Legal Video Marketing Success Story: Law Offices of Alexander Ransom

4 minutes to read

law firm marketing case study

Whether you’re a new practice looking to take on the world or an established firm wanting to further your hold on the market, video can be an effective tool for differentiating your brand and winning over prospective clients.

In addition to building brand authority, high-quality legal video allows attorneys to connect with potential clients on a deeper level than other marketing activities, establishing a level of trust that drives new consultations and cases.

When hundreds of attorneys are available at the click of a mouse, you must find a way to differentiate your practice quickly and efficiently to gain space on prospective clients’ dockets.

Exemplifying the power that video has in the legal space is Washington state criminal defense attorney Alexander Ransom, and his practice, Law Offices of Alexander Ransom.

The Challenge

law firm marketing case study attorney alexander ransom

Midway through 2015, Ransom was set to open his private practice. He needed a way to grow his online presence, establish his brand, and differentiate his firm to compete with larger and more-established firms.

How could he quickly establish rapport and credibility with potential clients?

When debating marketing strategies, Ransom wanted a creative way to stand out and differentiate his law firm.

“I wanted marketing that was innovative, progressive, thoughtful, timely, and accurate as far as displaying who I am and the type of law I practice.”

– Alexander Ransom

As is common with young firms, he couldn’t compete with larger practices in the terms of overall marketing spend. What he could do was strategically target his resources to achieve his marketing goals without breaking the bank.

What would be the best way to do that? For Ransom, it was video.

The Strategy

law firm marketing case study alexander ransom american flag

Alex partnered with Crisp Video Group to create a legal brand video showcasing his practice. Differentiating himself from the dime-a-dozen “talking head” attorney videos, Alex’s strategy with Crisp was to create visceral and engaging video content to connect with viewers.

Rather than focus on the technical aspects of his work, Ransom’s legal video would focus on the story of his brand in order to captivate viewers and establish trust.

“At trial, juries want to hear stories. We love narratives. Hearing someone’s story – to include the ‘why’ of what they do and who they are – shows us who we’re dealing with.

Film is truth on many levels. It’s an immediate indicator of whether that specific attorney is someone I would consider hiring. It tells us how motivated this person is to win. It shows us how hungry they are. It gives us a very good idea of their level of experience.

The public wants their counsel to be motivated. They gravitate to people who stand behind a cause; something bigger than themselves.”

– Alexander Ransom

People make decisions based on emotion and trust, and Ransom’s video is tailored to reflect that idea. By showcasing his passion for helping clients, he’s able to create an immediate connection with prospective clients.

The Results

When asked if investing in video was the right thing to do, Ransom says,

“Yes. Absolutely. The video raised my game and my name on so many levels… I opened my business one year ago at approximately the same time the video was produced.

Nowadays, I’m quite comfortable. The business is profitable.”

– Alexander Ransom

Timing the release of his video content with the start of his practice, Ransom has been able to build a profitable firm in a single year. By creating cornerstone content to build his brand around, Alex has been able to position himself as a high-quality and high-value practice from day one.

Not only has he seen positive financial results from his legal video, but the project has helped him personally reinforce his brand, giving him a higher standard to work toward each day.

Something funny happens when you watch yourself strutting around on quality video, talking about the law, hearing the music, and seeing past clients vouch for you. In 2-3 minutes, you’re reminded why you wake up every day to pursue your purpose.

Video is affirming. It’s empowering. It’s inspiring. It forces you to endorse your brand out loud.”

– Alexander Ransom

Producing positive results for his practice both intrinsically and financially, Ransom’s story illustrates how quality legal video content can be used as a multi-faceted tool to attract new clients and build your practice.

How Crisp Can Help

As the #1 Law Firm Growth Company in the Nation, Crisp has helped hundreds of firms dominate their markets with results that speak for themselves ($3.2M in average revenue growth, 2x increase in average case values).

We teach firm owners how they can win by design and help them overcome their biggest barriers to growth while establishing lasting legacies.

If you’re ready to be amongst the top 5% of firms in the country, submit your application for Crisp Coach today.

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