Episode 163 — AMMA — Ask Michael Mogill Anything: Patience, Priorities, and Productivity
Another day, another installment of Ask Michael Mogill Anything — and in this edition, you’re going to find some seriously helpful strategies that will help you become the most successful version of yourself possible.
In this episode of The Game Changing Attorney Podcast, Michael sits down with Crisp Head of Coaching Strategy Jessica Mogill to discuss:
- How to manage your time and your workload
- Why you should never care what other people think of you
- Why patience truly is a virtue

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Show Notes:
How to deal with an increasing workload. “As the leader of your organization, you’re never going to be able to get to everything that needs to be done. If you think about it, you may be able to respond to 100 emails a day right now, but what happens when those 100 turn into 1,000 emails? What about when they become 10,000? Everybody hits a point of capacity because your time is often fixed without much room to move. You only have 24 hours in a day, and if you subtract the time that you’re sleeping, eating, and going to the bathroom, that’s what you’re left with. There’s only so much you can do, and that means that you have to introduce some sort of system and filter out what can and can’t be done. Whether that comes in the form of hiring an extra hand, delegating some of your workload, or figuring out a way to spend your time in a more productive manner is up to you.”
Blocking out the naysayers. “If you want to be successful, you’ve got to focus yourself and your efforts on whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish. Whenever you’re doing things in a very outlier and uncommon way, people are going to have their opinions and perspectives on that — but just because they have opinions doesn’t mean that you have to assign value to that opinion. Here’s a perfect example: Right now on my phone, I’ve got 20 or 30 text messages from people that are asking me some sort of question. If somebody asks why I didn’t respond to them right away, the way I see it is simply because they don’t manage my time. They don’t manage my focus. They might have a certain perspective and want to give you a hard time, and that’s because they don’t understand what you’re doing. People who are focused and diligent are some of the most successful people I know. You can care about the people around you and also have the clarity to realize that you need to prioritize your family, your health, and your focus, and get back to those people when you can.”
Disciplining yourself is a long yet rewarding journey. “You have to put yourself in situations where you can build your patience muscle and have an opportunity to become more disciplined. This starts by putting certain habits in place instead of merely saying you want to do more of something. For instance, if you want to go to bed at a certain time each night and wake up earlier each morning, it’s going to be a lot easier to do that if you go to bed at 9 PM versus 12 AM. That’s when you start building your discipline. If you can respond to going to bed earlier each night and waking up earlier each day, you’re gaining discipline. You have to start with one habit at a time. The same idea applies to becoming more patient. Find more situations where patience is required. If you want to be more disciplined, you are going to be blessed in environments that allow you to become more disciplined. It’s just like honing any skill — and of course, it’s not easy, but it’s worth it in the end.”
Jessica Mogill
Tim Grover
Joe De Sena
The Game Changing Attorney Podcast
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- Text directly at 404-531-7691