The Crone Law Firm
Success Story

The Crone Law Firm

  • 70%

    Web Traffic Increase

  • 33%

    Case Origination Rate Increase

Project Overview

Alan Crone is the founder of the Crone Law Firm in Memphis, Tennessee. The Crone Law Firm represents employees, executives, and entrepreneurs in legal matters that affect their ability to make money. From non-compete agreement, enforcement, and defense to cases involving wrongful termination, sexual harassment, overtime/minimum wage claims, compensation issues and much more, Crone has dedicated his practice to serving workers and businesses, particularly in Tennessee.

The Crone Law Firm’s clients choose them because they focus exclusively on employment law — and do it well. “We know employment law and we can explain the law and client options in easy to understand and implement language,” says Crone.

With competitors on both ends of the size and resources spectrum, Crone knew he needed to do something different to separate his firm from everybody else and to attract the kinds of clients he wanted to represent.


“There are definitely larger players in my market who do what I do. We have several national and local advertisers who can dominate the airways anytime they want,” Crone explains. “At the same time, there are a number of players who are smaller, but they do the ‘grassroots marketing thing’ very well. We have to be on our best game to compete with both.”

To be on their best game, Crone wanted to develop a strategy that allowed him to make a compelling connection and an impactful first impression, create something that looked and sounded completely different from anything the competition was doing, and beef up his firm’s online presence.

“I wanted to separate myself from everybody else,” he elaborates. “I was convinced that from an SEO standpoint I needed more videos on my website. I also wanted to connect with potential clients emotionally before they called me.”

The challenge for the Crone Law Firm was remaining top-of-mind both with referral sources and potential clients in his community, and it was important to do so in a unique and meaningful way.

I wanted to separate myself from everybody else. I was convinced that from an SEO standpoint I needed more videos on my website. I also wanted to connect with potential clients emotionally before they called me.

Alan Crone


The solution to that challenge was naturally video — but not just any video. It wasn’t enough to produce a product and call it good enough. Crone wanted a long-term strategy, an investment that would pay off, and a partner that would provide more than just video production services.

Having seen Crisp Founder & CEO Michael Mogill speak several times, Alan Crone had a good idea of the kind of work the Crisp team did and the kind of value a strategic partnership could provide.

Ultimately, Crone joined the comprehensive CrispX Game Changer Program, which combines a 360° marketing campaign that is both broad and powerful, and the top workshop program and private mastermind in the legal industry.

With a robust library of legal videos from a brand video that tells the Crone Law Firm’s story to a number of educational FAQ videos, practice area spotlights, social cuts optimized for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and more, Crone developed top-of-the-line videos for every step of his prospective client’s journey.

Pairing that those excellent videos with a competitive digital marketing campaign, Crisp positioned Crone’s messaging in front of his ideal clients where they spend the most time, and made sure to keep nurturing them with high frequency and thoughtful content.

Our videos definitely help keep us top of mind in employment law. Crisp tells our story masterfully.

Alan Crone


The implementation of his video marketing campaign, combined with the accountability and business development environment of the CrispX workshop program, has yielded numerous positive results for the Crone Law Firm.

“Since making and publishing my videos and using the Social Stack [included in CrispX], visits to our website are up 70%,” Crone recently shared with the Crisp team. “My new case origination rate is up 33%.”

The numbers are up, and so are the qualitative results.

He continues, “I credit our videos for an increase in our brand awareness. I frequently hear from friends and potential clients that they saw our video and loved it. Our videos definitely help keep us top of mind in employment law. Crisp tells our story masterfully.”

While acknowledging that investing in video and brand building strategies are not for those look for short term gains, Crone is confident he made the right decision with his investment. “This is a long term strategy,” he says. “Depending on your financial situation videos can be a huge risk and investment. Over the long haul it is worth it. Our Crisp videos, I am convinced, has added a unique gravitas to our practice and reputation. It did not happen overnight. Also, I would add that it is not enough to create videos and post them to YouTube and your website. We are always thinking about ways to ‘push’ out our videos to potential clients and referral sources.”

The initial results, including both a boost in web traffic and an increase in new cases, are just the beginning for Crone’s partnership with Crisp. His firm’s numbers continue to rise, and his organization continues to thrive. Investing in his law firm’s growth was without a doubt the right thing to do.

In Alan Crone’s own words, “I wish I had done this 10 years ago.”

  • 70%

    Web Traffic Increase

  • 33%

    Case Origination Rate Increase

I credit our videos for an increase in our brand awareness. I frequently hear from friends and potential clients that they saw our video and loved it. Our videos definitely help keep us top of mind in employment law.

Alan Crone


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