Episode 144 — Ben Glass — Live Life Big: Growth Strategies to Unlock Entrepreneurial Freedom
Being a lawyer is arguably one of the most taxing professions out there — but does it have to be that way? With roughly half of all practicing lawyers experiencing symptoms of depression and high-risk drinking, it’s a wonder it’s not a failing industry.
This is something that Ben Glass of BenGlassLaw and Great Legal Marketing hopes to change.
In this episode of The Game Changing Attorney Podcast, Ben and Michael sit down to discuss:
- The keys to happiness for attorneys
- The power of thinking big
- Why commitment is one of the most powerful habits

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Show Notes:
Playing sports builds character. “I love to referee to this day because of course it’s a great workout, but it’s also an interesting psychological exercise. Think about it: You’re in a huge stadium surrounded by people all watching the same game but rooting for different teams. You have to think about how you’re going to manage that game as the ref. How do you change the game? How do you recover from the game? I believe that those things are interesting to think about and that’s one of the reasons I still love refereeing boys and girls soccer matches. It’s so important that we have things besides being a lawyer that excite us and mean something to us.”
Don’t judge what you don’t understand. “I’m a pure laissez-faire capitalist. But people who don’t understand capitalism or call it evil forget that it begins with the premise of having to earn their way in this world by putting value into the world first. You’ve got to make somebody else’s life better first, and then you will be compensated for that. My superpower is being able to work with anyone and helping them see their own beauty and uniqueness. I help them appreciate what they have and go into the world bravely despite maybe being fearful.”
Don’t worry, be happy. “Lawyers tend to be the ones who look at things and wonder what could go wrong. I’m a litigator and I’m happy with what I do, and because of that, I live a happier life than most lawyers. Our clients are happy with what we’re doing for them, and all of that combined is a real game changer for the industry. My clients want to know they’re being listened to and cared for, and putting those things first has made our team happier and more well-adjusted to the profession in general. It does us no good if a team member wins a case for their client but still wants to leave after the trial is over, so the happier attorneys can be, the better off the industry will be.”
Trade value for value. “Capitalism isn’t just composed of liars, cheaters, and stealers. I am a capitalist and I run a business, and if you want to work for me, you’ve got to work to my standards, you have to accept the pay I offer, and in turn, I’m going to make you better. I’m going to make you so much better that you could compete with me, but you’re not going to want to. That’s because I have built a culture so good that you’ll never want to leave. It will be worth it for you and it will be worth it for me.”
Walk your walk. “If you want to build a strong culture, you can’t just write core values on the wall. You’ve got to live them out each day. You must treat your team members with respect and cultivate an environment so great that they want to refer their friends to work there alongside them. Much like when you’re a parent, you can’t tell your kids to do one thing and then do the exact opposite while they watch you do that said thing. If you do that, then they won’t believe what you’re saying because apparently you don’t believe what you’re saying either. That’s why the lawyers I know who are attracting great talent are the ones who are living authentic, value-ridden, principle-driven lives.”
Masterminds at work. “Lawyers lead busy lives, but what we do isn’t rocket science. In a mastermind group, we have to teach in a way that motivates and excites us to spend part of our busy lives learning what other people have learned about business and people management. You must learn about who’s in the room with you more than who’s leading the room.”
Great marketing takes commitment. “Our most successful members get good at one or two marketing-related things. Whether it’s creating video, books, whitepapers, having a podcast, or whatever it is, they’re going to get good at it and keep perfecting it. It can’t be a one- or two-time attempt that ends as quickly as it started. You’ve got to invest your own time and money into making it something that people want to be a part of.”
What does being a game changer mean to you? “For me, being a game changer means trying to change the profession as a whole. The legal industry should be one of happiness and joy, and when you come across a lawyer who is happy and joyful, the clients know they will be well-served. We all became attorneys because we wanted to help people find justice. The elite lawyers get in the way of happiness, and those who align themselves with other thought leaders and work toward helping others are the ones who will go far.”
The Game Changing Attorney by Michael Mogill
Connect with Michael
- Text directly at 404-531-7691