Episode 115 — Growth Masters: LIVE From the #1 Law Firm Growth Conference on Earth
Game changers and power players come from all walks of life and can be found in every industry on the planet. Wherever they are, you can bet that Crisp will find them.
The six leaders featured in this episode of The Game Changing Attorney Podcast have all taken the stage at Summits past, and their expertise has been some of the most requested time and time again.
Get ready to take a deep dive into the minds of Gary Vaynerchuk, Chris Voss, Cy Wakeman, Hal Elrod, Eric “ET” Thomas, and John Morgan as they take audiences on an unforgettable journey of growth and transformation.

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Show Notes:
Gary Vaynerchuk
Do your research. “If you became an operator of contemporary marketing for your business, you’d start the process of changing your perspective on how you navigate your business. This is important to everyone because of the advent of blockchain. Most people have heard of blockchain, bitcoin, and NFTs, but not a lot of people have taken the time to actually understand them.”
Choose wisely. “We are very good at having opinions based on our own financial self interests — and lawyers in particular have a very important choice to make. They are in an industry that is going to be massively affected by the blockchain. Are they going to use this as a chance to fully understand it and be able to work with it? Or get phased out?”
Switch it up. “Over the years, I’ve had dozens of emails from lawyers, contractors, and even a cement provider telling me that they managed to land huge contracts just from doing TikToks.
It may feel farfetched, but it’s a reality. I truly believe that putting out daily TikTok content will bring you more success than the stuff you’re doing now will.”
Chris Voss
Teaching an old dog new tricks. “These days, we’re so into emotional intelligence in hostage negotiation. That gets us into brain science, and you get to figure things out such as creating new neurons and synaptic connections. I’ve got a project that I’m working on myself called ‘Project 120,’ which means I’m trying to live to be 120 years old. I’m constantly building my brain to make it stronger and make it last longer. In creating new synaptic connections, I’ve had to do really awkward things. It makes you wonder how many more times you’ll have to do that before you can actually build a new habit.”
Make or break. “Creating a habit takes about three weeks, and you’ve got to do the habit 63 to 64 times repetitively if you want to make it stick — but you’ve got to do them right, which is why you’ve got to start out going slowly and methodically so you can get a better grasp of this new thing you’re trying.”
Cy Wakeman
Take a chill pill. “As a leader, when people come in hot, you stay cool. Don’t match their urgency or frequency. You’ve got to stay calm, cool, and collected. Ask them to take a deep breath. Try to get the sympathetic nervous system reset. When they’re in a better place, ask them, ‘If you were great right now, what would great look like?’ I guarantee you everything will change.”
Lead with purpose. “More people emerge from traumatic events with post-traumatic growth rather than post-traumatic stress — but it depends on the leader. A great leader helps their team members grow from bad experiences so that they can walk through the future.”
Lights on. “You have an invisible lightswitch on your forehead that’s always switched up or down. It can’t be two things at once. That toggle switch for me is my superpower as a leader because I can tell when it’s toggled down in low self, or toggled up in high self. When you’re in low self, you see the world through ego. When you’re in high self, you’re using your intelligence.”
Hal Elrod
The Five Minute Rule. “I live my life by the Five Minute Rule: It’s okay to be negative when things go wrong, but not for more than five minutes. After those five minutes, you say three powerful words: ‘Can’t change it.’ My manager at one of my old jobs taught me that. Every single negative emotion that we have ever experienced in our lives, from stress to anxiety to fear, has been self-created and is completely optional.”
Grant me the serenity. “Once you accept the things you can’t change, you create emotional neutrality. It’s a neutral, emotional state through the power of acceptance. You’re at peace. You might not be happy. That terrible thing did happen. When I was in my car accident, I wasn’t happy about it, but happiness is an emotion and it’s fleeting.”
Eric Thomas
Do it for your people. “Every Monday, we don’t feel like getting up. Every Tuesday, we don’t want to wake up. Every Wednesday, we don’t feel like getting dressed and going out. When you think about the intrinsic value — when you think about the people you love and you think about how their lives will be richer and more enhanced based on what we do — it makes you get up and go.”
Go all-in. “Whatever you’re trying to do with your life, don’t do it to get a certain position or title. Do it and give 120 percent. It doesn’t matter what they pay. It doesn’t matter the title you get. It doesn’t matter. Be the best version of whatever you’re doing, and put in the work.”
Humans are incredible. “We invest whatever it takes. We invest in resources. We invest in technology. We invest in software. We invest in lights. We invest in human resources. We do whatever it takes. We do not stop as American citizens. We do not give up. We do not quit. We do not surrender. We do whatever it takes to get the job done.”
John Morgan
CEOs in the making. “I’ve always been fascinated with paperboys. They’re 10 or 11 years old, and they’re tied to this job every day. Rain, sleet, snow, grouchy customers, bad customers — they do it every single day. I believe those paperboys are lions. Warren Buffett was a paperboy. Oprah Winfrey was a papergirl. When I meet people, especially my age, I ask them if they were a paperboy or a papergirl. And when they tell me they were, it’s like my own little Myers-Briggs personality test. I know who I’m dealing with.”
Work hard, play hard. “Some mules can plow all day long, and some mules don’t do anything. The secret to success is not brains; it’s the willingness to work. Everybody that I know who is very successful has been a hard worker. When I look around my firm or around the offices in America, the most successful people are the people working on the weekends. The common denominator: the most successful people in my life have been the hardest working.”
Oprah Winfrey
Warren Buffet
Olive Garden
Multiple Sclerosis
You Owe You by Eric Thomas
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