots of room for improvement, she mainly wanted to focus on three key components to turning her law firm around for good:

  • Her time management skills
  • The number and quality of leads her firm brought in
  • Working on, not in her law firm

Once she had a handle on those three elements, she knew Cruz Law Firm would truly be able to take on any challenge life dared to throw at it.

After setting some serious goals for herself, Tiffany was in search of the perfect resource to help her turn her law firm into a well-oiled machine. However, she quickly realized that many of her best options didn’t, in fact, practice what they preached. She needed a growth partner who walked their talk.

That’s when she decided to look even further — and she made a decision that she knew she wouldn’t regret.

Enter: Crisp Coach.

Since partnering with Crisp, Cruz Law Firm is definitely getting more calls and higher quality leads. Crisp has helped us with more defined and measurable goal setting, process development, and long-term planning.

Tiffany Cruz


Tiffany’s research soon led her to Crisp, the nation’s #1 law firm growth company that continually set lofty goals for themselves and their clients — and achieved them. That’s what convinced Tiffany she had come to the right place.

Tiffany joined Crisp Coach, a closed-door community of the highest-performing law firms in the country. The program made many promises, but most importantly, it promised to help the Cruz Law Firm reach the level of success that they were working toward.

Immediately, Tiffany knew she was in good hands thanks to Crisp’s commitment to:

  • Achieving the transformational growth she’d been looking for
  • Creating the ultimate experience for her clients at each stage of the legal process
  • Making strategic and actionable decisions to benefit her firm
  • Aligning her team and getting everyone working toward the same goal
  • Becoming a true competitor in her market
  • Learning to delegate like a pro
  • Managing her time down to the last minute
  • Running her law firm like a true CEO
  • And so much more

After settling into her newfound partnership, it was time for Tiffany to get to work. It started with meeting her new coach, who would act as her accountability partner, confidant, and biggest motivator to never slow down. Together, they would create actionable plans, come up with strategies, and innovate ideas to create the perfect law firm.

Tiffany and her coach would meet on a regular basis to keep each other updated and make sure she was on track to achieve the goals she identified for herself and her form. But she quickly learned that her personal progress mattered little if her team wasn’t aligned and working toward the same goals, and that’s something she needed Crisp Coach’s help to solve.

While improving her numbers were, of course, important, Tiffany wanted to ensure her team’s culture was as strong as it could be. She wanted the Cruz Law Firm to be a place where people were happy to come to work and top candidates wanted to apply. That’s where she decided to turn her focus thanks to working with Crisp.

One way she was able to do this was through the Crisp Coach program’s workshops at Crisp HQ. During these sessions, Tiffany was able to meet and work with other committed law firm owners from all over the country to find solutions and answers to come up with game changing strategies for her practice.

Additionally, a certified Trainer traveled to the Cruz Law Firm to conduct an onsite training directly with her team, facilitating a powerful Vision Day to clarify where the firm was going and how to get there.

To top it off, one of the biggest perks of being a part of the Crisp Coach program is the Game Changers Summit, also known as the #1 Law Firm Growth Conference on the planet. While this legendary Summit has previously been available to the public, in 2023, it will only be available to Crisp Coach members like Tiffany — and that’s where the real insights and fun will begin.

Life-changing moments, referral partnerships, and meaningful relationships are made at the Summit, and after being a part of one, Tiffany is excited for what’s to come later this year.

Thanks to her dedication and commitment to the Crisp Coach program, Tiffany has not only been able to look at what’s right in front of her, but she’s also shifted her focus to planning for the future. She now has a long-term vision and plan for her, her team members, her clients, and of course, her practice.

This has proven to be one of the biggest advantages for her leadership and planning skills. Tiffany has started preparing for the major changes heading her way while her competition sits back and watches.

“As an attorney practicing out of Florida, our state is very strict and has different ways of doing things as compared to the other states,” explains Tiffany. “However, I do think firms have to do better with automation and technology and figure out ways to create a lasting culture with remote work and all of the other changes that have been introduced in the last few years.”

While others rest on their laurels and get complacent, Tiffany and the Cruz Law Firm have been hard at work growing as a team, generating new business, and planning out their future together — and that’s all thanks to her decision to partner with Crisp.

The Crisp Coach program gives back what its members put in, and Tiffany proved that she was willing to give it her all. That’s why she was able to be so successful in such a short amount of time, and that’s why she continues to grow every day as both a leader and a person.

So, just how much did the Cruz Law Firm grow as a whole? What kind of monetary improvements did they make, and how did their efforts pay off?

You won’t believe these figures…

Do the thing that scares you the most. If you are looking for growth, then you need to force yourself to do the uncomfortable things to get there. Crisp will help you find your way.

Tiffany Cruz


Tiffany started with a great foundation in the Cruz Law Firm, but great leaders know when to ask for help. It turns out that that would be one of the best decisions Tiffany ever made.

Since joining the Crisp Coach program, the Cruz Law Firm has built a culture around commitment, dedication, and community, and that’s taken her far. She and her coach worked together to reflect back on what was important to Tiffany when she started her practice, and that’s what they were able to build back together.

“Crisp has helped me create a culture at the Cruz Law Firm that I’m proud of and that I envisioned from the very beginning,” says Tiffany. “I’ve been able to set a vision beyond what I could ever have even fathomed, and I’m so excited to see it all playing out so well.”

As for her financial goals, Tiffany has generated some major results through thanks to working with Crisp.

“Our caseload has increased astronomically,” assures Tiffany. “In 2021, we did approximately $500k in revenue. In 2022, we did $1.3 million — and that’s a 160 percent increase. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Crisp.”

We know what you’re thinking: Is this something that Tiffany would do again? Does the Crisp Coach program have the potential to change my law firm as well?

We’ll let Tiffany take it from here.

“I believe that everyone should partner with Crisp if they want to see results of all kinds,” explains Tiffany. “The revenue growth and lead growth has been amazing, which is what we wanted from the beginning. We’re starting to see our impact especially in the Jacksonville market. The biggest reason that it was the right decision is because of the relationships I have built with other like minded firm owners and learning from them and Crisp on best practices for managing my business.”

More money, stronger relationships, better business outlook… What more could you want?

If you’re willing to put in the effort to turn your law firm around just like Tiffany of the Cruz Law Firm did, then you’re going to go far in the Crisp Coach program.

We can’t wait to see what else Tiffany has in store for her clients, team members, and community.

  • 160%

    Revenue Increase

  • Cruz Law Firm
  • Cruz Law Firm
  • Cruz Law Firm
  • Cruz Law Firm
  • Cruz Law Firm
  • Cruz Law Firm
  • Cruz Law Firm
  • Cruz Law Firm

Crisp has helped me realize that I am not alone and that truly anything is possible.

Tiffany Cruz

Trusted By
  • American Bar Association
  • The National Trial Lawyers
  • Mass Torts Made Perfect