EPISODE 74 — Paul Faust — No Zero Days
Paul Faust is the king of custom phone numbers, but he’s not just that. He’s a catalyst in the legal industry, connecting attorneys nationally, giving counsel to newcomers, and sharing a wealth of materials. Whether you work with him or not, nothing makes Paul happier than finding a way to help you out.
In this episode, enjoy lively conversation and answers to questions like:
- How do you network best at conferences?
- Why does Paul think voice communication is never going away?
- What is a “no zero” day?
- How can being a part of your community distinguish your practice?
- How did Paul end up playing a character on The Office?

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Show Notes:
3:44 – You don’t need to be in control. “Don’t worry about having a perfect plan. Get on the battlefield. Get in the game. Do something and talk to everybody because you have no idea where your life is going to take you.”
9:59 – Invest in people. “If you want to be short-term and make a couple bucks, yeah, go hustle everybody. If you are a resource in the industry, people know they can call you for anything, it doesn’t matter what. I’ve told a thousand lawyers, I’ll sign a contract right now that says you’ll never buy anything from me. Call me tomorrow and I’ll help you out. At the end of the day, it will come around.”
14:16 – Known today. Needed tomorrow. “For lawyers, you’re not driving around the streets looking for somebody in an accident. I like to say, ‘before the point of impact.’ People should know you in their community long before they’re in an accident. And, that means sponsoring the kid’s softball team and doing all of those things not directly related to being a lawyer. At the end of the day, who are you as a person?”
15:18 – Every industry has insights. “That’s how I built my business. I’m out in different circles. I’m meeting new people. If your ears are open, you hear of different opportunities. Get outside your industry. Go to a conference that has nothing to do with lawyers and you’re going to learn different tricks.”
16:55 – Be the writer. “I didn’t read the book that said, ‘you have to go to your office and sit at your desk nine hours a day and do the same thing all day.’ I never read that book. I don’t understand that book. People do it, but I’m like this, ‘this will be cool, I’ll try this.’”
29:40 – Make yourself useful. “At the end of the day, somebody just wants to be taken care of. They want someone that can help them. Be the guy that can help them when they don’t need you. That’s what I’ve done. I’m the guy you can call when you don’t need me. So, when you do need me, I’m absolutely the guy you’re going to call.”
32:25 – Bring everyone along. “If every one of my friends could be billionaires, my heart would explode. It makes me happy watching others succeed. I just think it’s a different approach than ‘me, me, me,’ and ‘I have to be the best and this, that and the other.’ I’m just being a different best.”
34:45 – “No zero” days. “A ‘no zero’ day doesn’t mean write a book or give a TED Talk. It can mean take a walk with your daughter. It can mean help somebody. It can mean learning something new. We’re only given one go-around. I don’t want to have a zero day.”
39:05 – All eyes on you. “Everybody is watching you whether you think they are or not. So, carry yourself, all the time, the way you want to be seen because people are watching. They notice. If you’re a lawyer running your practice and you’re the guy walking out to play golf and yelling at them to work. They notice. But if you’re the one doing charity and helping, they notice that too.”
51:33 – Yes, you can make the time. “It’s hard to step away and let somebody else run the intake, somebody else run the marketing, and somebody else pays the office bills. Go be the face of the firm. Go be the lawyer. Get a team around you and free yourself up to be what you’re great at.”
1:01:25 – What does being a game changer mean to you? “Be game changing by changing the game. Don’t just play the game. If you see an opportunity to play it your way, that’s what gets you noticed.”
If you’re ready to start making the connections that will build your future, make sure you get your ticket to the Crisp Game Changers Summit 3! Enter promo code PODCAST and get 20% off your spot!
Jesse Itzler | Build Your Life Resume
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