The ROI of Working With Crisp Video Group

6 minutes to read

Lawyer Video Production

Given the choice, would you take a Pontiac for a spin or strap in and peel out in a brand new Ferrari? Easy question, but there’s a point to be made.

Each car has four tires, a steering wheel, and an engine – but outside of that the machines couldn’t be further apart. A Pontiac is a car, a Ferrari is an experience. You can think of video in the same terms.

While there are a myriad of video production companies that have the capability to create legal marketing videos, few have the skill to craft a meaningful story and experience that sticks with viewers long after the scenes are done.

The goal of your video is simple: drive more business. Our clients have seen case values increase tenfold, 80% revenue growth year over year, and conversion rates increase by 300%. How?

After working with hundreds of attorneys over the years, we know how to create legal video content that drives results.

With an ample array of possibilities in the wide world of marketing, you have to find the medium that converts best. Creating a video is one thing, creating a video that converts new clients and grows your practice is entirely another.

We’re more than just a video production company, we’re a legal video marketing firm. We just happen to use video because it’s the most powerful medium to share your message. Our goal is simple: help you attract clients and grow your law firm.

The success of our business hinges on the success of yours, and our mission revolves around that alignment. Here’s why we’re your Ferrari:

The Crisp Experience

When you partner with us for your video content, we not only walk you through what we do – but why we do it. You don’t want to be left in the dark, and we don’t want to leave you there. We don’t work as your contractor, we work with you as your partner.

We know what creates powerful, effective video content. We’ve worked with hundreds of attorneys across the country, and we share our years of knowledge and experience with you.

The Crisp process starts with an in-depth discovery call. While many video production companies create cookie-cutter content that looks like the rest of the Pontiacs on the market, we create custom, moving videos that showcase your practice exactly as it should be.

We take the time to sit down and learn the intimate details of your firm, your story, and the unique value you provide clients. Then we work to help you tell it. Every aspect of our process is focused on driving engagement with your ideal audience, highlighting your unique story to connect with them and drive you clients.

Here’s what our client, Travis Jacobs of The Jacobs Law, has to say about the value our work:

“Our videos posted in October 2015. By December we were getting about two to three times the calls we were getting before we posted them. And, the calls were for more value-added work and fewer one-offs.

By January we had to hire an answering service because we were getting enough calls during the day that we couldn’t get existing work done fast enough.”

Sounds like a good problem to have.

We also handle the entire creative process for you. We know you’re busy (you’re running a law firm after all), and we don’t add another headache to your plate. You can be as integral in the creative process as you’d like, but if you want to be hands-off and let us handle everything for you, that’s exactly what we do.

The goal is simple: elicit emotion, establish a connection, and influence video viewers to hire your firm. Everything in our process is tailored to do exactly that, and each piece of the puzzle fits together to create media that sizzles on the screen and drives real world results.

We don’t script.

Scripts are planned, they’re canned, and it’s easy to see it. Instead, we craft questions based on our discussions to engage you in conversation about the thing that you know best: your practice. Our clients’ content shines because our clients shine, and we know how to elicit the the perfect responses to show it.

We come to you to film (weekdays or weekends, whatever works best for you), and we turn around the first edit to you within ten business days after the shoot.

That’s where the Pontiacs leave things. The sale is made, and the product delivered. For a Ferrari, that isn’t enough. We build in additional edits based on your feedback to fine-tune your content to be better than what you’d hoped for, we want it to be exactly what you expected.

Crisp Videos Drive Traffic

lawyer video production seo

Drive awareness, connect with potential clients, and drive conversion – this is our process. Webpages with video are 53 times more likely to rank on Google’s first page. We craft your content to not only be found, but be found by the right people. We don’t base our process on assumptions or gut feelings, our videos are created based on time tested data driven approaches that are proven to drive you traffic.

For FAQ and educational content, we conduct keyword research for every key topic related to your practice area. We’ll share the exact search volume for each term with you, highlighting the best ones and working with you to produce content that your audience is searching for.

Again, we only succeed when you do. We’re invested in your growth, and we’re glad to help you do it.

Going further than simply delivering a finished product, we help you implement it. Whether it’s providing Schema Markup codes to increase your video’s ranking, optimizing/auditing your YouTube channel, creating blog posts for release alongside your video content (helping rank your content in multiple places in search engines), and more – we provide a full video marketing strategy, not just a video.

Here’s just one example of the powerful results that come from creating the right video marketing strategy with Crisp. Here are the results that our client, Jocelyn Stewart (The Law Office of Jocelyn C. Stewart), has seen after the first five months of her video marketing campaign:

Crisp Videos Lead to More Clients

Sales are made through trust and connection. Clients have to believe in what you do, and trust you enough to count on you in their time of need. The art of storytelling is the art of inspiring emotion, and once you’ve connected your audience with you and why you do what you do – you can inspire them to take the next step and hire your firm.

It’s easy to lose potential clients through technical talk; they’re not experts in law. Show your accolades, of course, but don’t lose sight on the true goal of your audience: a better life as a result of your services. That’s it. Tailor your content to focus on this idea, and half the battle is won. It’s a strategy that has proven to drive results for our clients time and time again.

Don’t just take our word for it, though, here’s what our clients have to say about us:

You can create a video that gets you from point A to point B, or you can create a video that wows viewers and establishes your firm as a top-flight practice.

Premium content drives premium results, and it pays to partner with a firm who knows how to create beautiful videos that work toward your goals. If your legal video content doesn’t drive an emotional connection and inspire your audience, then it won’t provide you with the return on investment that you expect. Connect with your audience on a deeper level, and your content will return dividends for years to come.

After all, you’ll probably never remember the first time you drove a Pontiac, but you’ll never forget the first time you took a Ferrari for a spin. We’ll help you create an experience that your audience will never forget. 

Get started by booking your free one-on-one video marketing strategy call with us today.

Click here to discover the Crisp difference.

How Crisp Can Help

As the #1 Law Firm Growth Company in the Nation, Crisp has helped hundreds of firms dominate their markets with results that speak for themselves ($3.2M in average revenue growth, 2x increase in average case values).

We teach firm owners how they can win by design and help them overcome their biggest barriers to growth while establishing lasting legacies.

If you’re ready to be amongst the top 5% of firms in the country, submit your application for Crisp Coach today.

Join them and see what you’re made of.